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Every time when i fly, mid way my plane turns off lnav and vmav and turns left and goses in a nose dive. The fmc reports when after i stable the aircraft and try to return on AP, " NOT ON INTERCEPT HEADING" Ive done so much flying in the 737, but overall new to the max era. It will miss a turn somewhere then start to go down. I know my fmc is right, had it verify by some people. Any ideas?
Good day, night, or whenever you read this topic ;)I´d like to report a bug with the NGX737-600/700 expansion Paintkit.It seems like it includes a couple wrong files out of the NGX 737-800/900 Base Pack.I´m working on a Airberlin paint for the 700 and 700 WL and since im working with the "pmdg_7377NGX_fuselage_master.psd" i discovered a couple sized diffrences between the "pmdg_7377NGX_fuselage_master.psd" file and the three main fuselage files listed below:"pmdg_737NGX_fuselage_1.psd""pmdg_737NGX_fuselage_2.psd""pmdg_737NGX_fuselage_3.psd"It seems like all those files belong to the 800/900 package this leads in a total mass with the sizes.A lil example.. the "pmdg_737NGX_fuselage_1" part in the "pmdg_7377NGX_fuselage_master.psd" file contains six and a half window counted from front towards back until the part ends.( for non-painters this is very important for synchronization and for example a airline tag going trough multiple parts)But in the "pmdg_737NGX_fuselage_1.psd" there are like nine or ten windows counted from front towards the back until the part ends.I dont know if this is on purpose or just accidently but it slows down the repainting process alot.A little hint towards the paintkit developers. It would be easier to create a file like the "pmdg_7377NGX_fuselage_master.psd" for this parts:"pmdg_737NGX_fuselage_1.psd""pmdg_737NGX_fuselage_2.psd""pmdg_737NGX_fuselage_3.psd"including all layers like in the "pmdg_7377NGX_fuselage_master.psd" I hope you can clear that out for me :)Greetings, ReaperPr0.- Airberlin Virtual - http://www.airberlinva.de
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- Paintkit
- 737-600/700
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http://youtu.be/7mVzFlceW_IDoes anyone have hints for this problem?I use usepools set to o, so I have the best frames and a most smoothest flying experience in FSX.With other settings t I didn't receive so good frames and more stutters as I have with usepools set to 0.I also receive in turns flashing clouds and vertical black stripes.How can I solve this problem, any constructive suggestions?Thx, sincerely, Tom
Right I have made a discovery I "think".Ok here we go, afew of us are getting CTD's when exiting FSX, I have had a few depending what i'm doing in the game. I have been messing around in the general settings today and tried this out..In general tab settings there is a setting called Prompt on exit. "which is when you exit FSX it asks you if you are sure", Uncheck it. so now when you exit FSX it will just close with out being prompt. I have tried this with 60 different scenarios, I cannot get FSX to crash for love nor money. Im not stating that this is certainly a fix as everyone has different hardware, addon's etc. but would a few of you guys mind trying it please just as a test . Would be interesting to see if it is a partial cause.. to some of our fatal errors on exit.Regards Stevie..Also which version of the uiautomationcore.dll file do people have in there FSX root folder..??
In all flight simulator history the PMDG 737 NGX is the most perfect airplane. Probably with all corections it will be enough to train real life pilots. Thinking about it its good to remember the problem with the IVAP needs to be solved. I don't know if it's PMDG or IVAO that needs to fix it, but its irritating all the pilots that fly in multiplayer mode. Doe anyone agree? Ticiana
Took my Britannia paint i'm currently working on up for a spin around Newcastle...
Hello guys,would someone help me please to fix my issues? I receive always in every view, flashing artifacts and black vertical stripes, especially in clouds and in turns day and night. What could this be? Any suggestions? THX a lot, with kind regards Tommy
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- fsx/fsx-se?
- fs9?
