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About starstream707

  • Birthday 10/19/1958

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  1. Not sure about a UK version to this US site that would be good if had one, www.whatplane.com US airports/airlines/domestic routes only, sorry jeff
  2. Yeah, the landing page needs some help. I can use for big airports like KSFO and it shows KSFO drops the current weight in and flap options. Other destinations not main airports a lot of time will not show anything as you say. The weather bugs me as when you populate it, it gets the outside your airplane weather like -11 and winds at 45 knots when here at 110 just setting things up.
  3. Exposure to the Sasquatch!
  4. Good for you! I think we go through this every time anything new comes out. Have to have patience while the bugs get worked out, and they will enough make it a very nice sim experience.
  5. Gotta love it!
  6. I feel the same, I think it is a pretty good add-on. Love the old school and FE is a good thing they have.
  7. In real life the drop prior to the PAPI lights would have been a go around, the crew would have been deemed derelict in duty to continue that approach.
  8. Thanks, I was just looking 2 days ago if any update, thanks for the heads up!
  9. Very nice, I also like ATMOS.
  10. Still say never going to happen, the government will bail them out, they are too important for national security. Imagine not being able to produce airplanes in WWIII scenario or getting on airbus orders behind France and anyone else there before us. Not Gonna Happen, ever! Kodak, sure, when was the last time you needed a Kodak camera to pull out of your pocket and snap a pic? I mean technology put them out to pasture.
  11. Will never happen, Boeing to too important to US arms and billion dollar sales to the world, they will get it together sooner than not.
  12. That's some nice scenery, definitely a (huge) step up.
  13. looking good
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