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About JSilva

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  1. If General Aviation, Steam Gauges because it feels natural to me. If Commercial Aircraft, depends on when it came in service. For the 757, I'd prefer the original cockpit (uses more analog gauges) over the retrofit cockpit (uses similar to the 737 NG, 747-400 and 777).
  2. I had a closer look at the survey website. On style of questions, there is only a "Drag and Drop ranking" for these kind of questions where you have to drag down and reorder what you prefer most. So, it is a limitation of the survey rather than a poor design choice by the person who made this survey.
  3. Thanks. Other than requesting "Use System Time" to look at the PC's UTC Time rather than local time and the UTC Time that is read is used by the sim's UTC Time, and hybrid measurements differ on the region flown (such as using inHg for Altimeters in America and use Meters for Altitude in Russia and China), that is everything for general settings. For Realism. In Flight School, there is an option called "Random Failures". I would like the option to change the frequency of random failures. In this order, something like Never (no failures), Very Common (one for every 4 hour of flight), Common (one for every 16 hours of flight), Uncommon (one for every 64 hours of flight), Rare (one for every 256 hours of flight), Very Rare (one for every 1024 hours of flight), or Extremely Rare (one for every 4096 hours of flight). Just something I'd like to see.
  4. There are a couple of settings that I'd like to see in DFS. One of them is more Anistrophic filtering such as 2x, 4x, 8x and 16x; Anti-Aliasing options such as MSAA 2x, 4x or 8x; and V-Sync options such as Off, On or 1/2. Usually used in FSX.cfg/FSc.cfg and/or Nvidia Inspector only. Another would be the LOD Radius. In FSX and Flight School, the max is 4.5 via Settings. This can be increased via FSX.cfg/FSc.cfg, usually to 6.5. Since DFS will be 64 bit, it is possible to increase the LOD even further. This might be just me but I would like the WideScreen setting to be automatic (and optional). Basically, if you set a resolution that is considered 4:3 (1600x1200, 1280x960) or 5:4 (1280x1024); WideScreen is disabled. If the resolution is considered 16:9 (1280x720, 1920x1080 or 2560x1440), 16:10 (1920x1200 or 1680x1050) or 21:9 (3440x1440); WideScreen is enabled. I still would like it to be optional. There are also a few things that may not be related to graphics but for general settings (not sure if it's allowed). One is maybe "Use System Time" uses the UTC time of your PC with the UTC time of DFS. In FSX, this was set as local time (at default, it starts at Friday airport, in the PST/PDT timezone). Finally (another general setting), I would like to see measurements to have Hybid retrified. By that, I mean settings are determined by region you fly at. Hybid is alright if flying in Europe but in the States, measurements are commonly imperial, especially in Altimeters where inHg is used over hPa, as well as countries like China and Russia where everything is metric, even altitude is in meters rather than feet. Like everyone else, I would like an Advanced tab for the more complex settings.
  5. Martin just posted the question in FSDeveloper. It's currently pinned in their forums. http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/what-do-you-want-from-an-sdk-in-dtg-flight-simulator-official-discussion.437797/
  6. Actually there are still two. I checked. I remember Dovetail mentioning Western Europe being updated and added that all of North America will get updated in the main Flight Simulator.
  7. Night Shots are posted. https://www.facebook.com/dtgflightschool/posts/624688884374628
  8. New screenshots available. https://www.facebook.com/dtgflightschool/posts/624688181041365
  9. I have noticed the Compass has changed. Back in the EGX event in London, I saw the FSX-styled Compass. Actually, the road traffic is on. If you look at the motorway, you can see some road traffic.
  10. http://steamcommunity.com/games/dovetailgamesflightschool/announcements/detail/896590187165973021
  11. Maybe its because the mission is 11:40AM in clear weather that I enjoyed it without cloud shadows.
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