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About Zigarten

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  1. OK, I did go to check to see if I had the latest(seems I do) but it already said "not available"
  2. There was a tool at one point that built the best settings, if I find the name I'll post, it's probably still floating around somewhere.
  3. Is this on Avsim and under what heading if anyone knows?
  4. I just recently upgraded to Steam Edition. It'll be 10 years before I go MSFS. Sick of paying more and more money on my existing stuff to make it compatible. The only issue was REX Sky Force, had to abandon that, the original REX textures work fine, just can't get my lakes to be blue from muddy, but the weather engine is too much for my little ol' overclocked i5. Impressed with Orbx & GSX updates still supported unconditionally.World Airports HD was a good buy as well. Change up the same boring airports scenery. Same for Air Hauler, Pete Dawson (thank god I've never had to ask a question, yikes!) both free updates. The trick is to avoid all pictures and videos of anything new, once you do that, you're doomed. And Steve too, free upgrades for going on what? 12 years now?
  5. Can't find anything in the manual about it. Sorry, Can't edit the tittle......... I'm referring to the Tobago installation files Thanks
  6. The install splash screen takes over, can't go back and grab it during the install process. Had to exit and start again. Just a funny thing. - Never mind - it prefilled. More coffee pls
  7. It costs more to download? .... hmm... I guess when you add shipping it becomes cheaper to d/l
  8. I think JF is playing hard and fast with their descriptions "NEW FSX/P3D AIRCRAFT FROM LIONHEART CREATIONS Lionheart Creations' Classic LJ24B" I'm going to assume it's now compatible with P3D, that's new, not the Lear release in 2014 for FSX. Or am I missing something.
  9. Thought I'd posted this already, weird. Check inbox - oops Nevermind!
  10. I can't believe that with all the users on this site the fund raising goal has not been met. Based on the value everyone has gotten from this for "free" I'm saddened that of the cheap skate mentality. Oh, this weather generating program is "free" with donation. Well, that's free then. Off to the pub I go. Come on, step up and support what you love. Or I'm sending Guido the killer pimp to the pub too.
  11. OK, thanks. So I go in, look at my account, realize I've bought Carenado's Seneca via Steam back in oct, and I just bought it last week for the my FSX boxed version! D'Oh!! :mad: I definitely need to start a catalog of everything I've bought.
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