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I flew the SEEVR1 RNAV Arrival into KDFW tonight with no traffic anywhere to justify the speed restrictions on the arrival. I did still want to comply with the altitude restrictions. But... I couldn't figure out how to either A) Delete just the speed restriction on the pre-populated VNAC restrictions. B) Enter altitude restrictions as between two altitudes - or - What is the correct way to do either of these? E.g. FEWWW.SEEVR1 has a restriction at NECKK to cross Below FL280 and Above FL240 at 290KIAS. In the FMC legs page this was represented as 290/240 280. http://flightaware.com/resources/airport/KDFW/STAR/SEEVR+ONE+%28RNAV%29 As a work around, I created an along track waypoint a tenth of a mile before NECKK and assigned it altitude "280B" and then assigned NECKK 240A, with no speed on either one. It was a good amount of button pushing for what I think should be pretty straight forward.
Hello everybody I started this tread to be able to follow any question/suggestion/issue you have with the tool I've developed. The tools is called SIDSTAR Converter. It will convert all the files you want in PMDG format using a special version of AiConv.exe (thanks Roland!!) It has a friendly and straight forward user interface. And it will create a folder structure with the names of countries and states with all the converted files inside. It will also create a txt file with the lines that you should copy to the AISIDSTAR.ini to be ready for use. Please, read the readme that explains everything in a more detailed way. Here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pp354gzq35c68fx/SIDSTAR%20Converter.rar Regards,
Hi. Is there an option to create flight plans with an external program (FScommander etc.) and save them in what ever format MFD GPS needs, so they can then be loaded from the GPS. Were are the flight plans saved and in what format? Also is there going to be SID STAR updates coming? gps autopilot? Thanks BJR
Name: SYSK - SIDs and STARs Example Category: FS Instructional Videos Date Added: 07 October 2014 - 02:28 PM Submitter: scandinavian13 Short Description: None Provided Looking at the concepts in the previous video while in the sim. View Video
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Name: SYSK - SIDs and STARs Category: FS Instructional Videos Date Added: 07 October 2014 - 02:27 PM Submitter: scandinavian13 Short Description: None Provided Stuff You Should Know: What SIDs and STARs are, what the different types of SIDs and STARs are, and how to understand what they all mean. View Video
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I have looked through several forums where some guys have the same question, but have not found an answer yet. Let’s assume the following scenario: I am at a X airportand have programed my flight. I used a saved company route that already includes SID, route, STAR and approach runway at my destination. (I use vroute to generate my flight plans, and of course I’ll have SID, route, STAR and approach already pre-programmed since it saves a lot of time during preflight of the B737 NGX). I have taken of, climbed and I am en route to my destination. Everything is fine. Before descent or during descent I either get instructions from ATC (for example on VATSIM) to change my STAR and approach runway, or if not on-line I decide based on ATIS at the arrival airport to change my STAR and approach runway. Now comes my question / worry: - How can I change the STAR and the approach in the CDU, if I have another, active one in it? - I have tried lots of things, but the active STAR and approach cannot be erased, and a new STAR and approach put into the CDU. I know that in real world flying pilots will not input the approach runway (maybe even the STAR) into the CDU at the departure airport due to unknown circumstances at the destination airport (traffic, wind changes and so on). But we FS pilots might do it as per point 1. above. I am a SE / ME – IFR rated pilot, but I don’t fly anything bigger than a SENECA V, which of course does not have a FMC. I would appreciate if anyone could let me know how to do the task in question 4. Thank you and have a great weekend. Andy Andreas Ziegler Niederuzwil, Switzerland
I haven't seen this posted so... If you are trying to fly a STAR with FSX ATC here's one way to get to fly more of it before ATC begins final vectors: 1) add the STAR waypoints directly into the flight plan as best as possible. FSX ATC will bug you if you leave the lateral flight plan you filed at the start of the flight. Many STARS can be predicted before you take off. 2) at the TD (top of descent) is where FSX ATC usually takes over and begins to assign you vectors. This is often before you can begin your STAR. :( To delay this and get more time to fly your own descent and STAR, contact ATC and "Request Altitude Decrease (10,000)" a minute or less before your predicted TD. FSX ATC will now leave you alone as you begin your descent and STAR. You can stack multiple Alt Decrease requests. Eg at 26000, request -10000. As you begin descending, request another 4000 descent, for example. ATC will reply "Descend to 16000, expect 12000". ATC seems to be satisfied to leave you alone as long as you stay on your filed lateral flight plan and continue descending to the latest descent request. Once you level off at the final lower altitude, ATC will assign you a runway and vectors. Use the altitude descend requests to fly as much or a little of your STAR as you wish. I haven't tested this extensively, just two flights, there could be a limit to how much you can push this so chime in if you find problems. Holiday Cheers Clark
Hi. Is there any flight planner with SIDs and STARs which would be good? I can't find any here or anywhere. I would like if it would be able to review how the route goes. Free vroute hasnt been enough good for me. Is there any good like this? Google and Search here didnt help me to find any good.
