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Bernard Ducret

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About Bernard Ducret

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  1. @Kaiii3 I am a bit confused when reading this thread because several users indicate they launch the AITC at the same time with MSFS, I thought that in order to have AI in sync with your location and the time of your flight, one needed to launch AITC ONLY after launching the flight in the MSFS planning window after we choose the airport of departure as well as the time of the flight, this is what I have been doing and it barely exceeds the time needed by MSFS to load my flight and get me in my cockpit (relatively fast) anyway (much less than 4 to 6 minutes as indicated by some), Can you please confirm whether or not this is correct, because obviously it would be easier to launch AITC with MSFS through Addon-Linker. Thanks for a great, great, AI addon, the best I ever had in any sim, splendid work!
  2. In my ORBx software downloader, I created all my structured libraries (same with Contrail) similar to what it is in my MSFS Addon library, so whenever there is an update, the product will be found automatically by the ORBx downloader and correctly updated. For other products such as PMDG, TDFi for example, you only need to make sure your relevant products are linked to the Community folder whenever you wish to update them, the downloaders will "see" them as if they were in the Community folder and will update them. I recently run the TDFi downloader for the latest update of their MD11 this way.
  3. Frank, I fully support your suggestions. I too fly from A to B today and B to C tomorrow, C to D after tomorrow, even though I may be flying an entirely different aircraft each day, I have done that for years and never thought of jumping outside this envelope, just a matter of coherence. Most of the time (95%), my destinations are known to me in real life, so flying there is like going back in time and greatly contributes to my immersion beyond flight simming. Great initiative, thanks!
  4. Perhaps I am intellectually challenged by Discord, but I fail to see the positive side vs a regular forum: News, a forum can do it, videos, discussions between users or with developers, even files hosting can be accommodated, so why try the answer to everything in such a chaotic way. I tried many times to give it a chance and find something of interest, as Bob said, it's probably there but where? A forum can be structured in an organised way, Discord is a monstrous mess.
  5. More modestly, if our personal approach was to actually participate and contribute our little share to reduce this world problem, we could indeed make a difference. Because we must remember that each country is made of ... individuals which we are part of!
  6. May I humbly suggest you are in the wrong thread Noel... The OP asked for a software that would help him to put some order in his addons. Evidently several simmers immediately replied Addon Linker is your answer, and indeed it is, I too won't use MSFS without AL. But since you have no problem sorting your few addons, you don't need anything at all for sure and nobody argues with you on this, kindly understand your absence of problem may not be the case of everyone and accept a useful (free) suggestion made to a fellow simmer who needs it. In short, if you want to clean up and keep track of your addons in your Community folder (OP's request), Addon Linker is the software of reference for MSFS (339'400 downloads), and will add a whooping 44 mb to your hard disk.
  7. N°1 slot in twin addons in my opinion (and I have a number of them including the recent Duke). It has been updated and improved several times since the initial release, the feel is right, the performance is excellent, the design is superb. If you're still on the fence, jump down and catch it!
  8. For the sake of an accurate record Terry, at least one did Jacqueline Cochran. She was married to Floyd Odium, and died at 74, obviously not in a F104 cockpit. So one of your assertions is correct! As to landing an F104, simply looking at the thickness of the wing - extrados vs intrados (razor shape), it shows that one cannot grease a landing without eating a good length of runway (hence the parachute) or be too slow on short final with the risk of stalling. So yes the OP is right as is Lars, "aircraft carrier" landing is better than butter.
  9. Is there a way to make ATC to speak at a normal operational (I mean faster) pace than you show in your various videos? Thanks to both for your dedication to this product.
  10. Len, you are being extremely liberal and that is your free opinion, however, given the reactions on the official MSFS site and here, it is obvious that a majority of users find this marketing approach shocking and thus unacceptable. We pay to buy MSFS, we pay to buy add-ons, we have every right to demand that our game remains free of ads, developers have plenty of options to promote their products outside the sim and, yes in my view, MS should forbid such aggressive marketing approaches, the Marketplace has a window for that in a prime spot each time we open the sim, retailers (Simmarket, Contrail, ORBx, JustFlight, etc) all of them have an interest in promoting new products and the space for that, even emails if one choose to receive them, Now to get inside the sim is another step too far and should be off limit..
  11. https://flightsim.to/file/73281/funchal-city-madeira-portugal https://flightsim.to/file/74402/canio-funchal-extension-est https://flightsim.to/file/74390/cmara-de-lobos-funchal-extension I lived in Madeira ten years and that work is fantastic! I wish he will go up to Calheta where my house was...
  12. From the product descriptions offered by Kevin (thanks by the way for your efforts) and the (beta) videos, VoxATC seems to be ticking most boxes for a complete ATC product covering: IFR and VFR, accuracy in ATC procedures and phraseology, correct ground instructions, AI traffic with AIG (freeware and arguably the best and most complete AI package available today), voice recognition (or keyboard in the future if I understand correctly), the only box remaining unticked is for the quality of the voices, it's a little bit like releasing a super duper detailed "study level" aircraft in MSFS with FS9 graphics... Some will say "No go for me", others "I don't mind the voices", or "buy yourself a set of voices", another might think aloud: "if the MSFS/Asobo team could take a careful and serious look at this product and talk to the VoxATC developers, they perhaps could see an opportunity for a superb and professional added value to their upcoming MSFS 2024, that would remove a big headache to Asobo still badly struggling with a half-backed ATC after four years. VoxATC could become the MSFS ATC gurus the same way WT are for avionics and INI for new default airplanes" Voices then, would be taken care of...!
  13. You are very far from the truth, AL allows you to categorize your addons (liveries/airplanes/sceneries by countries or regions/panels/AI traffic/Sea traffic/tools/assets, etc) so that you don't need to go through hundreds of files often identified in bizarre ways by their creators making them difficult to remember, all accumulated in one Community folder. You can also prepare, if you wish, presets of sceneries for example. Dependencies associate two or three addons when one is selected (for example OMDB airport and Dubai city, or one aircraft and a GPS addon). When updating addon files, you avoid searching where is the previous version is,AL has it all sorted for you. In short, Addon-Linker is the best way to organise your portfolio of addons and keep them up-to-date, regardless of whether - or not - it adds performance benefits of any kind. The initial work necessary to create your folder categorisation is paid back easily and speedily if you like to keep a tidy sim.
  14. So if I understand correctly, it will be limited (reduced) by Vox ATC and not reliant on the AIGTC user selected value?
  15. Thank you for this video Kevin, could you please clarify on this very AI point: by "its own AI" do you mean that Vox injects a "selection" of the AIG traffic or all of it? In other words, if we are at a busy airport, will the 100% of AIG traffic be injected or will it be adapted (reduced) by Vox to remain manageable?
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