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About MarioDonick

  • Birthday 08/28/1981

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  1. I am not really surprised about this. Of course it's a business relationship, based on a defined feature-set and a defined time frame. So many desirable features are left out from the beginning or may even be cut during development. It's not like some aviation nerds gather in a garage and tinker until they are done. It's a multibillion dollar mega corp outsourcing part of a product to another small company, and the other company must adher to the definitions of their contract.
  2. Yes, that one. Under Activities. Thanks! And it's somehow good to read you.
  3. Thanks for your impressions! Would be interested in your opinion about the thermals tutorial in which you are told to circle. I think it worked good for me. But in free flight I find it a bit difficult to set weather conditions with such good thermals as in the tutorial.
  4. Hi, I was mostly using other sims over the last months, so I may not be up to date: My MSFS 2020 from the Microsoft store was always located in the %appdata% location (the packages) and the actual .exe in that "hidden" location. I now noticed that during one of the last updates, the .exe was somehow located in c:\xboxgames. When did Microsoft change to this location? (Not that I would complain. I like transparency, so having access to the game files feels somehow good). Is there anything one needs to consider or take care of due to this change?
  5. Well, in the official PC Game Pass Twitter thread it was asked if it's indeed a sequel, not an update. Answer: "that's right, a brand new sequel". So I guess it will indeed be a new purchase. But I still assume it will be (mostly) backwards compatible, similar to new Prepar3D versions to previous ones, or X-Plane 12 to X-Plane 11 (maybe needed a few updates, possibly payware developers could charge an update fee for that, depending on how much effort it needs).
  6. How can I get the beta? I purchased FSHud a few weeks ago, is there anywhere a beta option?
  7. Thank you - do you have a suggestion which one works fine (when also using traffic addons)?
  8. Click the link. On the upper right side of the next page then there is an arrow pointing down. Click the arrow. Google Drive will then inform you that due the file's size they did not check it for viruses. Then click the button to download it.
  9. After I was only able to use FS2004 for a while (travelling, old laptop), I am astonished how much worse the ATC in MSFS2020 sounds. Part of it is the seemingly reduced number of different ATC voices, regardless if I use Azure or Offline mode. Is there a way (addon) to add more voice variation?
  10. You may want to consider reading the sticky post in the forum: Especially the following part: "Calls to summon the Truth Police (tm) to arbitrate the accuracy, validity, motive, intent, correctness, tone, timeliness, appropriateness, candor or lack of candor, currency, originality, thoughtfulness, consistency, politeness, logical congruence, grammar, or real/perceived/intrinsic/entertainment value of someone else's contribution to a discussion will fall on deaf ears. Opinions, no matter how absurd, are allowed, so long as they do not violate our terms of service." So as long as his posts were not a direct violation of avsim.com's terms of service, I wonder how you justify deleting them. Or that sticky thread does not apply to you as a commercial member because of - ? This, by the way, creates the question why commercial members have moderation rights in a product-neutral forum. If this thread here was in an official Pilot's forum, okay, but this is not your own forum and not even your own subforum. This whole thread is a good example on how not to do crisis communication. Several of your posts create the expression that your personal feelings are hurt by the criticism on the product and that you want to defend not just your product, but your feelings, by sort of fighting back. You perceive some user's posts as aggressive and reply in a similar style. This is understandable, since we are all humans, but as PR person for your company, you are the communication professional in this interaction, in contrast to most of the users in the forum. So try to stand above the initial urge of fighting back or deleting unwanted posts. Otherwise you'll alienate potential new buyers of your product - and not even because of the product itself.
  11. I agree that AI is dumb, but it is not a search engine. Pure language models (I.e. those without Internet access, like ChatGPT), are trained on a fixed dataset, but they do not search this set for search queries. Instead they use it to generate the most probable continuation of a given text input, hence the "hallucinations". They are simply probable in the text context.
  12. I solved the problem by completely uninstalling the Tupolev and the sim, then reinstalling the sim without the Tupolev. I guess I will then not use that aircraft. Don't have this problem since then.
  13. Hi, although my main simulators are a bit more modern, I still have FS2004 on my slow laptop. I recently reinstalled Windows 10 on this laptop, fully updated etc. Then I installed FS2004 and a few addons. Simply set up my Joystick (Thrustmaster A320) and all worked fine. Then I tried to install the old Project Tupolev. Got hundreds of gauge errors. Found a more recent version of the plane somewhere - now only 1 gauge error. But now my Joystick in the sim is disabled. It is shown in the joystick settings and all axes and buttons as I set them. It is still disabled. The enable option does nothing. Works fine in Windows calibration settings and in another game. Any ideas? Thanks!
  14. Depending on airline format of the generated PDF file, there is a line for the Captain to sign the plan 😄
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