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  • About Me
    Played flight sim a loooong time ago, and learned the real thing too. About 500hrs on Cessna's, mainly 182 dropping skydivers. Half a CPL, stopped flying 20 years ago. Always had a copy of FSX somewhere, and 3 times a year took a spin. Yes, also have a DJI Phantom and did some moderate distance fixed wing FPV. Recently "woke up" and saw all the new "stuff".
  1. Create a new cold and dark after a successful LAND3. Works for me.
  2. Ok. tried it quickly The CDU being a webpage has its advantages and disadvantages. A webpage is more versatile of course. The Android App has "clicks" and an option to keep the screen on. The Android app does not always connect to existing, saved situations (but saved with the CDU working, no problem), but Mark Foti's version does. Need to find a full screen browser, and set the display time-out to infinite... Foti's app/page seem a bit slower at times.... I think I'll fly with the Android app for now. When I am ready for the 777, I'll start with the Foti CDU. OMG, a 747? Didn't know that. Banking,Banking... Android app does this too. Ideal for Netflix binge watching and flying long routes :wink: Does Mr Foti have more apps??
  3. Ok. Haven't tried it yet, but the pics look great. Wish to have known this before... Hmm, no prices, have to send a request... Strange... Update: now I know, its EUR 27.50 for 3 licences...
  4. Samsung TAB s PC is wired and Tablet via Wifi.
  5. Hi, not associated with the company. While looking through the Android Playstore I found a virtual CDU This is my tablet, can also connect phone, either as two of the same CDU or as F/O CDU.. If anyone knows more of handy Android thingies, plz...
  6. I kinda guessed that , hence. Got it working? Maybe you have to load a "fresh situation" after changing the settings.... There are some unfortunate oddities with loading and reloading saved situations....
  7. I get LAND3, and it does its thing. The relevant stuff from the ini file: [Displays] Glass_PFD_ND=1 PFD_low_airspeed_alert=1 PFD_groundspeed_displayed=1 PFD_Vref_plus_20_bug=1 PFD_100knot_bug=0 PFD_rising_runway=1 PFD_split_axis_flight_director=1 PFD_pitch_limit_indicator_popup=1 PFD_radio_altitude_round_dial=0 PFD_angle_of_attack_dial=0 PFD_landing_altitude_bar=1 PFD_2500_height_alert=1 PFD_show_landing_flaps=0 PFD_integral_heading_scale=1 EFISMAP_radio_altitude_round_dial=0 EFISMAP_80knot_bug=0 EFISMAP_flight_path_vector=0 ND_trackUp=0 ND_VOR_course_lines_displayed=1 ND_VerticalSituationDisplay=1 ND_RangeArcs=1 ND_TCAS_RangeRing=0 ND_ActWptData=1 PFD_ND_NPS=0 Engines_SideBySideDisplay=0 Engines_ColorChangeInhibit_5minutes=0 Engines_ColorChangeInhibit_10minutes=0 Engines_LowOilQuantityInverseVideo=1 Engines_HighVibrationAlert=1 Engines_ShowRefN1=2 Engines_ShowOilQPercentage=0 Engines_ShowMaxContLines=1 Fuel_LowAlertBelow1000lbs=0 Fuel_TOTALDisplay=1 MFD_FlightControlSurfacesIndicator=1 MFD_BrakeTemperatureIndicator=1 [Engines] Engines_DoubleDerate=1 [MCP] MCPType=1 [AFS] WingsLevelatTO=0 AllowGSCaptureBeforeLoc=0 RollOutEnabled=1 [FMS] DefaultAccelHeight=1500 DefaultReductionAlt=1500 DefaultCutBackAlt=800 DefaultRestoreAlt=3000 DefaultTransAlt=3000 [GPWS] GPWS_AltCallouts=1 GPWS_2500_RA=0 GPWS_2500=0 GPWS_1000=1 GPWS_500=1 GPWS_400=0 GPWS_300=0 GPWS_200=0 GPWS_100=1 GPWS_50=1 GPWS_40=1 GPWS_30=1 GPWS_20=1 GPWS_10=1 GPWS_MinimumsType=1 GPWS_AprMinimumsType=4 GPWS_WarnBankAngle=1 GPWS_TerrPeaksMode=1 GPWS_TerrUseCyan=0 GPWS_V1Callout=1 [TCAS] TCAS_ShowAllTraffic=1 TCAS_FilterRange=40 TCAS_FilterSeparation=2800 [Airframe] Airstair=0 ShortFieldPackage=0 FlightTestPackage=0 SteelBrakePackage=1 DualBatteryPackage=1 JumpSeat=1 Yoke CheckList L=1 Yoke CheckList R=1 ETOPS=0 DualCargoBottleSystem=1 SingleClassCabin=1 EyebrowWindows=0 SatcomAntenna=0 ISFDInstalled=1 HGSInstalled=1 HGS_AutoAIII=1 HGS_GSrefInPRI=1
  8. I "upgraded" the Transavia Livery with autoland, just used the exact same settings from the PMDG one. Works. Exact same behavior...
  9. Hmmmm.. I saved the situation where the spd bugs did not show. I took off anyways, and during the flight I peaked at the forum. Switch was not on auto. Set it on auto, completed the flight. Loaded the "no spd bugs" situation. Behold, spd bugs showing. %&%*%???
  10. Hi, When I enter my flight data in the FMC most of the time all goes well, v1, vr, v2 are calculated and shown on the display. But in some cases, the display still shows No Vspeed in yellow: I start looking around, clicking, but no way I can get the speed bugs to show... What did I do wrong? Thanks, Tony
  11. Yes, I will... Hoped that PFPX made my life easy, ehhh click and fly But. Tony Thats pretty nice. But, bought enough stuff for now. Even the sim says Banking, Banking all the time :( Tony
  12. Oh Boy, ehhh Looking at Navigraph: DEP: It says, Wavey: expect vectors to R156 (115.9 JFK) ARR: RILEY6 Anyways, did the return to KLAS, PFPX came up with something, but I used an actual route from flightaware : KLAX LOOP8 DAG KEPEC3 KLAS. No spaghetti, just an S Since i did a downwind 01L
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