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About flying_carpet

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  1. Should I even reply to this silly post? No, ignoring is better. BTW, you stole that "flat earthers" thingy from me. Bye, bye ...
  2. Monoculture is not good. Known since millenia (agriculture) and decades (IT) ...
  3. Nobody doubts that MSFS has the highest sales figures. What do we finally conclude from this? In any case, I'm out, it's getting too silly here.
  4. Well ... have a look into my videos (link in my signature). I have shown the superiority of X-Plane and the flaws of MSFS in regards of FLIGHT simulation *. Videos don't lie ... I made an informed choice 😄. However, who started to compare? It is always the MSFS gate.keepers (I will not mention any names). So, please don't complain. This is still a thread about the PMDG 777 - mind you ... * Although I'm not as long in flight simualtion as you - but some people seem to learn faster than others 😄. Good night 🕛🌓. Still ... very entertaining ... this thread ... thank you soooo much 🤣.
  5. And the market for Volkswagen Golf and Toyota Corolla is 1,000,000 larger than for (e.g.) Lamborghini Huracan ... I have written an email to the management of Lamborghini (asking for profit-sharing for that idea) to suggest them to build Golfs and Corollas. This way, they could sell so many more units. But they are too stubborn. Or too d.mb to understand this brilliant idea ... 🤣.
  6. I can't imagine what my local gourmet restaurant is thinking now, after reading that McDonalds has introduced a new burger and sold millions within 1 hour. C'mon people, we have had this kind of discussions since "ever". BTW, have you (gate.keepers specifically 🤣) realized, this thread is about the PMDG 777 - if I read it correct ... I might be wrong, though (please tell me, whether I misunderstood the title).
  7. Of course deer CAN fly and carpets, too - as the below real world videos demonstrate 😁. On a more serious note - I'm curious if there will be simulation of: wet/icy runways (i.e. different braking distance), icing not on the cake but on the wings, severe turbulences within thunderstorms, wake turbulences behind other planes, microbursts, damaged flaps at overspeed, hypoxia, freezing windows, blackout/redout at high g-loads, breakaway if e.g. the left brake fails, ... to name a few.
  8. Will the deer be able to fly? Nice hair structure ... will it move realistically with the wind?
  9. @turbomax: You know what? Something isn't working properly in my car and I'm really really furious about it. I've told all my friends about it, too. They asked me if I had called my garage to make an appointment to fix it. Hell no, it's not my job to tell them, they just have to fix it. "But how are they supposed to know about the fault if you don't tell them?" I was asked. "I don't care, it's not my job ... blah blah." The main thing is that I can feel "good" about being artificially upset. If you like the "glorified scenery simulator" better, feel free to use it. Because we all know it is bug free and additionally has the best default avionics of any (civil?) flight sim. Case closed!
  10. It wasn't about you being a victim of X-Plane, it was in a completely different context, but let's not go there, it's not going anywhere.
  11. Once again, we are seeing a classic perpetrator-victim reversal. Like for example, that a woman who is r.ped is herself to blame if she dresses saucy, whereas the r.pist is "actually" the poor victim. SMH Did you know? Calendar age has nothing to do with wisdom and maturity 🤷‍♂️.
  12. Further up I should have said "Laminar has revolutionized FLIGHT simulation once again.". Remark about the "lightyears" and also "revolution" statements: they weren't invented by "us", the XP-users, but by "others". As they were marked with an emoji with the tongue, the intention should have been clear. But well ... 🤷‍♂️
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