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  1. I've owned Xplane for awhile now and never gave it more than a passing install and then delete, but after seeing the above mentioned bird I'm seriously thinking about buying my first Xplane payware addon. Anybody here have it? Impressions?
  2. Hello,Osm2xp is a tool to import open street maps data (Buildings and Objects -Water towers, lighthouses etc) into XPlane.Osm2xp websiteOsm2xp ForumBen
  3. A sad thing about Open street map is that building coverage is very bad outside of Europe.But there are a few places with very good coverage, one being Boston.You can read a bit of info about how they collected the data here : http://www.mass.gov/mgis/lidarbuildingfp2d.htmand here's a map of the building coverage: http://www.mass.gov/mgis/lidarbuildingfp2d_av.jpgI added height information on some skyscrapers then generated the scenery, the result is far from perfect (red roofs textures are more suited to south of France than Boston), but it's plausible in its way :)
  4. (Figured I'd make this a new thread to make it easier for search engines to find it in the future. Skip to the last paragraph for the actual solution if you don't care about the commentary.)I've been struggling for about a week to set-up my joystick in X-Plane 10 so I could look around the virtual cockpit with the hatswitch. The problem is that hatswitches are actually axes on joystick hardware, but Windows has been fudging this for years, and the drivers report it as button presses. Linux, on the other hand, reports what it actually is, which is axes, and as far as X-Plane is concerned, there's no way to assign look commands to a hatswitch that reports as an axis. Austin is aware of this idiosyncrasy but has stubbornly refused to address it, and so Linux simmers are left on their own.I've tried several solutions like jhat and joy2key with little success since they're poorly documented command line programs. Then finally I stumbled on QJoyPad which provides an elegant and intuitive GUI interface and makes it a cinch to assign keyboard commands to joystick inputs. I was able to quickly and easily assign my hatswitch to Q, E, R, and F and finally, I can look around the VC using the hatswitch! It's a beautiful thing.
  5. [edit] whoops - sorry mods, thought I had clicked back into the scenery design froum. Please delete/move as necessary.. Just wondering - I currently use Instant Scenery for placing objects in FSX.Is there something roughly equivalent, either included or 3rd party, for XPX?thxAndrew
  6. I'm trying to maintain hope. Please keep my hopes alive! It's quite difficult to be a flight sim geek and NOT purchase a new product, but that is the position I find myself in right now.First impressions are always important, and I regretfully report that my first impressions of the XP10 demonstration, as well as the initial customer reports from the first shipping copies have me worried.I've made several posts here on AVSIM over the past few days about the scenery generation engine in XP10, so I'll try to be brief with my summary of concerns. The plausible world concept seems to work great in rural settings, but towns and cities are challenged. Urban areas look like large tracts of suburbia. Downtown centers are shadows of themselves. Neighborhoods have 8 story buildings in them. Bridges are a bit glitchy. Suburban areas are rife with roads to nowhere, roads isolated from any other, and housing developments look like something which only a SimCity player could enjoy. There seems to be no real rhyme or reason as to what is placed where, at least none that parallel reality.Phoenix, Arizona looks more like the Great Plains than it does the Sonoran desert. Even with 100% density settings in place, users get trees and parks on the docks of New York City, and neighborhood houses on the tip of Manhattan.Something is out of whack, and we need to restore sanity to the world we fly in!Development Roadmap...Is there a development/improvement roadmap in place to address the implausibility of the much-touted plausible world? I'm sorry if this rubs folks the wrong way, especially those who may have created this technology or scenery generation method, but as it stands today, things are just not realistic in the XP10 scenery world when you get "inside the beltway" and away from the mountains and farms. I'm curious if a marked effort will be made to improve this aspect of XP10, or if the system is working "as designed" and won't have much energy put towards it.Textures Perhaps?One of the things I recall reading from Austin Meyers was that scenery was to be built from the blades of grass upwards - unfortunately, in many urban areas, the only grass you find is in the cracks on the sidewalk. Are there any capabilities or plans to somehow texture or better re-create the urban/town environments? Meyers said that we would never see the roof of a building flat on the ground, but these types of scenery elements are often times needed to give the region you are flying in a sense of realism. Short of plastering the ground with 100% building coverage (*to the considerable performance impact), there needs to be some way to fill in the gaps and give cities and large towns their due.Tools and Customer ParticipationHow does XP10 know what class of object to place along the roadways of the XP10 world? Is there an underlying class map which can be edited? If so, are there any tools available to the customer to better lay down the zones and regional delinations which would drive the plausible world's "building codes"?Another AVSIM user had the same thoughts as me in that intrepid customers could use a tool such as Google Earth to lay down some specific KML polygons to better define what is a light/medium/heavy residential area, versus a light/medium/heavy industrial area, versus a light/medium/heavy commercial area...etc. etc. The Plausibility Engine (*sounds like something out of a Douglas Adams novel) could refer to these maps to know if it should lay down houses, apartment buildings, strip malls or office buildings, warehouses or factories. It would give hints to the "Plausibility Engine" as to what it should should be showing up above ground.I understand that WED is a tool which can help accentuate airports and other spot objects, but is there a tool to help improve a the bigger picture?The Unknown...As someone with very limited X-Plane experience, I don't know how the point releases and improvements are made as time goes forward, but I am hoping that the development team doesn't rest too long on the laurels of a newly shipping product. As a flight simulator hobbiest and enthusiast, I have found several things within the XP10 demonstration which are very appealing to me, but because I am a visual person when flying in sims, all the good things are held hostage by the scenery generation engine. I don't know if I am barking up the wrong tree, or if the issues I have noted are already being worked on.I apologise for my candor with this situation, as I am sure the plausible world concept was not something easily programmed. I'm hoping that something constructive can come from it and the system can be improved to a point where cities become more believable in their default state in XP10, without having to rely too heavily on 3rd parties or paying customers to re-work the landscape.-Greg
  7. hey guys Ive started my world tour yesterday and decided to share the world tour with you guys:) ill keep you updated and post some screenies once i figure out how :/?