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Hi, hope the beacon lights and strobes will be a little bit better after the sp1, because in fact they're not really nice and realistic. The beacon lights normally on 737 NG aircrafts light up the engine cowls and the winglets ( reflection ). Hope they did it in the upcoming sp1 and the strobes could be a little bit brighter.Well, PMDG is my favourite addon creator!Best regards, Tom
Hi,I'm currently doing some research on building a cockpit for the NGX. My question here is around the software that will power the flight displays on the MIP.I know we can undock the flight displays on the NGX, but this is a little limiting as some of the displays will be powered by other computers. So, I was thinking of using Orion 737NG DU.I've done some testing with the demo version of Orion, and I have found that there are several issues. As Orion is script driven, I'm sure these issues can be worked out, but it will take some time. I also wouldn't want to reinvent the wheel, so I thought it would be a good idea to ask the question here.Has anyone been able to configure or find a published script that can be used with Orion and the NGX?If not, I think it's going to be tricky, as PMDG doesn't publish internal variables and I've not seen the SDK for the NGX yet.Any thoughts?ThanksRynardt Spieswww.virtualvcp.comCM Stacker 830Antec Truepower Quattro 1200 - Power Supply - 1.2 KwIntel i7 950ASUS Rampage III Extreme12GB RAMXFX ATI Radeon HD 5970 Black EditionOCZ Vertex II SSD
Hi This question concerns high altitude airports, thinner density and indicated speed vs. true speed vs PMDG 737 planes. ".....density altitude affects the landing performance of an airplane High temperature and high elevation will cause an increase in the landing roll because the true airspeed is higher than the indicated airspeed. Therefore, even though using the same indicated airspeed for approach and landing that is appropriate for sea level operations, the true airspeed is faster, resulting in a faster groundspeed (with a given wind condition). The increase in groundspeed naturally makes the landing distance longer and should be carefully considered when landing at a high elevation field, particularly if the field is short........" My question is as follows: Is this crucial fact integrated in pmdg 737 package? Will indicated air speed [iAS] really be slower than true air speed [TAS] when choosing high altitude aerodome in FSX? Sincerely
It took me a while, but I finally broke down to hand over $70 for this plane. I'm speechless. The detail and dynamics of this plane are simply outstanding. The HUGS display is a great feature as well. I do have a few questions though, having only owned this plane for a few hours. First, does the altitude hold (on the auto-pilot panel) override the VNAV path? I found a few times during a KLAX-KLAS run that the plane missed it's TOD and some other crossing restrictions; however, I have a feeling it's because the altitude hold restricted it from descending further. Second, does an accidental knock of the joystick override the LNAV. A few times the LNAV popped off, probably by me subconsciously pushing on my joystick.Third, does this plane have a "direct" function? For ex, ATC gives a short cut to a fix that isn't my next fix. Fourth, I've heard of a "descend now/present position" function. Where is this, and how is this applied?I'd appreciate any responses. Thanks and happy holidays.Kyle
The title says it all. I used to love the 737 PIC product. It's been revamped and updated to higher VC standards. Unfortunately the analog cockpit is not offered-- a real deal breaker for me but I'm still interested. Anyone tried it yet? Mr. Scobie, I asked about the analog option over in your forums. Just a heads up if you check these first.http://www.wilcopub....-evolution.htmlhttp://www.wilcopub....lution-fsx.htmlBTW. It's on sale until Dec. 23rd!
Just thought i'd post this up, something for all of us to join in on and get away from the hyperactive release threads . I'll start - My is Ryanair
Specs are :Processor: Intel® Core2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHZ 2.39 GHZInstalled memory (RAM) 2.00GBSystem Type: 32-Bit operating system I am running Windows 7 32Bit
I'm trying to put up a really funny video of a 737 announcement but i can't seem to put the youtube vid in here please help
Hello got up this morning to start flying and im seriously getting this freeze that everyone is on about. in the air on takeoff, landing etc. Imfact it's impossible to fly at the moment because im getting it all the time. I have got all the relevent tweeks and i have also got all the settings which was pointed out in the manual for performance. amd phenom ii x4 3.4ghzati hd5850 1gb500 bg hd8gb ram ddr3 1333mhz rexfew airportsand the only aircraft i have in my library is NGX. Thank you ..