I have a problem getting VoxATC to use SIDs and STARs. I am using VoxATC v6.05 with FSX in a Windows 7 64bit environment, with 8GB ram. Only add-ons are VoxATC, FSUPIC, Reality XP’s GNS530W, and RealAir’sLancair Legacy (my IFR platform). Here’s what I have done so far, based on reading the manual and Forum postings. 1 Downloaded the latest NaviGraph navdata FMS file for Level-D 767 format, installed into the FSX directory (Flight Simulator X/Level-D Simulations/navdata), and pointed VoxATC to that subdirectory in Advanced Settings; run the Indexer; and checked that SIDs and STARs are now available to VoxATC by loading VoxATC’s procedure pronunciation editor and checking for the presence of SIDs and STARs. All looks good. 2 Created a flight plan in FSX’s flight planner, and edited to ensure that the first waypoint after departure airport is a valid SID waypoint for the possible runways in use, and likewise ensuring that the last waypoint before the destination airport is a valid STAR entry point for all likely runways (using RouteFinder to identify the appropriate SID exit and STAR entry waypoints for the route). In my example the route is LFSB HOC LSZH. (By “ensuring a valid waypoint” I mean ensuring that waypoint name in the FSX flight plan is the same as on the SID or STAR. I note this because the specific longs/lats differ between the current navdata file and the old FSX data, but I presume that only the name is relevant.) I set the IFR cruising altitude to be at least that stated on the relevant STAR as required or likely for possible transitions, although I don’t know if this is relevant. 3 With the flight plan saved, I save the flight with the aircraft parked at a suitable gate at the destination airport (either allowing FSX to move the aircraft there when closing the flight planner, or having parked there before creating and saving the flight plan and choosing not the have the aircraft moved; I have tried both ways). 4 I then open another saved flight, check that it is fully opened by clicking various switches on the panel and ensuring they move, then close that flight. I then reopen the saved IFR flight. I understand that this is necessary to have FSX connect the saved IFR flight with the new flight plan created for that saved flight. 5. I check that the flight plan is registered for the flight by looking at the NavLog in the Knneboard, then open VoxATC, contact clearance, and request clearance for my IFR flight. I receive “Cleared to [destination airport], cleared as filed, climb and maintain flight level 60 …” No mention of the SID. 6. I have retried with different departure and arrival airports, different SID exit and STAR entry waypoints, but the result remains the same Does anyone have any suggestions? David
Hello,I just flew a appr using a chart and this went ok. In this case I needed a vor from the airport and first fly over it. Then make a 180 turn and fly into the ils beam.After landing I thought I look up the star for the same rnw (using flight sim commander) and expacted to see the same line draw, but instead it come from any direction (n, s, e, w) and stoped infront of the ils beam.Can anybody explain if there is a relation between star and chart appr's, or are they used saparately?Thanks,Maikel Rozemeijerpe1123
This is the checklist that I created for the Airbus A320. This is a free file, do not sell it to anyone. I created it to help anyone that wants it. Contact me if you wish for me to create the same one but with another airline logo, or if I have made a mistake. Download it here:
Yesterday I was doing approaches and practicing go-around maneuvers at ESSA, I repeatedly set up my approach on rwy 01L and repeatedly (maybe 3 times) also re-entered the ILS approach on the CDU "app" page. Then the CDU gave a "program pin error" and I could no more enter any approaches on the fmc/cdu. The simulator did not crash and I landed normally but I could no longer enter any stars and approaches on the computer. If I tried it gave me a blank screen with only "FMC ACT" on it. Has this happened to you guys? I purchased my PMDG 737NGX in 2012 so I should have automatically all the updates sp:s etc? Thanks!
