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About Dougal

  • Rank
    Member - 3,000+
  • Birthday 06/02/1961

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  • Location
    Wiltshire UK
  • Interests
    Sailing, Motorcycles, Aviation (real and sim)

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  • About Me
    I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you;-)

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  1. Looking forward to getting back home in a few weeks, and maybe upgrading my elderly FS hardware if I can afford it. Its been a looooong hard slog to recovery, leaving some permanent reduction in motor & sensory function but hey, I'm alive while so many friends are not! My surgery was controversial and filmed for UK & possibly French TV. Will post an amazing and gruesome link when available;-)
  2. About 6 weeks on from last opp and had final MRI and CT scans this week, after swelling finally reduced enough. Doc said, and I quote... "Looks like we probably managed to remove the whole obnoxious mass this time". Although he was optimistic last time too, and I really don't like the word "probably", it does sound and feel very promising indeed:-) I'm a long way from recovERED, still suffering pain that's driving me nuts, and still have some odd motor function issues, but I am recoverING, and would like to thank each and every one of you, for your words, your wishes and your prayers. They all meant a great deal, and touched my heart. Seems they ALSO touched my brain it seems;-)))) Still be a month or two at least b4 any simming. Typing this was hard enough;-) All in all though, things have gone FAR better than me and my family could EVER have hoped for! Thanks again guys n gals!!!!
  3. down but still not out.........;-) The boogers are still tryin to kill me but aint managed yet..
  4. Hi Stephen Something of a relapse yesterday, but doing better today thanks. Recovery is going to be a long haul flight this time:-(
  5. Doing better but reduced motor function in legs Doc says better than he could have hoped for. Mmmmmm......
  6. awake tho. thanx all....
  7. Oliver, I'm currently in hospital with major surgery tomorrow, but all things being well, I'm more than willing to help after a rather enforced FS break:-(
  8. It feels really sad and poignant posting about this here, as last time I had surgery for this, Tom and I shared a private joke about which of us would be taking our final flight first. I was so sure back then that it would be me. Who was it said, that if you want to give god a laugh, then tell him your plans? I shall be thinking especially of that good man today & tomorrow. My op is scheduled for 1400 zulu tomorrow (Tuesday 17th May) 'By strength and guile' free wifi in here;-)
  9. Hey guys I have to take a very long break from FS. Well, a long break from pretty much everything really. It seems my tumour has re immerged, and I’m going in for emergency brain surgery yet again. There can’t be that much of it left for **** sake. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it. That’s twice now they’ve said it’s no longer operable, and twice they’ve changed their minds;-) Mmmmmm….. This all started after our middle eastern friends left me with a tiny piece of shrapnel just behind the ear, but as ever, good old HM services won’t have it that way, as the docs can’t state categorically that’s what started it. OK, off my soap box;-) Going in later today, so my account may appear inactive for a good few months, but I am err….. hoping to return;-) If last time is anything to go by, I’ll have wifi in the hospital;-) I wonder what wonderful sales and releases I’ll miss over the next few months. I hope to return to find at least a stunning DC3, DC6, B747 ….etc ;-) TTFN guys n gals
  10. FSRecorder allows MUCH more than simply recording 'a' flight. The version foir FSX (doesn't work in P3D) will play each recorded flight as AI, allowing for fantastic formation flight.
  11. Nothing to do with FSPassenger. FSRecorder ;-)
  12. Please, please, PLEASE will some kind soul write an app like FSRecorder that works 'correctly' with P3D. I for one am willing to pay well over the odds for such an app!
  13. Oh grow up! There's a LOT of personal stuff about me in my posts, and i'd now rather it wans't here. Enough for you? Please Jim, delete my account Thank you
  14. I've been here many years ans seen many changes, this being among the worse. Personally, i believe i'm owed an apology, but i'll not hold my breath;-) I'll just quietly drift away to where the atmosphere is friendlier... Its been fun;-)
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