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  1. my VNAV wont activate and I'm at FL390 help. it wouldn't activate on the ground BTW
  2. Hello, I've just bought the 777 base back at aerosoft.com. I have a big complicatet problem, i try to tell what happens. When i start a flight with the 777 (with fmc etc.) all is great. Then i take off and and fly a bit manual later on i put on the autopilot and i engage LNav and VNav. The plane is following the route and climbs. But at one point the problems are starting: First I get a CabinAlt waring with 999999 ft. 30 seconds later i get something like a autopilot disagree so the ap, Lnav, Vnav is engaged but the plane slowly starts getting off the route, accelerating and do what it want's. At this point I switched AP modes to heading select, speed and alt hold. Still no reaction from the plane. Now i disangaged the AP and the aircraft starts spinning in the air like it has a million tons of cargo in its back. There is no control at all it just spinns around. Need help! I spended 80€ and now i can't do a simple flight
  3. When I press "b" to set the altimeter at cruising altitude (which I have to do frequently because it keeps getting off), the autopilot does not correct my altitude even if I'm 1000 feet off. The only way to get it to climb or descend is to turn VNAV off and then turn it back on again. Now, if I turn off VNAV for the cruise phase and turn on ALT hold instead, everything works perfectly, but aren't you supposed to leave it on VNAV? I'm used to flying the 757 and 767 (Captain Sim), where VNAV worked much like ALT hold at cruising altitude. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but what is it?Thanks,boeing247
  4. Greetings! I performed a flight from KBOS to EHAM. The flight was overnight and when I revisited the sim and set the MCP ALT to a lower amount so I can descend via VNAV. I noticed nothing was happening. When I went to the VNAV page I noticed VNAV Alt was set at 8000 and not FL350. All of the preparation work was done using PPFP as I am teaching myself ETOPS operations. Upon further review of the legs page I noticed three waypoints in the start with 8000 for the altitude. Any ideas of why this happened? I reset the VNAV cruise from 8000 to FL350 and then used the MCP ALT and pressed it in to start the VNAV SPD mode for descent. Thank you.
  5. Since there's been some good discussions on descents lately, I thought I'd add two more RW examples that we used on this last trip. Ex. 1 SEA-DEN on the MOLTN2. We were at cruise at FL370 and Denver Center wanted us to "Descend now to FL320, pilot's discretion FL240." There are many ways to do this, but me having the attention span that I do, I like to have it ready now. Here's a clean/smooth way of doing it: Reset the MCP to FL240 Enter a new cruise alt of FL320 If you're in VNAV PATH, the plane will descend and level at FL320 and at the T/D, it will start down to FL240. Sit back, enjoy the Pike Place, black, no sugar. Ex. 2 DEN-SEA on the CHINS9. We're inside HUMPP, level at 15,000 and 270kts for AUBRN at 12,000 and 250kts. Since SEA wasn't too busy, they had us descend to 10,000. That way you get a little bit shorter downwind. We still needed to slow for 250 at AUBRN, but the 12,000 restriction was gone. Here's what I did: Set the MCP to 10,000 LVL CHG at the current 270kts Let the nose pitch down and V/S stabilize (around 2000fpm) V/S (now it locks in that 2000fps) Reset the MCP to 250kts Once the jet levels at 10,000, the speed slows to 250 Now, I could have done this with VNAV, but this was easy and smooth. I needed to reduce the V/S a bit as we descended to 1700fpm so the jet maintained 270. Had I been doing a VNAV approach, I probably would have staying in VNAV, but from this point it was all vectors, so I left VNAV behind for the day. That's just how we did it, your mileage may vary.
