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About joelpacheco

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  1. I edited the taxi points to RW27 in KSAN, it now gives correct taxi instructions. But it is not as simple, sometimes I get the expected taxi route within the taxi maintenance tool but then requesting taxi from P2A still gives weird taxi instructions that don’t match the route given by the taxi maintenance tool. Then I restart P2A and finally get the route matching the route provided by the taxi maintenance tool. I wonder if you need to add a feature to the taxi maintenance tool to erase some cache that P2A is using so it takes the changes made as you are editing.
  2. I think I got KSBA to work after editing the taxi waypoints. Not sure what did the trick tho. Very cool feature by the way. I’ll try it again tomorrow and will modify KSAN when I have another chance.
  3. Thank you Dave. I did import the data from x-plane. The taxi paths and holdshort point seem identical for both sides of the runway.
  4. In x-plane 12 I get weird taxi routing in at least two airports KSAN and KSBA, where I get instructions to cross the runway assigned for takeoff and taxi along the other side of the runway. I tried to edit the airport taxiways without luck as I don’t understand the P2A logic. What is there in the taxi paths that is making P2A choose to cross the target runway unnecessarily, which is not the shorter or most logical taxi route?
  5. Yesterday I flew the KSAN BRDR7 SID in Beta 6 and it worked great. ATC let me fly the SID without contradicting the chart. Arrival to KLAS worked perfect too, I didn't get constant vectoring. It is a pleasure to fly with P2ATC once again. Thank you!
  6. Thanks Dave. Today I tried the BERBN transition a couple of times and it went smoother. But maybe because I was expecting the vectors this time since I checked in advance the approach route P2A had calculated by pressing the APPR button. I exclusively fly in VR so after filing I never look at the P2A screen again. The second time P2A kept giving small vector adjustments towards the ILS. It seems ATC is over-controlling, considering there are defined waypoints in the approach chart already. But I’m not a pilot and have not point of reference. I noticed another possible bug in public beta 4. During handoff from ground to tower, ground doesn’t say my callsign. It simply says “contact tower at xxx”
  7. What is a manual termination? I ran into similar case today. Filed for the LARKK1 to KLAS and ILS 26L with PRINO transition. I was cleared for the approach with the PRINO transition but sudenly P2A vectored me towards the ILS way before PRINO. At which point I couldn’t set the plane for a controlled approach and “landed”. 🤣 I see how this could happen in real life due to traffic but it was confusing.
  8. I’m flying out of KSAN to KLAS via SID BRDR7 to LARKK1.TNP but P2A instructions contradict the chart. The BRDR7 chart shows climb on heading 278 until PGY 19 DME. It seems P2A is interpreting the chart as 19mi from the airport. So I get out of course warnings. Then immediately after get instructions to descend via LARKK1.
  9. I’m having the same issue after reinstalling R2 Did you figure it out?
  10. I confirm it is working for me now, I regret uninstalling it. Oh well. Thanks for looking into it Dave
  11. Thank you Dave. I tried this morning and got the same error. That computer is only used for the simulator, it is either a Windows update or something external that changed. My vote goes to the culprit being a Windows10 update but I don’t have any older restore point to try.
  12. I’m getting the error message “Unable to connect to the remote server. Check your internet connection and try again.” when opening Pilot2ATC. The log has only one line: “Program StartedPilot 2 ATC (P2A) - version 03/20/2022 00:02:44” I uninstalled then reinstalled but still no luck. The computer has internet access. I also did a restore in case a windows update messed something up bit no luck either. Any ideas for what I should try to make it work?
  13. Mark, Today I had a chance to try the tools you created. Did a short flight with both FSX and XPlane and it worked perfect. The setup process was very simple. I had to disable the firewall in the remote P2A PC (Win10) but it was simple. I think it is perfect as is. Thanks a lot for sharing! The only issue I found is that I had P2A set to operate PTT with F12 key, and that key is not an option in your program. I had it set for F12 because I don’t know how to set a different key in FSUIPC. I will need to change the setting if I use FSUIPC with FSX. Not a big deal. Joel
  14. Thanks Mark! I’ll give it a go this weekend and report back. I never made it work for xplane only for FSX. The FSX PC runs Win7 and the remote P2A PC runs Win10.
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