NGX: EHAM / ENGM - DY 905 Delivery flight (many pics)
caines posted a topic in PMDG 737NGX | 737NGXu
Delivery flight med PMDG 737 NGX / 737-800 from Amsterdam EHAM to Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen ENGM. TOW: 70.1 TPAX: 174/174CARGO: 5500 KGFUEL: 8100 KG Routing: EHAM ANDIK SID UN873 JUIST UN873 TUSKA N873 VES P602 AMSEV UP602 PIPEX UM609 RIPAM STAR ENGM Take off RW EHAM: 27, no intersectionLanding RW ENGM: 19R ENGINE SETTING: 22K Derate, TAss: 30 degrees C. CLB1 + CLB after 5000 feet Block time: 1:50Trip time: 1:35Delayed: 0:15 Remark Delivery flight Her starter moroa| Fyrer opp motor 1. Nr 2 har stabilisert seg pa 23% N1 og viser normale verdier. IRS1 og 2 er alignet, noe som tar ca 10 minutter. Ellers er FMC satt med dagens verdier. Cockpit preperation og pre start checklist er ogsa gjennomfort. Here the fun starts! Starting up engine 1. Number 2 has stabilized at 23% N1 and shows normal engine parameters. IRS1 and 2 are aligned, what takes about 10 minutes. Otherwise: FMC is set. Cockpit preps and pre start checklist is done. Klatrer ut og starter høyresving. Det flys manuelt og knotes mest og flys minst. Konser mest om å holde climb out speed på ca 170 knop oppover de første hundre fotene før jeg egentlig starter på noe sving. LNAV og CMD aktiveres etter 1000 fot. LVL CHG og N1 presses deretter. A/T er aktivert før take off. Ny MCP speed settes ikke i MCP som gjeldende når jeg aktiverer men får A-warning (low speed) i MCP vindu og 155 står fortsatt og blnker (som var V2 speed og satt i MCP prior to take off). Noen som vet om jeg har gjort noe galt her siden jeg ikke fikk aktuell speed i MCP vindu ved aktivering av N1 og LVL CHG? Climbing out, starting right turn. I fly manually and struggle to hold stable course. Most of consentration is adressed to remain at correct climb out speed aprox 170 knots for the first houndred feet. Therafter right turn. LNAV and CMD is activated after 1000 feet AGL. LCL CHG and N1 is pushed. New MCP speed is not automatically set in MCP (from current IAS). Is this correct, my error or program error? When you push N1 button, shouldn`t you get IAS into MCP speed automatically? Gir opp CLB1 med vekt på 70 tonn og sletter hele CLB`reduction. I gave up CLB1 and deleted CLB1 for CLB! Got 5-6 % N1 more! Turbo-mode =) Forlater koselige FL370 for 140 og deretter 6000 og så 4000 som minimum ved siste WP. We are leaving FL370 for FL140. Therafter 6000 feet and 4000 feet at last WP. Gav opp VNAV på slutten. Var litt kranglete med en del frem og tilbake. Litt restrictions på noen punkter som dro speed tilbake til 260 for deretter å demande 306 og så litt tilbake igjen. Snakket med SAS-crewet som fløy meg oppover fra OSlo her om dagen om akkurat dette. NG`en kan være litt tullete på VNAV og preditcions i real av og til også, slik at mange etter det jeg hører, faller for fristelsen å heller bruke LVL CHG der det går an. Jeg gikk over til LVL CHG og satt speed 260 before FL100 og 250 etter. Var litt tilbake til VNAV/LNAV før jeg på base gikk over til LVL CHG Og HDG SEL som jo er en litt mer direkte måte å fly på. Gave up VNAV at last. It comes up with restrictions at different waypoints. Sometimes 260, then 306 then back to 260. Maybe some bug in the STAR, but it was annoying. I converted to LVL CHG mode. Some pilots also tell that the real NG can be unfriendly at some VNAV operations. Sometimes it lives its own life I hear. (DESCENT PATH NOT ACH or DRAG REQ..) Sjekker 19R kart for Gardermoen. Mulig det var 19L som var i bruk. Fulgte FS TWR og fikk right. Anyway. Manglet to punkter i min STAR. Checking approach plate 19R for ENGM GArdermoen. Maybe 19L was in use in real. I followed command from FSX TWR. Two points were missing in STAR. Intercepter manuelt med HDG SEL. 10 grader ofset Manually intercepting with HDG SEL and 10 degrees ofset. Makes the day Begynner å bli mange år siden det var en overaskelse når RW var in sight når man brøt gjennom skydekker, hehe : ) Her stemmer også verden med kart, selv i FS. Er egentlig alltid litt morsomt, synes jeg : ) It becomes many years since it came as a surprise when the runway lights showed up befront of mine under the clouds : ) Here the world and map agrees, even in FS. Fun every time! Idle reverse og autobrake 1 som står og jobber. Satt reverse off tidlig og lar flyet bruke hele banen. Også bare for morro skyld : ) Idle reverse and autobrake 1. Let the a/c drift all the way down the runway. Just for fun Shut down checklist kjøres. IRSer skrus av, parking brake set. Logbok signes. Mens jeg hører lyden av CFM`ene spinne seg ned tenker jeg med meg selv: Dette var en fantastisk flytur! Dette addonet har jeg ventet i 5 år på. 5 år som slettes ikke var forgjeves! Shut down checklist. IRSes turned of, parking brake set. Logbook filed. Hearing the sound of the CFM`s spooling down I think by my self: "This was an amazing flight". This addon I have been waiting for, for 5 years. It was really worth it! Sorry for bad english : ) Very happy with this a/c. A little bit heavvy feel, but maybe this is correct. Comments are welcome : ) -
For some strange reason i have just gone to my NGX and it's asking for the serial key again so i put it in and nothing so i can't fly it. what's going on lads surely after paying for this and having required key it does'nt need to be activated again does it ?
