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About betelgeuse

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  • Birthday June 20

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    JS Bach; Palestrina; PPL; cricket, rugby; Hungarian language; St Catherine of Siena.

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  1. Thanks to both. Best if LM did not include cloud reflections as a default setting when this might, or might not, work.
  2. Thanks. There's probably a privacy setting I overlooked.
  3. I'm running v5.3 without third party weather. This is the Orbx Sumburgh EGPB. https://www.imghost.net/ErDFhRMiatN4qyo For some reason the clouds appear in the sea, Is this LM's best effort at making cloud reflections? Or is it something to do with my graphics settings? I'd be grateful for advice.
  4. I probably made my scenery in FS2002 using the original AFCAD utility to create the apron, taxiways, parking spots etc. From the AFCAD Help file it seems that an AFCAD1 scenery will not show in FS2004. A later version of AFCAD (AFCAD2) was developed which, from memory, will work in both FS2002 and FS2004. I have asked for help at FSDeveloper, so best to sign off here in the meantime. Thanks a lot for your help and interest.
  5. Thanks, John. The .bgl file in question cannot be opened with ADE. I get an error message 'this file does not contain an airport. ADE will not load it.' AFCAD says similar, 'the selected .bgl is not in recognised AFD format.' There may be a 'lost' FS2002 AFD file somewhere on an old HDD and I will check for this. Re. Missing ramp. This is missing in all views.
  6. Yes, the default scenery reappears. It is there in my modified scenery .bgl file too. All I did was to add a GA terminal - which shows - and a ramp/apron which does not show! I get your idea about a missing texture and I will have a try at dissembling the modified scenery.bgl. Just how successful I will be remains to be seen.
  7. Thanks. You may well be right about the objects in the second screenshot being from FS2002. The airfield in question is the default PADQ. The mod I made was to add a small ficticious GA terminal adjacent to Rwy 11. That was done in Windows XP or W7, I do not remember which, but it ran okay in W7 complete with a concrete apron! In W10, for some reason, the concrete has disappeared. I do not want to remove anything. i want to keep the half dozen objects in the second screenshot. All I want to do is add an apron/ramp but I cannot do this using either ADE9 or AFCAD. There must be some other problem. The airfield consists of a .bgl file - the textures are all in the main texture folder.
  8. I am running FS9.1 in Windows 10 x64. I use Windows XP service pack 2 compatibility setting. The sim runs well with all the 3rd party stuff I've thrown at it. The screenshot shows the only one of my 'addon' sceneries which is called up under the Search Addon Scenery selector. https://web.tresorit.com/l/b7SPY#rbkAedRTtrZ6mhj9ZNks8A All my dozens of other Addon sceneries are called up by using Search Default Scenery. So this is one puzzle. Maybe related to it is this scenery from the above which contains several objects created by me using a program, the name of which I cannot remember. Possibly Sbuilder. https://web.tresorit.com/l/VbHN0#izaeXKqWSpKzhAMGIP9GfA The aircraft is sitting on grass instead of a concrete ramp or apron. I have tried creating a ramp using ADE9 and even AFCAD - but of concrete there is none! As it stands this scenery is no use to me. I'd be really grateful for any contractors out there who could help with concrete or gravel ramp construction.
  9. Great news! Please post a link to their English site. Thanks!
  10. I am glad to hear you got help, tonywob. I didn't. And I have all their sceneries for FS2004 and FSX. To access their English forum you have to know French. In 2017 there was a total of 7 threads in the English forum so either their sceneries are uniquely trouble-free, or more likely IMO, users don't know there is an English forum. Perhaps they will think again and make English translations of their webpages.
  11. They have never provided support in English. Yes, it's a French thing.
  12. Sounds like smoke and mirrors stuff to me, A32xx, but thanks all the same. I drove a couple of those 'Beetles' back in 1970s. Never could find a right hand drive version of Harald's with the split rear screen. Pricey jobs, even then. Then I married a wife and moved over to Citroen 2CVs which is a whole other story. Best regards!
  13. Thanks a bunch, A32xx. Now you've got to explain what's going on with that....slowly now, I'm an old timer. Speaking of which, Harald, love your vintage er...equipment. :wink:
  14. Thanks. Which AFCAD file to copy and paste? The stock airport or the Addon one? John
  15. The airport is UKLR, part of the freeware Ukraine06.zip available elsewhere and designed by Andrey Anta. The runway altitude according to ADE is 751ft. The airfield altitude shown in the default Cessna altimeter is 758.7ft. The entire airfield appears to be flat and the altitude on the Cessna at numerous points shows 758.7ft consistently. This includes the full length of the runway. I have tried flattens around the runway area at various altitudes, but I cannot get the correct runway texture to show. I'd be grateful for advice - it's a neat little scenery otherwise.
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