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About Cjr60611

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    Mighty Jo

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  1. Anyone run across Nose Wheel Steering problem? For some reason, I can't get the nose wheel to turn even though the settings in MSFS are set to my Logitech 3D Pro. I don't have problems with any other plane steering so I'm thinking I'm missing something in the FSS E175 set-up. Nonetheless, the tiller even moves from side to side through the controller. Just no nose wheel movement. Any advice would be great.
  2. Oops! Just worked and I'm flying this beauty! So far, so good. Easy of the FPS, GTN integrated and pretty good dynamics. Well done Carenado!
  3. Love me some business jets but Carenado's store was broken last night. System wouldn't let me buy it. 🙄
  4. Thanks - I did it and it worked! Thanks Jimmy RFR - Was a pain in the backside but deleting preferences worked...
  5. Thanks rdb - Did that and it makes the toggle blink but, it won't turn the <Frozen> off. Seems like there is something preventing it from working. Starting to think it's one of my add-ons. Jimmy RFR - I think you're right, something is causing a continuous pause. Reviewed my key mappings and can't find the problem. How do you delete the preferences?
  6. Just updated to 10.50 and now whenever I load a flight it starts on the tarmac as usual but I have "<PAUSED>' and "<FROZEN>" toggles in middle of screen. I tried to use the "P" key to un-pause but that did nothing. I don't even know how to attempt to fix the <FROZEN> issue. Tried ignoring and the system is clearly affected by the two issues. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know how to fix?
  7. Very Nice! Did you screen shoot while flying or during replay? Asking because that cockpit photo is great but, right in the mix of landing. If so, you're good my friend (or, maybe I just suck?!?!)...
  8. A330 out of 22R KJFK over NY Bay this morning en route to KLAX (Verrazano Bridge, Brooklyn and Downtown Manhattan). Other than the Flatlands of Brooklyn (which is a real neighborhood) this departure scenery is very realistic! Wing view. Sorry about stats in the upper left - still testing my FPS...
  9. Thanks for the insight, skelsey! That makes sense...
  10. That's just awesome! Beautiful shots and great looking Chicago. Air show going on here in Chitown this weekend and the weather has not played nice. We all should have jumped online and watched your flight instead... Cheers
  11. Thanks for the insight all, interesting stuff! Based on your responses, I'm chalking the massive fail up to pilot AND simulator error. Gotta change the button configuration on my control unit, I was actually attempting to adjust the Trim.
  12. Good question, I was so busy trying not to lose my flight that took almost an hour to plan that I only glanced at the airspeed for a moment. Pretty sure it was 420kt TAS.
  13. Set-up: Flying the JRollon CRJ-200 in X-Plane 10.45 from KORD to KBUF with SkyMaxx. Weather was overcast with cloud ceiling at 13000ft but no heavy winds or turbulence. Issue: Cruising at 31,000ft I began my decent into KBUF about 90 miles out. At about 28,000ft I inadvertently pressed the wrong button on my joystick - TWICE. This caused the flaps to engage at about 420kt. I immediately realized my mistake and attempted to retract the flaps but it was too late and the plane began an uncontrolled drive that I was completely unable to recover from crashing to the ground within 45 seconds! Question: If this happened in real life would the aircraft really respond in that way? Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if the flaps completely broke off at that speed but would that cause an unrecoverable dive/free fall? Other than my curiousness about all things aviation, I am also wondering if X-Plane exaggerated the situation? I once ran into extremely heavy turbulence flying over Florida in XP. I was indeed able to recover but I couldn't help but wonder was XP exaggerating the turbulent affect on the aircraft? Only questioned because I had never run into that type turbulence in years with FSX and P3D. Likewise, I'd never lost control of a plan like that in FSX or P3D either. Just wondering if I need to somehow adjust my realism settings differently or, are these events, and outcomes, completed plausible? Any insight would be great. BTW: *Yes, I made an absolute "Bone Head" mistake! As an armchair sim pilot, nobody was hurt other than my fragile ego - so you can answer sans the Bone Head Back Slaps!
  14. Lol! It sure feels that way! I kept both P3D and X-Plane for about two weeks and decided "screw it" and have been 100% X-Plane since. I miss somethings about P3D and FSX but, mostly it's the ORBX scenery, Aerosoft and PMDG add-ons I enjoyed not the actual platforms. After close to 20 years of FSX then periods of dabbling in P3D, X-Plane seemed to be a natural progression for me. I guess it is for others as well... I think what X-Plane is lacking in can only be resolved by more people converting to the platform. That will get the attention of developers. They will then go where the potential revenue resides, naturally...
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