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  1. Hi. Just bought and installed the 737NGX and have a question related to the autopilot. It certainly does not behave like the original FSX 737 which is quite instinctive. I can't get it to keep the set speed or altitude and am unable to find ANY information on the use of the autopilot without the FMS. Any pointers as to where to find this info is appreciated. Also, panel wise everything looks fine but any change in the view to the exterior does not show the aircraft, just its shadow and some odd pieces of it. What could be the problem here. I downloaded SP1 but when I tried to install it it said that it was already incorporated, indicating that I do have the latest complete version. All help is appreciated.
  2. Flying the Default De Havilland Beaver, I don't see a heading bug on the bearing indicator, so how do I set the direction for the autopilot? Also, there are 2 Nav coms, but only 1 VOR dial. Is the second Navcom tuned to the ADF below the VOR? Any help would be appreciated. RDS
  3. this apc can manage the plain's flight automatically as autopilot. long time ago i found apc for 747 version 1.0 but i can find the weblink now. Overview ======== FSX 747 Autopilot Controller is a gauge for the default FSX 747-400 aircraft. It manipulates the autopilot and automates aircraft operations such as gears and flaps etc. to allow for a fully automated flight to any airport and alternate controls using the keyboard arrow keys. Simply enter the destination airport into the GPS, select the landing runway, apply VNAV and RWY (LNAV), and the plane will fly to the airport and land on the selected runway. This gauge is designed to work with the default unmodified FSX 747-400 aircraft. If the "boeing747-400.air" or "aircraft.cfg" files have been modified or if there are other third party addons, the gauge may not work as intended. i tried to manage a380 using this apc but the plane cannot land correctly.
  4. Hi. Almost every time I start my descent as programmed/calculated by the vnav, I end up way too high and/or too fast for my approach and I have to circle several times to set up for a stable approach and landing. I always have to use a lot of speedbrakes also. I know somebody will reply that I should input winds to the fmc as it matters if I have tailwind but the problem seems to be every time. And its not every time I have tailwind, sometimes headwind etc. Is the vertical flight path calculation realistic on the ngx? Any suggestions? My autothrottle seems to idle on the descent (it says "arm" and end up about 40% N1), that should be correct? Thank u!
  5. hey guys, im kinda new to pmdg 737 ngx so in order for me to use my autopilot i normally turn off realistic ap engagement which i access from the CDU on the plane but ever since i upgraded my 737 NGX to sp1c that option is no longer in the CDU. i think they have moved it to sumwhere else. do any of you guys know where? if so please me tell. Thank You, chad
  6. Hy Guys! I need your help! I have a problem with my PMDG 737 600 and 700 too I was landing at LICJ on runaway 20 (I set all the necessary for a ILS approach). I disengaged autopilot at 200ft for a manual landing but when I starded to do some corrections (right or left with my directional keys, I dont have a cloche...it's sad I know) the cloche of the airplane start to turn right without reason and remains locked until I fall down without a chance to take control. Everything works fine with PMDG 737 800 (I have 737 -800/900 NGX Base Package SP1c ) I have 737 600-700 and the 737 600 700 expansion package SP1C too. I have this issue only with this model of aircraft and I always lost control of the airplain when I disengage autopilot Sounds like a bug...Hope you can help me! Thank you!!
  7. Hello, I have a problem with approaches in the q400 with the autopilot disconnecting multiple times during the final approach. I set up for the approach with the ILS frequency tuned in nav 1 & 2 and the course set on both sides. I use nav1 on the left & 2 on the right side as the navigation sources. The LOC and GS seem to capture well and the plane follows the glide path. But once or twice every approach the AP disconnects and the plane goes in to Wings Level and Pitch Hold mode. I removed all No Route lines from the FMS flight plan. Does any of you have the same problem or could hand me a possible solution for this? Or is this the normal behavior for the Q400? I use Fsx with Saitek yoke, throttles and pedals. I use Rex and Opus for weather, but the problems also occurred when I used Fsx default weather. Thanks in advance.
  8. I am flying the Carenado C182T. Just learning the G1000 because I started out with default GA aircraft learning VOR to VOR navigation. The carenado manual for the G1000 is not an effective tutorial. I have loaded an approach to an airprot, and the CDI is tracking the correct direction, The CDI is set to GPS, but when I turn the Autopilot on and engage NAV mode it does not track to the highlighted waypoint. I thought that the NAV mode should track to the CDI whenever it is engaged. I would really appreciate help with this problem, and more generally if someone could direct me to a good tutorial on the G1000 it would be greatly appreciated. RDS P.S., I have emailed Carenado Support a couple of ties, and their responses are brief and incomplete. They have helped me a bit, but for the most part I get the impression that they have no patience for my questions.