  6. Hi all! I've recently experienced some strange behaviour from my NGX, a 700 model ay this time. Flying from VIDP to VPQR in Vnav and Lnav at FL370. At about 10nm prior to the TOD I select the DESC NOW option on the FMS and the plane starts its 1000fpm shallow descent prior to intercepting the Vnav path. Till here all good and behaviour is normal. Upon interception of the descent path tho the plane suddenly rises the v speed to something like -3500 fpm for a couple of seconds, presumably as a burst to intercept the path. Is there a way to avoid/solve this? it seems quite unrealistic and besides my VA doesn't accept reports with v speeded higher than -3000fpm. I'd like to point out that this was NOT the result of am uncontrolled situation (e.g. weather related) but something connected to the plane logic. Does anybody know how to avoid this? (eg starting the DESC earlier/later, modifying the parameters such as oat index or other options). I really hope there's another way than overriding vnav and descend in ALT HOLD+VS. Cheers I'm advance, Matteo Capocefalo, MED1473
  7. Was thinking about an approach using vnav only supported by localizer to keep the heading. I know Ryanair has published a document explaining that. Has any of you guys attempted this kind of approach and if so I have one question. The airdrome is located at sea level. (57 ft) should I then reset the mcp altitude to 0 ft' ? By the way, STAR contains already two important waypoints for making this possible I think (FF09 and RWY09)gura75
  8. It's impossible for me to do a Vnav descend without exceeding the target speed, specially beyond 20.000 feets. I need to deploy spoilers and still exceed the speed. I noticied that in idle position the engines are running at 40%N1, 40%??? that's normal? Anybody have the same problem?
  9. I flew the SEEVR1 RNAV Arrival into KDFW tonight with no traffic anywhere to justify the speed restrictions on the arrival. I did still want to comply with the altitude restrictions. But... I couldn't figure out how to either A) Delete just the speed restriction on the pre-populated VNAC restrictions. B) Enter altitude restrictions as between two altitudes - or - What is the correct way to do either of these? E.g. FEWWW.SEEVR1 has a restriction at NECKK to cross Below FL280 and Above FL240 at 290KIAS. In the FMC legs page this was represented as 290/240 280. http://flightaware.com/resources/airport/KDFW/STAR/SEEVR+ONE+%28RNAV%29 As a work around, I created an along track waypoint a tenth of a mile before NECKK and assigned it altitude "280B" and then assigned NECKK 240A, with no speed on either one. It was a good amount of button pushing for what I think should be pretty straight forward.
  10. Hi, everyone, Today I had a rather perplexing event. I was in cruise, Route 1 active, everything OK. Then I modified a STAR and runway with transition. In the course of doing so, I realized that I had somehow selected Direct to a waypoint in the STAR, thus wiping out the intervening enroute waypoints. To solve this problem, I loaded the entire route in Route 2 from disk, moved the next waypoint aheadof my position up to be the active waypoint (rather than the first waypoint going back to the beginning of the flight), and activated Route 2. The aircraft followed the route OK in LNAV, but would not engage in VNAV. No altitudes were showing on the FMC legs page for subsequent legs except for restrictions included in the STAR (although my current Perf entry and I believe VNAV cruise entry had the correct altitude, FL350, after two auto step-climbs). The progress page did not show any predicted arrival time or expected remaining fuel. Active Sky Next, latest beta, was active, and I loaded current wind information, but it made no difference. (I did have a problem later with ASN, but I don't see how it's related to this one). I also entered the current FL either in the active waypoint or the following one, but the altitudes did not propagate down the list of waypoints. To solve this problem, I went back to Route 1, re-entered the remaining enroute waypoints, activated the route, and lo and behold, altitude information and predicted times returned, Progress display returned to normal. Did I do something wrong or is this a bug? Thanks, Mike
  11. Hi, on my latest flights I´ve been experiencing something weird. At the very beginig of the descent, just after reaching the TOD, I get a "drag required" message, even if I am going a bit slow and high on the VNAV Path. Then, fmc speed drops to 0. I disengage the A/P, handfly it a little bit, reset the F/Ds, and then, after a couple of times doing this process, i leave the A/P on, but i control myself the vnav speed, pressing the speed knob. Finally, when I reach FL200, approximately, everything goes back to normal and works as expected. I know it isn´t a pilot error, because before the SP1, I did the same things and procedures, but this didnt happen. Thanks in advance for your help!