Hi, first of all, Sorry for my bad english i`m from Austria. I`d like to fly wih my Boing 737-900 from Vienna to Rom Fiumicino. I´d like to start from runnway 29 and follow the SID Sun2c I`m looking for Airways they can bring me to Rom Fiumicino. Wich is the best one? and wich STAR should i take to Land on runnway 16 left ? Wich route do you fly most? and wich SID`s / STARS and Airways do you use? Where can Í looking for Airways are there any Websites? Pleas let me know about that. I`m not so professional on the FCM. Thank You for your Quick answer.
Hello all, Currently flying LFMN-LICJ on the NG. Standard route, SODRI6A dep and GIANO2B arr with VOR-Z 07 approach. There is a discontinuity in the missed approach route (Navigraph AIRAC 1605). I canceled it and was on my way to Sicily. During cruise the FMC froze and I was unable to modify the route (directs). Apparently, what happened was that canceling that discontinuity made the FMC freeze. To unfreeze it, I simply uploaded my route again and made sure to not touch the missed app segment. Thats it! I don't know if it is a Navigraph bug or a NGX bug, but thought it would be useful to report it here. Mods, please feel free to delete if already discussed. Happy flying, Alex
Greetings, When I updated the Navgraph data for Carenado (all products), the runway, SID, and STAR data for many airports are not showing anymore on the FMC DEP/ARR page. Any ideas why? Thank you for the help in advance. Faisal.
Diving really deep into the PMDG 777 simulation. Flew a VATSIM flight from ORD to EGLL today and the controller as me to change the STAR. Easy enough, however is there a procedure that will assist in cleaning up the previous start and still using the same transition fix? Thank you.
Hi, still learning the FMC.. I have Navigraph and PFPX. If I plan a route, I add the SID and STAR for the the runways in the FMC. However, I have no idea which one to choose for my particular route. I know that if you pick an runway, it shows the appropriate, possible SIDS and STARS, still a lot to choose from.... I try to find these somewhere in programs and documentation, but no luck until now. I pick one that seems kinda ok, stepping through the legs, sometimes end up with spaghetti Where/how can I find the options available in the FMC on charts? (Would save me some fuel too ;-) ) thanks, Tony
Hi everybody, I am experiencing LNAV issue since a few days. I was using a Flightsim yoke with autocoordination ON and read that the PMDG 777 was not designed to be flown with autocoordination ON so I decided to switch to a joystick with rudder controlled by rotating the stick. I have to say that I rediscover my 777 and enjoy it a lot. But I also experience an over-anticipation of LNAV turns when following STARs. For example, I recently flew from KJFK to SBGR and followed the ANSUG1B arrival for ILS09R. At some point, the STAR commands you to turn right almost 90° to downwind track. 5 NM before the turn, the plane starts turning and very soon I find myself way inside the turn by more than 1 NM. The plane levels off, turn left to join the magenta line, then turn right again and overshoots the flightpath. (Am I clear? Hope so... ). I must precise that: - I have the latest version installed - this problem happened AFTER I changed my flight controller. - I have FSUIPC not registered Thank you for any insight! Cheers, Alex