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  1. You need enough credits to buy the company (say 10000) AND the first plane for it. I needed 33k+ to start my cargo company, the flightseeing is cheaper. You need to make some more money and then once you have enough to also buy the plane, it will come back as enabled and you can start the company.
  2. There's no point arguing, just enjoy 2024 yourself.
  3. My opinion is simply that I would welcome some new, better software. That’s what I started with. Glad you felt the need to rationally counter this. Then, as usual, the GSX pile on began with the developer doing his usual thing. Then a bunch more people tell me how everything is in the manual and on YouTube and after all the issue is just that us poor silly users can’t or won’t read a simple manual, watch a simple video, and just try to understand this fine program. How about this? I concede all your points and leave you to enjoy GSX. Consider me suitably informed that GSX is the program that every single simmer who has any pretensions to doing airline ops must get or else you aren’t a real simmer (tm).
  4. Fsltl free. BATC paid. Both work great.
  5. Given that 2/3rd of the player base is using 2024, more people are flying career mode than free flight, and they have added 1.3 million new users, I’d say they did something right with 2024. You can say that they are just lying, but at that point why bother discussing anything - just believe what you like and be happy.
  6. Well, then this is the issue. Maybe most people cannot be further educated and his product will remain relevant only to a small niche of users. That's fine, there are many very niche products aimed at a specific industry/user/job function etc, and the developer can make a good living doing just that. Anyway, I don't mean to continue on, I just expressed a wish that someone would make a better tool, and immediately got piled on by the developer and others telling me how this is the epitome of perfection and thus my wish is unnecessary since we already have everything we need. In that case, I wish you and the other users of GSX Pro good luck and much enjoyment with this product that apparently is all things to all people and can do no wrong.
  7. Sure, I’m not disagreeing with you.
  8. If the majority of the user base doesn’t understand the program, you can either educate the user base or make the program simpler. Choosing to be abrasive with users and fighting with them, while at the same time making the program progressively more complicated and buggy leads to where you are today.
  9. Yeah I agree. It feels like the market is ripe for a new product that works in a more “modern” way - and has better support as well.
  10. You have one folder and two symbolic links. It’s all the same set of files.
  11. I tried SayIntentions and I must say it was disappointing. The interface is clunky, it takes way too long to respond after you say someting, there's no traffic, and overall it just feels rushed and not a quality product, especially at the price they are charging for it. Yes, you can talk to ATC, but the super long pause before you get a response kills immersion. And since there's no traffic in the sim that SI is talking to, the sim world feels dead. Considering that you can buy BATC for ~2 months of the SI subscription, I would recommend you try that first (or just get a month of SI). Maybe in 6-12 months SI will be worth it, but as it stands, it's just too expensive and not worth the cost vs BATC. I haven't tried FSHud so can't comment. Also SI has been caught doing all sorts of shady marketing stuff like astroturfing and pretending to be real users when they are just paid employees puffing up the company. When that happens, you get the distinct feeling that they cannot compete on the quality of the product they make. Of course this is my opinion, and I could be wrong.. but I wouldn't give them a year's sub before you really KNOW you will want it. They may not be around a year from now.
  12. You will only see people who are also in the beta, which is naturally a much smaller number compared to the full audience.
  13. Yup, you have DLSS 4 already. That’s why it’s so good.
  14. Yes for sure. A good user experience would go a long way, and since no one can build a replay tool the “right” way due to various limitations, might as well get the best from what we have available
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