  12. Hello guys, I'm having a little problem with my NGX. It doesn't happen everytime, and some times it comeback to normal. What happens is I'm entering the winds on the winds page and suddenly when I click for example R3 key to enter the wind for that way-point, the data doesn't get populated and the Exec button doesn't lit. I have to go to another page for that to happens. From that time on, it happens again with any data I want to change. Also I loose my vertical path and calculations and VNAV won't engage. On the legs page all time/FL data for all the waypoints are dashed, and i don't have any TD calculations. Does someone encounter this? Here are some screenshots. EDIT: I just made the VNAV come back by adding a FL restriction into one of the waypoints at cruise. But if I do that, the FMC calculates the TD just after that waypoint, and in the case of the flight of the screenshots, almost 800 nm before!
  13. I'm having a weird problem when descending with VNAV. If I let the aircraft reach top of descent and start down on it's own in VNAV, everything works normally and the power reduces to idle smoothly. However, if I use the "descend now" function, it will start down slowly and reduce power a little bit like it's supposed to, and when it catches up with the VNAV profile and captures the path for a steeper descent, the throttle mode switches to "hold" and will overspeed if I don't manually reduce power to idle. Perhaps I've missed something, but I believe it's supposed to retard to idle at this point on it's own. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
  14. We PMDG supporters are begging for a CRJ 200, but that dream may never happen or at least take 2 or so years to happen. If all we want is a CRJ could PMDG create a PMDG quality VC for the FSX CRJ 700? This would satisfy me and possibly kick start the development of a CRJ family. I just wish to have a CRJ that has LNAV, VNAV and all the buttons, knobs, switches and etc working. Nothing to special. I know there are products on the market for such issue but none are high quality and that is what I need.
  15. Hi Guys,this happens only for me with saved flight.If I load her up and do a quick setup of the FMC everything works fine...meaning I am able to select VNAV on the ground and it won't disconnect when I press the the TOGA button;If I save the same flight and try it again I will get a VNAV disconnect when I press the TOGA button. Why is that? It can't be me doing something wrong...it work fine if I'm not using saved situations!
  16. I have tried several times to complete the tutorial flight from EGKK to EHAM.Everything is set up exactly right in the CDU (FMC).On the descent profile I should be at or above FL055A at the NIRSI intersection.For some reason, every time I approach FL060, the aircraft levels off.In the altitude on MCP I have set FL020 (2,000).There really does not seem to be any reason for it not to continue it's descent profile.After passing NIRSI, I get an error on the CDU that I am unable to maintain or keep the descent profile and of course I overshoot the runway.Any help would be great.The speed and altitude restrictions programmed into the MCP are exactly as they should be.Thanks for any help.Phil
  17. Started flying on VATSIM a few months ago and last night I was doing a standard approach to Heathrow via the LAMB3R arrival and the controller was asking me to be at a certain altitude by passing a waypoint, I know this is very normal but I could not for the life of me find out how to instruct the FMC to do this. A/P was engaged with VNAV and LNAV, MCP altitude was set to the altitude I wanted it to go to. And I tried to enter the altitude into the FMC and select the waypoint in the LEGS page, (That seemed like the logical way to go about this). The numbers on there changed, but the plane didnt do anything. Am I going the wrong way about this or..? I ended up having to manually set the decent rate via the MCP since I couldn't figure it out, would appreciate some help
  18. Hi. Almost every time I start my descent as programmed/calculated by the vnav, I end up way too high and/or too fast for my approach and I have to circle several times to set up for a stable approach and landing. I always have to use a lot of speedbrakes also. I know somebody will reply that I should input winds to the fmc as it matters if I have tailwind but the problem seems to be every time. And its not every time I have tailwind, sometimes headwind etc. Is the vertical flight path calculation realistic on the ngx? Any suggestions? My autothrottle seems to idle on the descent (it says "arm" and end up about 40% N1), that should be correct? Thank u!
