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    I am a registered nurse (RN) in the United States. My home state in Arizona. I worked in psychiatry for 10 years and now progressive care medical. I have also worked in surgery before becoming a nurse. I have been flight simming since 2003. My other hobbies include, but not limited to, fly fishing, travel, motorcycles, reading, photo and video editing, scanning and amateur radio. I am a jack of all trades and master of none.

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  1. Ahh yes, under the airspeed white arrow (175), you can drop approach flaps and gear, then in the white line (135) you can extend full flaps. It is strange such a simple aircraft would prevent you from lowering the gear, but it does lol.
  2. The problem with the complete cloud-based sim design is it excludes those with slower connections or data caps. It makes sense to have visual data needed for photogrammetry, 3D object placement, weather injection, traffic and so forth to be streamed. However, with MSFS2020, you could fly "offline" and despite looking bad, it worked. You also don't eat tons of data or worry about internet slowing. With 2024 they're forcing you to exceed data caps in some places and suffer image loss due to poor speeds. Some folks have said they simply can't obtain internet needed to run such a sim, so how is that okay? Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. There was no reason to force a new sim onto a cloud-based system. Anyone who complains about disk space for exchange is foolish. You are forced to have an expensive computer, but you wanna complain about disk space when SSDs are not expensive? That is attainable to anyone who has access to the game, but good internet is not ubiquitous.
  3. That is pretty strange. I feel like MSFS is plagued with random bugs we never had before. Things just stop working or don't work correctly. I've seen a number of reports of people having aircraft just stop functioning and nothing fixes it, short of maybe a total reinstall.
  4. Manual extension is located behind the "co-pilot" seat, just behind the fuel selectors. It's a red lever. I can't seem to find much about it in the manual. Have you made sure the generators and all appropriate systems are functioning? Check the tablet for failures?
  5. I don't think it makes sense to not use SimBrief and Navigraph nowadays. The Fenix is designed to use SimBrief at the very least to import the plan, weights, fuel, and passenger count. You can enter everything from scratch, but that isn't normal or fun. My process is to pick the plan with the help of ForeFlight, FlightAware, and SimBrief. I usually find the route with ForeFlight, but refer to winds for departure and arrival to make sure the runways are more accurate. The US way to connecting STARs, SIDs, and runways is a lot more straight forward to me. I find Europe to be very confusing. They have plates with way-points that just put you all over the place. It helps a great deal to overlay the plate over your map in Navigraph or ForeFlight to see that it connects appropriately. Sometimes you will be given a runway that doesn't match the SID, so you have to change it and verify it visually. In the real world it's not uncommon to be given vectors off the STAR, so don't stress over the change while on approach. Simply use the direct-to function in the CDU or HDG to get you to the waypoint/area that makes most sense. After you import the flight plan into the CDU, go to the F-PLN page, press the departure airport and select departure. Then I start with the runway and work my way back to the STAR and any specific terminating waypoints. It usually connects the route, but some SIDs have a vector that require you fly and heading until a specific altitude before going direct. For those, it's a matter of pressing the DIR button and selecting the waypoint you want to head to. It'll put you back into LNAV and go there automatically. In the Boeing you have to activate LNAV or it'll just stay on the heading mode. For the arrival, select the airport LSK, select the runway you expect (look at weather/D-ATIS), then pick the STAR and transition. This often takes more looking at the plates on a map. When you scroll through the flight plan, you can delete any waypoints or blank discontinuities by pressing CLR then the left LSK that corresponds to line you want removed. Some instances will not allow a deletion, therefore you must use Direct-To when the moment comes to head somewhere else. Let's say I'm heading south towards KPHX on the BRUSR ONE arrival. https://skyvector.com/files/tpp/2412/pdf/00322BRUSR_C.PDF Hopefully by BRUSR I will hear the ATIS and have a runway I can select, in case it changed. In my example I will be heading to runway 26 and heading towards KUCOO. I expected runway 26/25s but the wind has changed and I'm given runway 8 instead. I'm already at BRIEZ. I will quickly go to the flight plan page, select the airport LSK for KPHX and select runway 8, then enter the BRUSR ONE STAR with appropriate waypoints. Then go to the DIR page and head direct to PGSKN, making sure to abide by the altitude constraints and recalculating the approach data in the EFB and CDU. Likely all you need to change is the barometer number on the approach page and check the EFB landing data. The plane will automatically enter the ILS frequency, course data, and handle a few things you would be required to change in the Boeing. Not having to change the course, ILS freq, and rotate a new baro is a huge time saver. When in doubt, like any other plane, use HDG mode, V/S, or other basic AP modes to go where you want. Once you learn the Bus it's so much easier and friendly to a pilot. You have an ECAM to tell you things you could forget in the Boeing, you have a lot less buttons to press or dials to manipulate during the flight. In some ways it makes it too easy, but if the weather is terrible or something else is taking your attention away, it makes the flight a lot better. And no, the Airbus doesn't call V1. There might be an option to add that in the real world, but I imagine they just expect the PNF to call V1, rotate, and other things we have heard in some Boeing aircraft. I feel like some add-ons that have this feature aren't very accurate anyhow. They call V1 too early, rotate too late, et cetera. Just watch the tape.
