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  1. NZRO Rotorua RNAV approach runway 36 is EPIC with last minute turn guided with lights on the ground and local weather (light rain)
  2. Unfortunately very far from the quality of the scene crafted by Jarrad Marshall back then
  3. i have just tried, it's clearly better, love this scene by iniscene. even better now
  4. Ah ah , will try this week-end ! This needs to be fixed for sure
  5. I would like to gather in this topic all known or suspected new TOP NOTCH destination airports comming from top tier dev in the first semester of 2023. Flightbeam, FlyTampa, Aerosoft, scenicroutes (just discovered LJLJ wow !), Pyreegue, Digital Design, Gaya, WFSS, iniScenes, etc (so many this days) 🙂
  6. Great tool : simple to use, great interface, great features. Love it so far.
  7. No update in the market place should i try to remove and reinstall?
  8. Thank you for the feedback; I'll wait the update on the market place 🙂
  9. Hello AI i'm not using any specific equipment. I can't move the mixture lever with the mouse or with my assigned mixture buttons on my thrusmaster hotas warthog. Both solutions (mouse or assigned buttons) works with every other plane i have. Hope it could help.
  10. I just bought the plane on MS MARKETPLACE and I have exactly the same issue. Mixture controls are stuck to cut off. same issue on all variants of the plane can't fly it at all (i'm on PC)
  11. Hello thanks for the quick comparison What the purpose "Display Multithreading" checkboxs does? no clear to me.
  12. Hi folks, i am not able to trigger the cinematographer mode with Shift + F5. i tried with another key assignment, it does not do anything. ANy idea? Thanks.
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