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About bbsmitz

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  1. 3090, so similar to you my CPU was the limiting factor in many cases, especially since I play in 2K resolution.
  2. So I did an A/B comparison between my old 5600x and the 5800x3d I upgraded to in another thread. Here's link to my post. But tl;dr is that I saw substantial improvement both quantitatively (20%+ fps) and qualitatively (feels smoother). In terms of bang for buck though it felt like a no brainer to me, as I got essentially a generational improvement in performance with a drop in CPU to replacement.
  3. Apparently there's a statute of limitations on post editing... so folks are gonna have to browse the thread after all. Sorry guys!
  4. Hi Folks, Does anyone know if there's a list of mods (high profile or not), that were removed from flightsim.to in response to the recent kerfuffle over the deletion policy? Anything deleted no longer shows up in the 'my downloads' section which isn't ideal if you're trying to keep stuff up to date to avoid various CTDs due to outdated mods. If you guys post what's been deleted (and perhaps where to find the continuing updates), I can edit this top level post to keep a running list (or maybe there's just a couple?). I know of at least a few... All the Savage Mods (Carbon, Grravel) are gone. I believe the most recent mods are available at https://www.got-friends.com/. Global AI Ship Traffic MSFS GAIST Ultra V3 is also gone. Can now be downloaded here - https://www.flightsim.com/files/file/209967-msfs-2020-global-ai-ship-traffic-gaist-ultra-v3/. Community Additions... "Chudamaru's Flow Pro Widget has also been deleted, and is available as a zip file on Discord. - Vision Jet Walkaround Widget" (Ricardo41)
  5. I posted a detailed breakdown in the other 5800x3d thread in hardware, but upgrading from a boosted and power limit raised 5600x, I still saw +25% or so performance gain going to the 5800x3d.
  6. Hi Folks, I finally caved and decided to go from a 5600x to the 5800x3d. Other specs in bio. I did a light A/B comparison at a few NY airports. Before: 5600x. PBO enabled in Bios: +200 MHz boost, -10 core optimizer all cores, Manual PBO Limits of 110/90/140 for PPT/TDC/EDC. Was air cooled using a Scythe Mugen 5 Rev. B Air cooler with a single 120mm fan. MX-4 paste. After: 5800x3d. PBO2 Tuner in Windows. -15 on cores 2 and 8, -30 the rest of the cores. No adjustment of default power limits (142/95/140). Cooled using Artic Liquid Freezer ii 280mm AIO w/ offset mounting. MX-4 paste. Resolution is 2k. My settings are mostly ultra, and I run TLOD/OLOD 300/400. I have a ton of addons including some global ones like we love VFR and ship traffic and a lot were enabled. 5600x: Asobo's Enhanced JFK Gate E7. No ground aircraft or AI traffic, calm weather, noon. Sitting in A310 cockpit cold/dark: ~40 fps. I flew using the Bonanza from Newark Runway 22R up the Hudson, across Manhattan, and landed at FeelThere's KLGA, Runway 13. Ground aircraft were at 50, but still no AI traffic. Takeoff: ~35fps +/- a few. Cruise: High 40's-50fps. Landing: 34-36 fps. With some fairly significant stutters early on in the approach as the airport loaded in. 5800x3d: JFK Gate E7. ~50fps. (+25%) Newark--> KLGA Takeoff: 45-50fps. (+28-40%). Cruise: 60-70fps. (+20-40%). Was often GPU limited. Landing: 45-50fps. (+28-40%). Still some stutters as the airport loaded in, but much less significant. Qualitatively, it seemed smoother, but haven't flown much so can't speak definitively on that. However, if you're main thread limited, and MSFS is a primary use case for you, this seems like a no brainer if you'd like to milk some more time out of your AM4 platform without having to shell out for a new MB/RAM/Processor. I got mine for $329 on sale at GameStop, and I imagine prices will be down at that level, if not lower, by the time the 7xxx series 3d models launch. And for those interested. Cinebench R23 results. Before: 1605 single, 11801 multi. After: 1492 single, 15241 multi. Cheers, -bbsmitz
  7. Anyone else having issues with constantly getting logged out?
  8. Folks, does anyone have the GFConfigSetup_2_28_0.zip file downloaded to their machines? I just bought a TQ6 second hand and realized belatedly that I need this to configure the throttle to work...
  9. Same boat. Usually I'll hit some stuttering on final. I'm also running TLOD 300 so I'm sure it'd be better if I made it less.
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