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About N1G

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  1. I am loving it too, but has anyone been able to get either xp 3d airports in view, or a 3rd party addon airport to blend with the ortho? Bob
  2. Everyone wants a good looking girl friend, and most also want someone with brains too! Bob
  3. You know somethings up when a add-on Aircraft shows you all the images of the cabin and outside first and the last image shown is the cockpit. I noticed this with the flysimware learjet Bob
  4. Ok, maybe I got it wrong with you. Maybe you should just wait a little bit. Calm down, take a deep breath and maybe wait till tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day. Bob OK, maybe a different softer approach. Add constructive criticism like this: "I think if the dev's had more time, they could put a little more detail into the coastlines. That IMO would really help the Norway scenery. Other that than that it's looking OK" Bob
  5. Somebody has had a bad day. I think sometimes we criticize sometimes when we are disappointed. Looking forward to something and then it's not what we expected. I did that a lot when I was younger. (-: Bob
  6. Any Idea when v11 will hit the streets?
  7. Jose, please let me know how your testing goes. I am really interested as I have the same processor you are using. OC'd to 4.5 Really interested in the results as I am running a 4 gig 760 and have been thinking about a new Video card. Bob
  8. I thought so. Thanks Ed Yep, still waiting. Now I am forced to vacuum the house. Bob
  9. Hi Bob, Now my personal machine I do backup and insure I get everything to the cloud. I keep all my addons on a portable drive, nice and organized. This is the first time I have had to reinstall the OS in 10 years. Anyway, thanks Bob for chiming in, I do appreciate it! Bob Hey Poppet, I have always stayed on the side of caution and was not going to do anything unless I got a definitive answer. I don't believe I have ever seen this question asked before, but then again the 5013 error will only arise when something major changes with your hardware, or when you did not uninstall P3D properly for whatever reason. Not sure if the uninstall is really true but it sounds logical. If P3D sees another install on a single license but did not see the uninstall, then this type of tracking by them is certainly possible for sure. Thanks Bob
  10. Hi Bob, Hi, yes I was aware of Backups but do not bother anymore as I have always thought that if my gaming machine HD ever goes bad, it will be a good thing to reinstall the OS as it becomes cluttered through the years. There is always something going on inside your OS that you are not aware of. Now that sounds like something from the twilight zone LOL! The reinstall is a snap and it gives me something to do. Do you know the answer to the question I asked? Any input? Bob
  11. Hi, I installed 3.3 when it first came out and had the error 5013 "No More Activation's remaining". P3D support fixed this and I was up and going. Now, this Last Thursday My HD crashed and I had to reinstall the OS and of course P3D. On Friday when I installed 3.3, I got the same 5013 message because it seems the something changed and of course and of course I was unable to properly uninstall. So one of those reasons have prevented me from launching. With that known, here comes the $1000 question. Since P3D has not been launched and scenery file index have not been built, and whatever else takes place on initial load, can I during this waiting period before P3D support can fix me again, can I install all of my addons even though P3D has not been launched initially? At least I can get something accomplished. Regards Bob
  12. LM fixed it. Installed and ready to go. Thanks Bob A2A Cherokee installed just fine. Have not test flown yet though. Bob
  13. Geez, just tried to activate after a full install and got the following error. NO REMAINING ACTIVATIONS(5013) Bob
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