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About Orlaam

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  • About Me
    I am a registered nurse (RN) in the United States. My home state in Arizona. I worked in psychiatry for 10 years and now progressive care medical. I have also worked in surgery before becoming a nurse. I have been flight simming since 2003. My other hobbies include, but not limited to, fly fishing, travel, motorcycles, reading, photo and video editing, scanning and amateur radio. I am a jack of all trades and master of none.

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  1. I got this bird on sale yesterday, and so far it's been good. I did have a failure upon loading today however. No battery function, no GPU power, nothing. It just had a handful of strange switches on and off but wouldn't reset. I had to restart the sim and it worked fine. I'm still figuring it out, but today's flight was perfect from takeoff to landing. I do wish I could sort the sounds, as the callouts, AP disconnect, and other system alerts are very quiet. I have tweaked the sound sliders many times. I don't even hear the engines much as you do in videos. Odd. And default ATC is silent for me too.
  2. In a way, yes. I don't think an add-on should omit a terrain map, considering nearly all add-ons from FS9 onward had terrain. I don't think omission of the weather radar is ideal, but I'm more willing to overlook that if the add-on is excellent (e.g., Fenix). I've seen a handful of performance complaints in the iniBuilds products, so I didn't think it was worth taking a dive when some features are missing. I bought it yesterday and have enjoyed it quite a bit so far though.
  3. So we have Wx radar and terrain on the ND now? That was the only reason I didn't buy it.
  4. It's always been this way, lol. FSX/FS9 did the same thing. It's always a late alert too. "Traffic 12 o'clock, 2 miles, report them in sight" as you watch them pass over you.
  5. I don't much about the Beech Starship, but I am stoked for this. He's doing the lord's work with these add-ons. Between Fenix and Black Square, I don't have time for anything else!
  6. The cabin air system can fail, but I'm unsure if it'll detect temperature exceedance to trigger that failure. I just know the manual mentions AC and heat system failures.
  7. You have to pull out the white knobs below the copilot yoke (above the red pressurization handles). They're marked pressurization Air Temp pull to increase. Pull them all the way out, keep the heat to auto, temp dial 12 o'clock is fine. As you get back down to lower altitudes, you need to close them back up or they can melt the duct work.
  8. I had this the other night. I only have a handful of payware airports, some freeware airports, TDS GTN, Fenix A320, PMDG 737, A2A Comanche, Black Square planes, Hjet, and Navigraph. Other that WT enhancements, i do not use any other add-ons or enhancements or mods. I don't have FSUIPC or really even tinker with the default aircraft. The CJ4, Longitude, and Cessna are the only others I've flown. I simply ended the sim via task manager and restarted things. It was fine the second run.
  9. I've only flown a couple times in SU15 with the Duke, but the AP has performed just fine. What GPS are you using? I'm using the TDS GTNxi.
  10. I haven't really touched the PMDG for a few weeks. The last few flights were marred by freezes on final. I don't have time for that. This was on SU14, no beta or additional add-ons. Just FSLTL and Navigraph. It's a problem that seems to be tied to the AI traffic, from what I've seen. I will get a RA from TCAS and it'll freeze shortly thereafter. Between the ridiculous LNAV behavior, poor ground handling, and now freezes, it's a wonder I don't just uninstall it. It's gotta be the worst performing aircraft I use. All the Black Square, Fenix, HJet, A2A, and a couple defaults (Longitude, CJ4) fly so well and bring much more enjoyment, simply because I can complete a flight with minimal or no issue. At this point, you gotta be crazy to even want their 777. How can anyone be expecting a clean product when the 737 is dodgy? Even if the freezing didn't occur, the pathetic LNAV and ground handling kinda ruins the immersion. Those are basic aspects of an aircraft.
  11. How does one go about getting the black and white transponder panel? I've seen it in screenshots from Ryanbatc but it's just the green version it's always been with Black Square. Does it appear black and white with the WT GNS only?
  12. No, ice deflectors set to "on" position on ground or in icing conditions. It's essentially an inertial separator, like the TMB and King Air, you have to close them to prevent damage.
  13. Works just fine. I have no idea what happens with the VLOC button, I just select the ILS frequency after picking the approach in the PROC page. I never press the GPS/VLOC button. It's worked perfect for me on ILS or RNAV/LPV glidepaths down to minimums each time.
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