Hi Guys, I recently purchased the PMDG 737NGX and I have completed a few flights in it. However, on every flight, I've not been able to land the plane like I should be able to. I've been following LNAV and VNAV throughout the entire flight. My SID and STAR was entered correctly and everything appeared to be running smoothly. I was still on VNAV and LNAV when I was moments away from turning onto final. I had NAV 1 and NAV 2 armed. I engaged VOR LOC just before I turned onto final. The plane began to turn and then successfully lined up with the runway. After it had lined up I engaged APP expecting it to capture the G/S; somehow, I missed the G/S and had to descend manually. Now, I think the reason it is doing this is because I was going to fast. At the point of capturing the G/S I am normally traveling at a steady pace of 150KIAS; this time it was 220KIAS. I had speed brakes fully extended yet it made little difference. So I think the VNAV speeds are too fast and I can't slow down in time for my landing. I've been told that I should allow VNAV to bring the plane down during the initial decent but then descend at my own choice of vertical speed and my own speed input. If this is correct, how shall I slow down during my STAR. I know it's a strange issue but I'm only 14 so I don't have the broadest of knowledge for this complex aircraft. I need recommendations quite urgently if possible. Thank you.
Another post, but for someone who is used to steam workings of the J41 the 737 is a big step forward, getting used to it quite quickly though. I have a question regarding the Short Field Package. Namely, how does one use it? This may be an inane and silly question, but I would hugely appreciate some guidance. Also, are there any visual indicators (inside or out) as to whether it is "installed" on the aircraft? Thanks again Raffaele
Hey everyone,I have (another) problem with my pmdg ngx. I had to install Windows XP in place of 7 because of issues, but now whenever I load the plane, everything works, including the gauges, but the text on the gauges is missing. Eg no speed numbers, no 'ATT' when irs isn't aligned, and no heading numbers or any kind of text on the ND. The same for all the other gauges... I think it might be a font problem/missing.Any suggestions?
Southwest Virtual Airlines was formed in June 2009 by a collaboration of Ryan Flynn, Steve Cocks, Kevin Hornaday and Tony Pitt. All four individuals had a desire to be a part of a virtual airline that was welcoming and realistic at the same time. Over the course of almost two and a half years, Southwest Virtual has grown to almost 400 pilots and has a heavy online presence. Southwest Virtual's growth has not been just about numbers; our pilots today are active, experienced, and most importantly, give back to the community that helped them grow. At it's formation, Southwest Virtual set forth five imperatives. This is common of many organizations, but at Southwest Virtual, we have woven those imperatives into our very existence. In every decision we make, we examine if our decision blends with one of our five imperatives. Imperative number three states, "Great weight shall be placed on providing incentives for online flying (VATSIM), as well as the necessary training for those pilots wishing to learn the how best to participate in online flying." With the strides we have made in recruiting and hiring skilled Instructors and Trainers, we are not only helping our new pilots get online, but assisting our entire pilot base to become better and enjoy our hobby even more. We are now an Official VATSIM ATO, so come get your P1 rating with us!One of the key points is that you have to be a Second Officer or above in order to participate. So come and join us at http://www.swavirtual.com. More Than a Way to Fly — A Way of Life Edward Cayer Jr.Public Relations ManagerSouthwest Virtual Airlines.