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Joe Flyer2

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About Joe Flyer2

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  1. I just wanted to give closure to anyone who runs into this thread. I suppose mr340's request went through! http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/files/file/2686-airbus-a320-iae-jetblue-n615jb/ - Joe N.
  2. Is the Flight Toolkit website down? I keep checking and it says "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable." It has been like this for a number of days, now. I know HTTP Error 503 can be caused by a variety of reasons, but are you down for maintenance? Domain issue? I've tried multiple ways of access, only to be greeted with Error 503 across 2 computers and 3 Internet connections. Anything? Thanks.
  3. I still play MS Flight every now and then! No crime in that!
  4. And here is more from the family: http://gregconnellairshows.com/2016/05/from-the-family-of-greg-connell/
  5. Wow! It will certainly take time, but it is a step forward towards a cleaner future!
  6. +CG_Justin I am sorry to hear that. But yes, they do what they love. I envy that. +HighBypass Yes, I noticed that. At the top of the half loop-type stunt, you can see the aircraft hesitate for just the slightest moment, and then he proceeds downward. It twitches a little, and then suddenly banks to the sharp right, but I think Greg immediately tried correcting it back to the left, which is also evident. But by then, I believe something was terribly wrong, and he could not pull out of it in time. I really hope the NTSB figures out the real cause of the accident. I hope they do not come to a cheap conclusion like "pilot error", because the video disputes that. And Greg, after all of this time, would not just 'error' on a stunt like that. It seems like some control surface failure or something, but I didn't see anything fly off of the plane. The Wolfpitts was gorgeous, and Greg was awesome. It's too bad things came to this. Joe N.
  7. Best of luck, Phil! My prayers go out.
  8. I want to start by saying that a someone very inspirational to me has died. I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. Just so you have an idea of who he was... - http://gregconnellairshows.com/meet-the-pilot/ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MiwKe11jpM The funny thing is I barely knew him personally. I met him first at the Greenwood Lake Airshow in 2014, then again at the airshow in 2015. He was an act I particularly remembered, along with Gary Ward. They often performed together as a duet... Greg in his Wolfpitts Biplane, and Gary in his MX2 Monoplane. Greg was one of the most amazing pilots I had ever seen. But on May 14, 2016, at Peachtree Airport in Georgia, everything he had done in life... all he accomplished, all the crowds he pleased... it just came to an end. Performing a stunt with his mentor, Gary Ward, a stunt likely done many, many times over, something just did not go quite according to plan. Greg crashed, being killed by the impact. I recall staying up late on May 14 because of an FSX landing competition, and I was looking through news articles, when I saw news that there had been an accident at PDK airport. I browsed about it on the internet. When I saw "... pilot identified as Greg Connell", I swear my heart dropped. I put my hands to my head and said no, no, no, no. I don't know about anyone else, but he was one of my greatest idols, personally. Now that he is gone, I am left so stunned and confused as to why something so bad would happen to such a great person. I am hoping Gary Ward continues to perform Airshows. He is also one of my favorite. I am also left just staring at Greg's autograph I got from him ("To Joe"), and the picture of the Wolfpitts my father and I had taken. All I can say now is Rest In Peace, Greg. Fly free. I really miss you and hope you put on a show for the angels. I know you will.
  9. +HughesMDflyer4 Looking at the wonderful .gif you made, I noticed that (while I agree the lighting in DTG Flight school seems exaggerated) the scenery in DTG's simulator looks a lot crisper in terms of resolution. The ground looks much less blurry all around, which is promising. :wink:
  10. Tonight's the night! Astronaut Scott Kelly and cosmonauts Mikhail Kornienko and Sergey Volkov are returning to Earth from the International Space Station, Scott and Mikhail of which have spent the last 340 days up there! See the live coverage at NASA's website: https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html#public ---------- Important scheduling: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/march-1-4-tv-coverage-of-astronaut-scott-kellys-return-after-yearinspace ---------- Some more fun facts: - https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/news/top_ten_1YM - http://www.howmanypeopleareinspacerightnow.com Let's wish them a safe flight home.
  11. Really quick question to staff: Okay, I know neither of the DTG Flight sims have been released, but would it be appropriate to sort of prematurely start a DTG Flight Simulator forum? I'm not sure whether you usually choose to start the forum when/after products are released, but I just figured that since there are multiple DTG sim threads on Hanger chat, maybe a new DTG forum would reduce clutter on Hanger Chat. Really just a suggestion. Let me know what you think.
  12. Hi all, As an aspiring pilot, I am truly curious about where many of you have come from on your treks to through aviation. Take it as an interview, of sorts. What is your past in aviation? How did you get here? Which, if any, colleges/universities did you attend? Did you originally plan to have anything to do with aviation? I have recently been looking into universities that offer aerospace engineering programs; I am near certain that I want my career to pertain to aerospace engineering. Speaking of which... are there any astronautical engineers out there in the AVSIMosphere? If you have a PPL, where did you go to get it? Were you always certain you wanted a pilots' license? Is flight simulation just a pastime amongst unrelated professions, or are you a full-blown aviation expert (or somewhere in between!)? Full-time pilot? The most important one for me... what brought you to aviation? Did you have relatives who were involved, or was it a self-discovery? I have a story of my own if you'd like to hear it.
  13. Wow! It reminds me of the "Rocket Launch Air Cover" mission in FSX!
  14. Well, as I got back into school this year there was certainly a bigger lull in the amount of flight simulation I was able to do. Now, don't kill me, but I've owned X-Plane 10 Global for a while. However, it wasn't until I built a PC a month and a half ago that I really started using X-Plane 10, because my prior hardware, while quite decent in some respects, was not fully capable of masterfully running X-Plane 10. With that, I run X-Plane 10 on pretty high settings with HDR and what not, and I have been all around quite pleased with the flight model, autogen scenery, and continuous support of the sim. However, XP10 is certainly lacking in a few things that FSX does not lack (of which I will not go into). With that, I wanted to install FSX on my computer. I'm surprised I have not ripped my hair out yet (okay, for an explanation on that, just read this: http://www.avsim.com/topic/483598-games-for-windows-marketplace-fsx-and-me/) So, right now, the SDK is probably the least of my worries. But I really appreciate Jim Young's answers (and patience!). Once FSX is actually fully functional again, I will deal with the SDK. But what with school and everything right now, I'll have to wait a few days more. Joe.
  15. I already like you. :wink: Some really great things I'm hearing on this thread! By the way, the studio team sounds like a great group of people. I am still left with a few lingering thoughts, however, back on the simulator topic: - I recall you mentioned that third-party developers were also taking part in some aspects of the new sim? If so, which developers? Are they new or would the community be familiar with them? (or are you obligated to not say?) - Complexity. I know you've discussed an amount about user accessibility and a refurbished UI (which I am pleased to hear about), but in terms of literal aircraft functionality in the later simulator (not Flight School), what aircraft would be expected (general aviation like in Flight School, or also "heavy metal" and fighter jets)? And an important follow up: if commercial aircraft are incorporated, to what extent would they be functional? In other words, will there be some aircraft that approach the complexity of, say, PMDG or Aerosoft aircraft (which is why I assume, along with the studio team, third-party developers are helping), or will default aircraft have a similar functionality as that of a default FSX 737-800? Well, then again, this brings up the whole topic of user accessibility and not forcing them to "study the aircraft operations for 6 weeks" (myself guilty!). Thanks again, and sorry for badgering you with questions! Best regards, Joe.
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