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About soaring_penguin

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    aviation, pc, engineering, nature, outdoor

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  1. I agree with Bjoern, if you claim something, it’s up to you to back it up. The reader shouldn’t start investigating, especially not on YouTube. ( and I know what you say is correct, because I read also about it, but that is not the point).
  2. This new autogen could be a game changer for European cities. Now if they also do a recut of the scenery so there is more variation in flat areas, we wouldn’t need orthos anymore.
  3. never mind, I found it on the org: Douglas C-47 Dakota for X-Plane
  4. there was a freeware DC-3 / C-47 for XP11. Anybody is aware of this has been updated to XP12?
  5. No. For streaming, you want to look at autoortho. But that one doesn’t fully support xp12 seasons yet.
  6. Hi msparks , can you be a bit less cryptic? I have no idea what you are referring too.
  7. If everything fits within memory, things will not run faster if you get more. What you want to avoid is swapping between the main storage and memory. I am running X-Plane on Linux, and what I can say is that memory use has been heavily optimized since X-Plane 10, back then I easily used 24GB of my 32GB, nowadays I never get passed 16GB, most of the time around 12GB. I don't know how this all works out with the Unified Memory in a Mac, but 32GB should be more than enough IMO.
  8. Of course it is allowed! Maybe it is a language thing, but my impression was you expected Avsim to fix your issue.
  9. Again, in a forum like this, you can expect advice from peers. If you want this to be addressed, you have to contact the proper person. You can throw out the offending plugin and continue flying the simulator, or roll back the beta.
  10. But maybe this is not the place to report a bug. That is something you need to do with the developers, either LR, or the maintainer of the plugin causing the problem. You can say : hey look what I found, it looks like bug, and I reported it to … . you can’t expect this place to be a place for bug reports, because nobody will follow up. And reactions like: it must be you , can be expected ( but I don’t approve of those, I prefer some helpful advise).
  11. Why would it be open source? I suggest you look up de meaning of open source on Wikipedia or Google. you will see that x-plane definitely is not open source.
  12. My recommendation: get the LiveTraffic plugin, it’s free and fills the sky with realtime movements.
  13. The usage of the number of cpu cores has nothing to do with the OS, just saying.
  14. I have to correct, my comment was about flying carpet’s input that it is a feature, not a bug.
  15. Efis007 update was humor, not a defence for LR. IF you took his post as a reason to attack X-Plane fans, you do have a problem… .
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