  19. Hello, I am a relatively recent owner of the NGX and it's a joy to fly (with FS2Crew). I have also read the manuals (to the best extent that I could comprehend) and done the NGX tutorials as well as Tom Risager's tutorial. In order to make sure I am mirroring the proper real-world procedures, I started watching the JustPlanes WestJet video and had a few questions about how to use MCP modes along with ATC instructions. Apologize if these questions seem basic in nature as I am trying to learn the aircraft plus proper SID/STAR procedures. Climb questions (with SID): I usually arm VNAV mode on the ground itself so that when I takeoff and select CMD A, the aircraft assumes VNAV responsibility after 400 ft or so, flies the SID and transitions all the way up to CRZ ALT. However, I noticed in the WestJet video that the Captain used LVL CHG to comply with ATC altitude instructions until about 9000ft and then switched to VNAV only after 9000 feet to climb under VNAV SPD. Is this normal? In a real-world SID departure, wouldn't the ATC controller basically be telling the pilot to fly the SID as per the chart and leave the pilot alone instead of giving altitude guidance? If you are in LVL CHG climb, I am assuming you have to constantly be changing your CLB speed on the MCP. Is the CLB speed derived from optimal CLB SPD calculated in the CLB page in the FMC? In the real-world, after the SID transition is over, what are typically the instructions from ATC? Do you normally hear "resume own navigation and " - at which point LNAV and VNAV SPD/PTH probably take you all the way upto CRZ or does ATC again start to give you altitude instructions all the way upto cruise? Descent questions (with STAR): Typically, when does ATC give you instructions to start descending from CRZ? I would guess this would be slightly before TOD as calculated by the FMC. Is the correct procedure then to use LVL CHG again to the new ATC cleared alttude and push DES NOW on the FMC as well? I am assuming the DES SPD calculated by the FMC would now be input on the MCP so that the aircraft follows the DES SPD in LVL CHG? Eventually with the LVL CHG mode we probably end up intercepting the vertical path and joining VNAV PTH again? The NGX tutorial 1 recommends descend in ALT INTV (to get out of VNAV ALT). Is this more or less common than LVL CHG and which would be used when? When does the pilot typically know from ATC which RWY and STAR to input in the FMC? Is this typically when the first descent is started or typically when you are handed over to approach? Descending down on LNAV and VNAV, I assume the ATC clears you to a STAR as you approach the first waypoint on the STAR. ATC probably says to fly the STAR as per the chart - is this understanding correct? If the STAR transitions into a FAF onto the RWY - I am guess ATC probably clears you straight in to land. However if the STAR ends some distance away from the FAF, ATC would give you vectors to the FAF - correct? How common is it for ATC to disregard the STAR and start giving you vectors to the RWY while in descend or under STAR? I saw that they did this on the Air Canada 777 video into Tokyo. ATC took over (even though aircraft was flying a STAR) and just started vectoring them with speed, altitude and heading instructions onto the RWY. I know these are a lot of questions and some of them may seem basic. Thanks again for your help!
  20. HelloFirst, I want to apology for my poor english.I have a very annoying problem with the LNAV and VNAV autopilot in PMDG 737-800 NGX- I set the flight plan, climb detail information etc. to FMC.- Enable the both FD and ARM the autothrottle, LNAV an VNAV before take off- Proceed take off with TO/GA, after a while about few feet above ground, the VNAV engage (button green light on), and later LNAV engage (but button light is off)- I am enable first CMD A autopilot, then LNAV- But first waypoint in SID procedure LNAV autopilot didn`t make it (LNAV disconnect), I am trying enable again LNAV but he ALWAYS disconnect after very short time (2 - 10s), VNAV follow- OK, then i fly manualy to last point of SID, again engage LNAV and VNAV, short time work, but very soon problem is repeate- later before slight turns (10°) between waypoints in cruise flight level LNAV again disconnecting.I try same flight route with same airporports and every time is a same problem (but always little different, in time especially). Once time, the LNAV and VNAV works almost fine, another time is a horrible.I`m study original flight tutorials, view many videos and this is not to be happend (i hope so).Please help, I don`t know, what I`m doing wrong.Thank YouSten.
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