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About Dave-Pilot2ATC

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  • Birthday 11/16/1957

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  1. Not sure what you mean by "..it would not change frequencies at Class C facilities". The Class of the airport should make no difference. There would be a difference between towered and non-towered airports. Dave
  2. The dropdown is populated from installed Windows SAPI Desktop Voices. AppConfig just maintains a list of any voices you have set. If the dropdown is blank, then something has happened in Windows to wipe out your installed voice definitions. You might try rebooting the PC. If that doesn't work, you may need to set up your voices in Windows again. Dave
  3. Yes. And FSUIPC for FSX, MSFS and P3D. That is something I'll take a look at, but it is not in the initial release. Dave
  4. If you email a screenshot of the error to admin@p2atc.com, I might can help you. Or, you could wait until Pilot2ATC Version 3 comes out and do the trial with it. It uses a different database technology and won't have these kinds of issues. Dave
  5. Yes. You can watch the video:
  6. A full reinstall or reinstall of the latest update, would refresh the GrmmrHelperData.xml file located in the Settings folder at: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\P2A_200\Settings where <UserName> is your PC user name. Also, make sure that the radio is on with the Green Power indicator in P2A on, and that the radio is tuned to a controller that can give clearance. That could affect what options and phrases are available. Dave
  7. We are targeting early release for some time in August 2024.
  8. It's possible that the GrmmrHelperData.xml file is corrupted on your friend's PC in the Settings folder. Reinstalling the latest beta update should fix it if that is the problem. Also be sure the Recent filter is not activated, in addition to the Favs filter that Bob mentioned. Dave
  9. We're excited to announce Pilot2ATC version 3.0. Here's a quick introduction video: Pilot2ATC Version 3.0 We'll be announcing pricing and upgrade options, as well as producing some additional videos, in the near future. This thread will be used to make announcements for Version 3. Dave
  10. I suspect a file is missing or corrupted in your installation. Try installing/reinstalling the latest beta update. That should get the program working without affecting your data, settings, etc. Dave
  11. Yes. Check the box "Use Random Voices", then only select a specific voice for any controller you want to always have the same voice. Copilot is the most obvious one for that. The others can be random, but some folks like to assign a voice to ATIS. Otherwise, leave all the voice selection boxes blank. Dave
  12. You can make Microsoft Natural Online voices work in P2A using the instructions here. They are as good or better than most other online voices. There are over 25 good English voices and hundreds of non-English voices. Stick to just the English voices because many of the non-English voices are not understandable at all in English.
  13. I believe I've found a bug causing this issue and it should be fixed in the next beta, 2703. Dave
  14. After making changes in TaxiMnt, you need to restart P2A so the new data can be loaded and used by the controllers. Dave
  15. Just looking at KSAN and taxiing to RW 09 from the parking north of the runway, there are no taxiways north of the runway and so you have to cross the runway. I suspect something similar is happening at the other airport. Dave
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