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About WotanUK

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  1. Of course i agree with you both, i just wish there was something to do with my perfectly simulated aircraft. I bought the original KA-50 module from Russia before it was released in the west i have supported DCS since the very beginning, i have every module, yes even the terrible and now abandoned Hawk, i just wish Eagle would focus on implmenting things like better ATC or a Dynamic Campaign (my top priority) leave the Aircraft for the moment to other people; i would even pay for those type of addons just like the additional aircraft modules.
  2. Lord i wish they would finish a module before starting more. I really worry about the future of DCS, it seems the entire business model is predicated on selling more modules as quickly as possibly. I do very much like the sim, but i wish they would focus more on the core engine and improvements to the 'game' aspect. For me, even though (at the core) it's 20+ years old, Falcon 4 is more fun to spend time with. ...sigh...of course i'll buy the module though, some people (i.e. me) just don't learn!
  3. I'll be tuning in for tonight's reveal, i think this aircraft is sooooo close now i can almost hear Kenny Loggins. Day one purchase from me i won't even wait for the reviews.
  4. Superb post and very accurate. I love DCS i have owned it since the first Black Shark module i bought from Russia but progess is so slow; it's littered with half complete, eclectic modules of varying quality. In many ways it reminds me of the old Amiga flight sim Birds of Prey I want DCS to be my 'go to' military sim, but i find myself still returning to BMS.
  5. You have to earn it. Even 'Easy' mode won't give you enough money for the 747....ahem, you can edit the database (i.e. cheat) and give yourself enough money. The developer is talking about encrypting the database to stop people from doing this.
  6. I love this aircraft and it will be a day one purchase for me but... yikes that frame rate in the external shots, i hope that is just the recording software.
  7. I think Airhauler 2 is a good add on. As Alan explained to you, you don't have to start in 'Nomad' mode, you can start in the Easier mode and self limit yourself to a single aircraft if you so desire. If you head on over to the Air Hauler forum you will see that many people are asking for it to be made even harder in Nomad mode; in fact, personally i find it a little unrealistically easier. I edited the database (strictly not endorsed by the developer) to start in Nomad mode with a £250,000 loan, no starting cash at all. I then bought a second hand Pa25 from Brazil, it's been a lot of fun getting her back to the UK, I have very nearly paid the loan off and my reputation is in the high 30's. I think your comments on the missions are really pretty accurate, i have found them very poor, as you say, rare, not often in the correct direction and the pay is dreadful. My biggest complaint, is actually the developer. He is very resistant to suggestions and doesn't really want any customization. He has a particular idea on how to use the product and if you have a different idea, tough, he developed it. Some would argue that is his prerogative as the developer, but he isn't giving the product away for free, people are paying money for it. I incurred his wraith for daring to edit the database to fix a bug, he even threatened to start to encrypt it to stop people having fun with the product in their own way!
  8. It's pretty impressive, i imagine the licensing costs would be prohibitive for 3rd parties...for LM however. It's not foolproof, it pronounces wind w-in-d as win-d, i guess that's a problem of the English language though.
  9. Well...err "Uncle Adolph", interesting. It could be that they are looking for areas of future improvement, even if the first release is little more than DTG Flight School but with the map of FSX. I do think that DTG get a 'hard ride' on here, but being entirely honest i have been consistently underwhelmed by the train sim offering, i have no reason to doubt that it will be just the same with the Flight Sim side. You may be correct of course, but that is a rather dangerous strategy, without the long term interest it's very likely that the product will die quite quickly...see Flight. However i think that DTG will probably design a basic (quite probably indistinguishable from FSX) Sim and then release a metric tonne of..ahem...basic...quality DLC. But, it's entirely idle speculation on my part, i hope to be proven very wrong!
  10. Oh come on...let's be real; is it a terrible survey, yes; is it a disaster, lol - only on AVSim! I think it's good they are asking our opinion; even though i have my doubts that they will listen, or for that matter that we are the target audience.
  11. Tongue-in-check as i assume this is, i'll take a piece of that action. Hehe...do you fancy a little wager?
  12. This isn't just a "uneducated Indian" or otherwise problem. Let's not forget that plenty of (one assumes) English people collected there bags and were rightly criticised for it; during the evacuation of the BA 777 at Las Vegas. My belief is that it's a perception problem, the passengers know that there is a problem, but once the doors are open they believe that the problem is over, or at least the 30 seconds it takes to get there bags will not make there escape any more problematic. They don't factor in the other 300 people taking 30 seconds. I think the only way to fix this is to stop passengers taking carry on bags. You can only take what you can carry in your pockets. Only exceptions would be medical requirements.
  13. Yikes, that's a bit harsh Ray. These people are probably all in shock, i very much doubt they are thinking entirely rationally, they are also likely to be migrant workers, without all there documents it will probably not be easy to work in the UAE, they may face being sent home. If you or I left our passports and wallet on the plane it's a rather inconvenient trip to the UK embassy and phone call to friends, for these people it may well be no money and deported back to the country of origin. I remember falling off my bike in Prestbury (an affluent part of Cheshire), i had smashed my head against a tree, but i was still trying to ride my bike (badly damaged and without a seat) back home. Fortunately somebody pulled over and told me to stop and called an Ambulance. I eventually came to my senses in the back of the Ambulance. Shock does strange things to people.
  14. Originally, not sure if this is still the case; but it was made clear that ALL options had to be dragged over to complete the survey.
  15. Yes you are correct that is indeed what they said; but the whole Dovetail statement is an Oxymoron. Take the part "on making one which meets the needs and desires of simmers. Not one that that competes with any other sim." . That is almost certainly going to compete with current flight sims, how can it not? They could have left the part off about the "needs and desires of simmers" and you might have had a point. I'd be thinking perhaps a civilian version of HAWX. For me to purchase this sim it would have to offer something above and beyond X-Plane, P3D or DCS if it doesn't, i won't be buying. So even if (somehow) Dovetail don't think it's in competition with other Flight Sims, from my standpoint it absolutely is and i suspect i am not the only one.
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