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About CoolP

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    close to sane

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  1. Lots of news in this FSL post of course, but I think the FSX crowd in general and especially the ones currently lacking the nice Concorde X in FSX-SE will be happy about the progress. Late but very welcome! http://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/topic/6040-fslabs-products-a320-x-concorde-x-spotlights-a-long-update/
  2. Assuming you are on Windows: http://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Screenshot-in-Microsoft-Windows Next question will be how you can post it here, which could happen by attaching the pictures (perhaps crop+resize them first) or by uploading them to an image hosting service (most are free) and then posting the links here.
  3. And that's actually quite nice on air so please disregard my post raising the temp issue. It would not have affected fps anyway, unless your CPU would 'throttle' due overheating, which it does not at 65C. Did you post your render settings somewhere so that the folks could suggest small (and perhaps significant) changes to help a bit with fps? Since you are running good hardware already, not much will come out of investing hundreds of bucks to gain small percentages, so the settings seem like a viable and cheap path. Stating this because, once you run into CPU limitations, the solutions incorporating stronger GPUs don't help and the ones needing you to buy a new board, CPU and RAM don't yield as much when you are already running a somehow current 4670K. FloB's link showed that there are gains of course but only small ones in relation to the money invested. Long story short, settings screenshots might help. :smile:
  4. That's a nice overview indeed. Thanks for the link. They also state that Hyperthreading isn't necessarily helping the sim so the achievable clock rate, as you say, remains the primary target. If those are idle temps, they are a bit on the high side. Do you run a small case and/or cooler? Or is dust a problem? Edited: What do you get under load?
  5. Couldn't this be integrated with the RTH settings and menu? I mean, you are right, the 'artwork value' improves a lot with small changes.
  6. A small update after trying it. Leaving the battery drain aside (expect some 0.5-1% loss per minute) this is really well done. I could even get my girlfriend to try and the controls are super intuitive. We flew around Innsbruck for the tutorial and it's actually quite impressive what the software does on my 2013 phone. I still have to figure out how the multiplayer would work without the dreaded Google+ 'need' (note: that's a Google Play Game Services issue, not a LR one) but, so far, this seems like more fun than I expected. Might get the Baron from the addon planes to unlock some more challenges. "Honey, get me my charger, I gotta fly!" B)
  7. Now that's a nice cockpit and I don't even want to think about the cost for all that hardware. This is so unfair, while us VC flyers are happy about decent 'click' sounds in an addon you get them by design and they sound so sweet. Are you planning on going even bigger regarding the screen btw?
  8. 16gb surely won't hurt, Richard but if the currently installed RAM actually affects your fps remains to be checked. 10.40 in itself seems like a huge improvement btw. The loading times alone are nice. The loader now fills all cores to the max.
  9. And it also means some extra funding arrives over at Laminar. Will try it soon although I would fear that my battery will drain a lot faster than my fuel. :rolleyes: This and water on Mars still blows my mind.
  10. And here I am still on default clouds. The 3.0 video looks really nice though, especially the overcast situation.
  11. Very nice seeing the walkaround part even improving some more over the already great A2A. Looks very promising and seems like a first on the XP platform when it comes to the details. Does that mean that the model isn't implemented yet and comes as a free addition?
  12. Just guessing but is your folder view set to show all files? If the dev says the installer places them there, it should indeed offer something.
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