  9. Started flying on VATSIM a few months ago and last night I was doing a standard approach to Heathrow via the LAMB3R arrival and the controller was asking me to be at a certain altitude by passing a waypoint, I know this is very normal but I could not for the life of me find out how to instruct the FMC to do this. A/P was engaged with VNAV and LNAV, MCP altitude was set to the altitude I wanted it to go to. And I tried to enter the altitude into the FMC and select the waypoint in the LEGS page, (That seemed like the logical way to go about this). The numbers on there changed, but the plane didnt do anything. Am I going the wrong way about this or..? I ended up having to manually set the decent rate via the MCP since I couldn't figure it out, would appreciate some help
  10. Hello all. I'm wondering if I may be the only person experiencing this. I can be in any phase of flight when, out of nowhere, while in VC view, my camera pans up and starts spinning 360 degrees...multiple times. While I'm airborne, once I stop the spinning from happening, I get the camera pointing out the front of the aircraft, my a/p is disengaged and I'm in a steep dive, usually causing me to crash due to airframe stress. If I'm on the ground taxiing it usually doesn't do anything but cause a major annoyance. I've had this happen during final approach, takeoff, cruise, basically whenever. I'm trying to nail down what I'm doing before it happens and there's no constant. I have noticed, however, that to stop the spinning I have to hit the POV switch on the joystick and it stops. I can then return the view to normal. If I try moving the view holding spacebar and using the mouse, I get no response and the camera goes back into it's spin. So I know that's a lot of info in there but I'm hoping someone can help me out. I've lost many flight hours because I've crashed in the last 45min of my flight because of this problem. If you need anymore info, please don't hesitate to ask. P.S. I'm using the Logitech Freedom 2.4 wireless joystick for controls.
  11. Hi, When I move around the VC in the 737 using the hat control I inadvertently move the joystick and that disengages the Autopilot (the number pad works but that is not as smooth) I have tried the counter intuitive method of setting the null region to zero and the sensitivity to max however, that seems not to work. Any ideas?
  12. Hey, first i want to say sorry for my English. My Problem is, that always when i am flying the MD11, the Horn is going forward and backward. It is like the MD11 would have a fly by wire. It is very hard to land the MD11 manual, because the elevator is lagging, for e.g. if you make a minimal movement at joystick the elevator is going to the maximum and stays there until go move against it. If i am pressing "Z" and stay on it, then i can fly the MD11 perfeclty. But i a stop pushing it the problem comes back. Do you have any ideas ? I hace a Saitek Cyborg X and reinstallation dind't solved the problem. Best regards Matthias
  13. Not sure if this was posted before. I am having trouble engaging the autopilot master switch. I have the 747 and it gave me no problems; neither did the fs9 version 737. I have the controls released when I try to engage the autopilot. What is happening?
  14. Hi, I am new to XPlane 10 but have the full package installed after having used the demo for a few weeks. When flying the 172 it does not seem to 'obey' the autopilot. I have it turned on and heading and altitude selected to be held but it ignores the heading bug and the flight levels I set and goes round in circles. I have come from FSX where the autopilot worked correctly and have set it using the same procedures. Is there something I should know, I have read the manual and think I am doing everything correctly but it still doesn't hold course or height properly. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks
  15. Hi, I am considering buying fsx (I am an x-plane a really excited user) However, I do not have a joystick and I dont have the space or cash to buy a good or even a decent one. Therefore I was wondering whether you could control FSX using the ipad/iphone - i.e. an x-plane remote equivalent for fsx? I heard about a couple of apps but I will like to voice my concerns: FSXControl - Very laggy, bad design (+thrust/-thrust buttons - why not have a slider), and no AP control! AirTrack - No flaps/gear/thrust control These are the only two that seem remotely (pun intended) decent. Which one should I choose? I am currently thinking of getting airtrack but I want to know if you can control thrust and gear and all that before shelling out £17 on it. If you can help me - PLEASE reply! Thanks!
  16. Yesterday I was set up for an land 3 approach to EKCH, LAND 3 was annunciated, then about 1000ft AGL autopilot disengaged. I tried to figure out why it did it but im not sure. Could someone tell me the criteria for LAND 3 disconnect on fail op 738? Does it disconnect if I inadverently push the trim knob (I have set my elevator trim up&down to buttons on my flight sim yoke)? Im not sure if I maybe accidentaly pressed one of these. One thing I was considering is the turbulence effect. I have AS2012 and no turbulence supression on anywhere (FSUIPC, FSX menu or fsx.cfg) as I have never had problems before with S-turn issues. Is there anyone else flying with AS2012 and latest FSUIPC reg version? Do you have any problems with autopilot and turbulence? I know that the major problem should be the s-turn issue (with ASE at least) but is the autopilot disconnecting during turbulence also a known issue regardin ngx? I havent found posts on that.. Thanks!