  8. what are some must have freeware addons/scenery/texture freeware thats "must have"I know we all have diff opinions,but whats your opinions of some must have things for fs9 ?
  9. I'm new to Carenado. First things first, is there any kind of product activation required? That's a deal-breaker for me as I like to keep software for DECADES. Seems not to be the case from what I can tell but I want to be sure.That said, I'm looking at getting at least one version of a C-152 and C-172, as well as at least one or two other Cessnas, but am curious as to which sim to buy for. I use FSX by far the most, hands down, followed by FS9. I have X-Plane 9 as well, though I very rarely play it. But if one or more of the Cessnas are good enough in terms of graphics, and especially physics and flyability, then I'd be willing to give it a shot.
  10. http://www.technologetic.com/2011/12/x-plane-10-review/
  11. Since nobody else has said it yet.....The CRJ200 is being released! Looks great.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTVNZSy6cgE&feature=player_embedded
  12. Hello, A first try at xplane video recording, around Montpellier , France (LFMT).Photoreal terrain is made with G2xpl, buildings/forests/landmarks are generated from openStreetMap data with osm2xp.Aircraft is Saratoga by Carenado. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DSb4LN2jK8?hd=1 BenAnd here's part 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA4B8-O5dHQ?hd=1
  13. As ever, Tom communicates most clearly and enthusiastically in this interview, particularly about his work on xp10's scenery and happenings in the near future. some nice pictures here too.We hope you enjoyhttp://xplane10.wordpress.com/2011/11/04/developer-interview-tom-kyler-v2-0/Simon and Chip
  14. Around Lahr (Black Forest, Germany, EDTL) with the Mooney.Happy flying ! :(
  15. From Andernos les Bains (LFCD) to Mimizan (LFCZ) with a friend... :( Happy flying ! :(
  16. Just Launched: FSXDB.com's Multiplayer Server Hey all just launched my new FSXDB.com's Multiplayer Server... Uses state of the art DafSim v10 Multiplayer Solution! Use your favorite flight simulator all on same server. Supports These Flight Simulators FSX FS2004 FS2001 Prepared v2 and v1.x X-Plane v10 and v9 Join Now at: fsxdbserver.azurewebsites.net
  17. Hello everyone, I just see that Simheaven has closed the doors... :( I had downloaded some photosceneries from their website but I lack some... I prefer their sceneries in ZL17 than zone photo in ZL16. Maybe some of you have some photoscenries for France and Spain that can send to me. Or maybe you know other website where I can find some.... Thanks a lot Ludo
  18. :smile: I have to apologise if I touched on the elephant in the room regarding other current threads. There is such a sim called X-Plane which: 1) indeed incorporates a totally different and fairly modern engine 2) already makes use of your GPU and welcomes an upgrade 3) adding to #2, has no problem with using 4+ GB of your precious RAM since it's on 64bits for months now, stable 4) won't spoil the fun with 'commercial' limitations of any kind since this is a sim being offered for entertainment purposes in the first place, leading to a lets call it civil pricing and future I cannot say that it's bug free or that it offers the plethora of addons having arisen from the FS9-to-FSX-to-P3D adaptation but there is an active freeware and payware scene, although some names might be new to you. And, hey, even PMDG joined that club, so it cannot be that unprofitable from a market perspective. Other big (FSX) names, of course, are Aerosoft or Carenado. So if you wonder how your sim might progress and how really new purchases (as opposed to just buying a new licence for a plane you already 'owned') make sense, there's a contender you might have missed so far. There's a demo available and if you want to stick with it, you can either fire up STEAM or get a boxed version (which is cheaper, as it seems). So all preferred paths of purchase should be available.
  19. Name: X Plane10 Sky Dancing Category: XP Aircraft Date Added: 10 March 2015 - 06:53 PM Submitter: Redpiper1 Short Description: Just a montage I mad of several aircraft Sort of a redux. I had to delete the last video due to an audio glitch issue. I wanted to change the song anyway so I added a couple new clips. Thanks for watching and a like is always appreciated. Please remember to watch in 1080 and if you enjoy why not hit the subscribe button for more content. Thanks again and have fun ! Sub to my youtube right here :-) https://www.youtube.com/user/redpiper1 Please check out my facebook page if you get a chance :-) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Redpiper1-HD-Simulation-Aviation/416477861775905 View Video
  20. Just uploaded version 1.3 of Pilot to ATC. Some of the new features are AI Traffic alerts AI Ground and Airborne Traffic display on maps Enhanced VFR Flight Experience Pilot selection of Runways More accurate Grammar Helper and Practice Recognizer And, of course, some bug fixes If you downloaded the preview, please download the 1.3 Update as it fixes some minor bugs that were in the preview. Also, the documentation available on the download page has been updated. Enjoy, Dave
  21. Hello everyone! Welcome to the Pilot2ATC Users Forum, a place for us to provide announcements, information and support to you about Pilot2ATC and for you to post suggestions, ask questions and provide tips and techniques for getting the most out of Pilot2ATC. Thanks to all of you for your enthusiasm and support the last several weeks as we launched the product and your great ideas that let us continue to improve it. I look forward to lots of activity here on the AVSIM Pilot2ATC forum and great ideas for improving our product and your experience. Thanks, Dave
  22. Wow, Dan is just spitting them out one after the other. :lol:
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