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  1. I quickly created a profile for the new freeware Metoliner for XP11
  2. I have Windows 7 Professional 64bit. Did anything. I try to make a youtube video of it, that you can see what exacly is happening. 10 min ago I took the T7 for a test flight around EDDM, I did one pattern with LNAV/VNAVand an ILS approach anything worked fine. I did a go around after that I controlled the AP with Heading select, Speed and V/S or Alt Hold. it worked 5 minutes but then I got the Cabin Pressure warning (again 999999ft) Autopilot has done what he wanted and then I turned off the AP and the aircraft startet spinning in the air and was uncontrolable Lucas Geyer
  3. Hello, I've just bought the 777 base back at aerosoft.com. I have a big complicatet problem, i try to tell what happens. When i start a flight with the 777 (with fmc etc.) all is great. Then i take off and and fly a bit manual later on i put on the autopilot and i engage LNav and VNav. The plane is following the route and climbs. But at one point the problems are starting: First I get a CabinAlt waring with 999999 ft. 30 seconds later i get something like a autopilot disagree so the ap, Lnav, Vnav is engaged but the plane slowly starts getting off the route, accelerating and do what it want's. At this point I switched AP modes to heading select, speed and alt hold. Still no reaction from the plane. Now i disangaged the AP and the aircraft starts spinning in the air like it has a million tons of cargo in its back. There is no control at all it just spinns around. Need help! I spended 80€ and now i can't do a simple flight
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