  6. The iFly needs some work on systems depth and other nuances found in the real plane, according to some real world pilots. However, normal A to B flights are great! The most standout part of the iFly to me are the flight dynamics. The hand flying is beyond remarkable. You can get onto final and remain stable with subtle changes to trim, then land with grace. A lot of add-ons are rather unstable on final and you struggle to maintain pitch. Subtle inputs to trim will result in a dramatic change to your angle, so you spend a lot of time chasing the glideslope. I really like the plane so far.
  7. It taxis just fine with rudders. Nothing changed on my end 🤷‍♂️
  8. I uninstalled the whole PMDG 700/800/900 off my system. It has become the worst add-on I've had in a long time. Each update just gets worse. The gear sound now plays abruptly, no build up to the wind. The gear sounds are screwed up big time. The tablet just spins on a black screen. The flight dynamics seem to be much worse now. The LNAV is still twitchy in a bank. I have never been happy with this plane in MSFS. It's either freezing panels, terrible flight dynamics, tablet problems. PMDG have talked about a "professional" product line, and that means nothing since MSFS is not an FAA certified sim, but they clearly no longer care about putting out top add-ons. There was a time PMDG dominated my hard drive and I knew they would be excellent aircraft.
  9. That's for the ADF switch, not WXR or POS. ADF/NDB has all but been phased out.
  10. I have only experienced a freeze once after a flight with GSX Pax into EDDF. I think it was just too much VRAM. It was post-runway exit so I didn't care. The Fenix has been at the top of the bar for me in terms of overall visuals and experience, sans flare/float on landing. The floating I get interferes with me too often that it has reduced my usage. I hope this is improved for the next update. Other than that, I have no bugs or issues with it.
  11. You don't really hear much in the way of engine sound in the 320. It is muted. I do feel like some users post videos with louder sounds, but perhaps they have their settings a little different. The 319 will be louder. The 321 will be more quiet and they say the NEOs are almost non-existent in cockpit volume. That's just how it is.
  12. I worked just fine until lately for me. The radar did not scan and disappear until recently. Last night I had no green show up once. Very weird.
  13. On the Black Square Duke last night and the iniBuilds A300, I am not seeing anything on the display. I flew right into a rain storm last night in the Duke, and never had any green?? Has something in the sim with updates changed? Thx all
  14. I got this bird on sale yesterday, and so far it's been good. I did have a failure upon loading today however. No battery function, no GPU power, nothing. It just had a handful of strange switches on and off but wouldn't reset. I had to restart the sim and it worked fine. I'm still figuring it out, but today's flight was perfect from takeoff to landing. I do wish I could sort the sounds, as the callouts, AP disconnect, and other system alerts are very quiet. I have tweaked the sound sliders many times. I don't even hear the engines much as you do in videos. Odd. And default ATC is silent for me too.
  15. In a way, yes. I don't think an add-on should omit a terrain map, considering nearly all add-ons from FS9 onward had terrain. I don't think omission of the weather radar is ideal, but I'm more willing to overlook that if the add-on is excellent (e.g., Fenix). I've seen a handful of performance complaints in the iniBuilds products, so I didn't think it was worth taking a dive when some features are missing. I bought it yesterday and have enjoyed it quite a bit so far though.
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