  17. Hi! A few questions about how to handle an engine failure during takeoff (after V1). Yesterday I armed a engine failure after V1, manually climbed 1500ft and engaged autopilot but I noticed that I cannot engage autothrottle. Is that normal? Should the autothrottle not be used under any engine failure conditions? How about the landing weight? Would it be normal policy to land the aircraft in an engine failure (not engine fire) occured after takeoff if you are a bit abowe max weight? Say 5000-6000lbs. Or should you circle around to burn fuel with one engine since the 737 has no fuel dump capability? Thanks! Kaj Ekström
  18. Hello! Please could you help me? After take off with the Boeing 737 900 NGX, I activated the Flight director and the speed control, all was working perfect Then (of course) I wanted to activate the Auto Pilot and I pushed one of the four Auto Pilot buttons, BUT NO reaction of the system! Only a little part of a second, the button flashed with a blue light, but this was all According this, I was not able to cruise with AP and was not able to climb up automaticly to the selected flight high etc What is the reason for this failure of the Auto Pilot ? Thank you so much for your answer in advance Best greetings Arno Vienna Austria
  19. Hi guys I'd like to purchase one of this two fabolous aircraft, but I do not know which one to choose between Sierra and Eaglet by Ant's Airplane. I would like to know one thing: I see that both have autopilot, but are there differences between the two types of autopilot, or are identical? Many thanks in advance, Riccardo
  20. Just wanting to know. I have seen a lot of diffrent places prople do it. Thanks for your input R. Shedd
  21. Is there some logic on the 737-800 ngx fail-operational land3 autoland that makes it disconnect if there is too much drift from the ils on the final or for example coming in too fast/slow due wind shear or in other cases making the approach unstable? I played around yesterday putting some heavy weather to my sim using Activesky 2012. I set up crosswin of 25-30kts, heavy windshear and turbulence just to see how the autoland handles it. Though a bumpy ride, the approach went pretty good but about 200ft agl there was heavy change in windspeed increasing my ias from desired 142 to 158, soon after the LAND3 mode disconnected and I ended up flying the plane manually.. Any explanation for this? I always thought that after LAND3 has engaged its (almost) impossible to get it disconnected the only method being pulling the A/P disconnect bar or pushing TO/GA switch.. Thanks!
  22. So I keep getting the error in the FMC saying that I'm not on an "intercept heading" when I'm trying to re-engage LNAV in the air after having to manually set the heading because of ATC. Once I want to get back to my flightpath and re-engage LNAV, it keeps spitting out this error no matter what. I read this in the Introduction pdf: But I guess I don't understand what it's saying or perhaps I'm trying to re-engage it incorrectly because no matter what I do I keep getting the same error. I set the plane on a heading that will see it cross the course but still no dice. Any help with this? Thanks so much.
  23. Let me start off by saying hi ! Okay. I'm not quite sure how to explain this, so bear with me. On rare occasions, such as today, I will takeoff from any planned airport, and while ascending or at cruising altitude on a valid flightplan (as far as I know), the plane (ranges from different types, this time a 737-700) will trim full left, then full right. It will then try to correct itself by trimming full left again, then full right to fix that mistake. It almost seems as if two lines of code are contradicting with each other. When says go left... the other says to go right, ultimately flying me in a straight zig-zag... wasting a ton of fuel. Now I don't mean the aircraft will bank 30 degrees, but more like 10 degrees or less each time. Yet it keeps happening. When left trimmed, it will be maybe 6-7 seconds when it is full right trim, then back to left all over again. I tried fixing this by switching off Nav Hold, then using heading. Then I went back to nav hold. All the while, the plane is set to follow GPS not NAV. Then I disengaged both Nav Hold and Heading, and corrected it manually until I was steady and on course. I re-engaged Nav Hold, then the plane continued to trim right/left!!! Of course, frustrated, I disengaged master-autopilot, corrected everything, re-engaged master-autopilot and everything else... same thing. Any ideas on the situation? If so, how can I fix it? Thanks in advance. Joe.
  24. I can't understand a part of boeing's autothrottle system. Apparently the Asiana pilots couldn't as well, considering the 777 crash was caused by this misunderstanding. The problem lies in the 777's a/t HOLD mode, which is followed by IDLE mode. The 737 has the similar ARM, THR HLD, and RETARD modes. In these modes the servos are disconnected from the engines and the pilot can manually set thrust. Why? What is the purpose of disconnecting the servos? Thank you.
  25. Hello I need some help, i got a hard time with the autopilot of my pmdg planes both 737 and 777, I take off and after 10 - 15 min flight i got this 1. The plane will start to loose altitude and gain speed. In this case the CMD A, VNAV and LNAV lights remain lit. I will occassionally get a Yellow Caution warning. 2. With the CMD A, LNAV and VNAV light still on the aircraft will reach a point where the aircraft will ignore a waypoint and just keep tracking on the last course. Any attempt to disengage the autopilot and steer the aircraft back to the FMC fails. deviate from the FMC Flight path. 3. With the CMD A, LNAV and VNAV light still on and on a long straight FMC path the aircraft will slowly deviate from the FMC path so that at the next waypoint the aircraft is miles from the intend position. In both the last two cases the aircraft will have flown some portion of the FMC path but then with no warning the aircraft will deviate as stated above. As I stated above, I cannnot get the Autopilot to reaquire the FMC Flight path. I attempt to steer the aircraft back toward the next waypoint or updating the FMC to put a waypoint out in front of me but when I reengage the autopilot the aircraft will not reaquire the FMC Path. I got fsiupc but neber really use it, i dont have fs2crew. Do you have any suggestion
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