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About JonathanC

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  1. Yeah seems like they are doing a good job of getting what info they can. Better to have a 80-85% accurate 350 than nothing at all.
  2. Nah, doesn’t work. Every time someone posts something about GSX that could be perceived as even slightly negative, the response from you is always the same - blame the user, try and shut the discussion down. It’s a pattern that is very noticeable, and that’s why you’re getting called out. I replied to this thread because I have noticed this pattern over and over, and it kills a discussion forum if we can’t “discuss” things - including trying to troubleshoot issues. We troubleshoot things here all the time, that’s kinda a major thing for any forum. Why are you so bothered by it? If OP can’t get help here, they are likely to contact support, and many people will suggest that regardless. It’s a very normal thing to suggest. Whether they follow it or not is their business. What’s not normal is the dev constantly doing what you do. I can’t think of any other dev who does this. Most don’t participate in the forum (PMDG is one), and the ones who do are usually helpful ( Amir from Fenix), not condescending. Anyway, I don’t want to continue this since I don’t use GSX and don’t really care. I hope this issue, whatever it is, gets solved, that’s all.
  3. Sure, but people should still continue to post here so we can all learn. If they then want to also post on the dev's forums (or the dev politely asks them to), that's fine. But some devs seem to not want their product's flaws/bugs/issues discussed outside their own forums, which I don't agree with. The OP didn't ask for support, they just posted something that happened, and also posted a workaround/fix. This is what I come to Avsim for. This is a discussion forum, and for a dev to say "this is not the right place to discuss", just comes across as disingenuous. Just ask people to post on the support forums, that's fine. But don't tell us not to discuss your product.
  4. Are you certain that you (or someone else) haven't changed the way the monitor is plugged in? If you can't check that, maybe you should take your machine to a local computer shop and ask them to help. MSFS isn't the issue here. Your machine is.
  5. Are you certain that you have the video cable from your monitor correctly plugged into your GPU and NOT the on-board graphics? Your error message indicates that the monitor is not correctly connected. Can you take a picture of the back of your computer, especially where the cable from your monitor plugs into the computer? That will help answer this.
  6. This is an interesting discussion, but it's kinda going around in circles because the two groups of people (the actual 777 pilots and the rest of us) appreciate and understand the plane in two entirely different ways. The real pilots are talking about stuff that I barely understand, and even if I put in the googling to try and understand, I cannot really get it without actually going through pilot school! My nephew plays tennis at a high level, and is currently ranked #2 (under 18) in his country of birth (and ~600 worldwide), is on the junior Davis Cup team and so on.. I've played tennis for fun, and have watched tennis for 30+ years.. but when we watch a grand slam match together, it's like we watch entirely different matches. He notices and understands the game in a way that I simply cannot see, and even though he tries to explain it to me, I don't really get it the way he does. This discussion reminds me of that 😄 No offence intended to anyone, and I'm sure there are many people that are much smarter than I am that do fully understand what the pilots are saying.. but even so, the professionals approach the issue in what is clearly a different way to the amateurs.
  7. Try this guide. It can be a complex topic, but Jay does a good job in explaining things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkNEvIWp2fM
  8. Download some benchmarking software like Unigene Heaven, Fur Mark, etc. then run those benchmarks and see if it crashes.
  9. Yeah, not singling out Ray or anyone else, but as a relative newcomer to these forums, it’s quickly become clear that some people (in all three sim forums) are, shall we say, rather “wedded” to their sim of choice, and would love to debate/nit-pick endlessly. I’ve seen similar things in Mac/Windows forums, Linux forums, car forums and on and on. It’s just human nature, some people are like that. Nothing wrong with it per se, most of these people are likely perfectly lovely in “real life”. After a couple of months you recognize the names and can either engage or skip, as the mood strikes. I prefer to skip, but I don’t mind reading the odd argument, as long as it doesn’t descend into puerile name calling. All good fun, and again, not singling out anyone. These are just human archetypes ( I’m one as well, and I know it!)
  10. What I like is the self-contained, offline nature of the program. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand that there are many things that are better with a cloud connection, and some that are simply impossible to do offline. However, I appreciate that in 2024 there are two distinch approaches to building a flight sim - one that is heavily going cloud-native, and XP which continues to target fully-offline, cross-platform play. XP is easy to install, easy to validate, easy to backup, and easy to play with zero connectivity. Everything "just works". I know XP will continue to add cloud-based features (and they should and must!) like the store, and other things (scenery? ATC? planning?) but I hope that Austin and team approach it from a "offline-first" perspective and do NOT make the offline version a watered-down version of the "real" XP. Beyond that, I think XP 12 is a HUGE update to 11, and I really enjoy using it. I bought it on pre-release launch day, and while MSFS is my primary sim, I do enough in XP to appreciate the steady improvement to where it is today. Absolutely looking forward to the next year or so of development from Laminar.
  11. Don't worry, it will be fine in a few weeks. Vatsim always gets this when there's a big new release. Besides, some proportion of the "meowing kids" will grow up a bit and will be the next generation of pilots, both virtual and real. Anything that brings new people in is a good thing.
  12. What’s wrong with it? I fly the Fenix as well and the 777 looks great? It’s just a brown cockpit, that’s all.
  13. Oh it’s that far from release? Never mind then. I thought it was basically done.
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