Thanks for your fast reply. I will give that a try. Do you have any other tweaks in the.cfg? Do you fly with unlimited frames? And, sorry I'm not a big technician, what has do be done to make ASN use the free core?
I know, a lot of questions ;-)
Running P3D with an i7 2600K OC @ 4.2 and an GTX 970. What is your recommendation for this system? HT on or off? AM yes or no and if yes what setting?
Thanks for your help,
Maybe worth a try ... as I had the same issues. Take a look in your Nvidia settings. I dont know why, but I had "Texture filtering negative lod bias" set to "clamp" and "Texture filtering quality" set to "performance" and this caused blurries for me.
After setting back to "allow" and "quality" blurries where gone. Well, just an idea.