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  1. Hi Mike, Sorry for such a late response, no matter what I set notifications to, I never seem to get informed when someone replies. it's probably a little late now, but I'll reply anyway just in case. You're correct, you mic should be connected to the Pilot2Atc computer as normal. I recently (before your post) updated the app so that it now uses UDP which is much quicker and more responsive. I always use this app and I've never had any issues with delay or latency, even on wireless. If you've experienced any issues, let me know. Thanks,
  2. Hi all, I’ve just put a couple of bug fixes through as version 2.0.1. Use the link a couple of posts up or visit X-Plane.org use the link in my first post. Thought I’d share a tip which is working out quite nicely for me. I use the key switch on the Honeycomb yoke to bind to the XPDR TCAS rotary dial in my PMDG aircraft. As you might know, when using P3D, P2A can’t detect when we turn the XPDR rotary dial in the aircraft, so we have to do it manually on the P2A GUI. (A limitation of FSUIPC if I remember correctly.) I’ve assigned F7 as a XPDR hot key in P2A (Config > Btn menu) to cycle through the XPDR states. Then I’ve configured the PTT network kit to send F7 when I turn the key to 2nd and 3rd position. (R and L key positions) So now, when I turn the key all the way round to the right, (TA/RA in the aircraft, ready for flight,) this effectively presses F7 twice and places the P2A XPDR in Active status. When I turn the key all the way left (STBY in the aircraft) this presses F7 twice again changing the P2A XPDR to off. It’s a bit of a hack, but works quite well. Cheers.
  3. Hi Stephem, Sorry I missed your question, I did not have notifications on!! If it loses focus then yes you are right, the signal is getting across, this is good news. Please review the comments in this forum: Pilot2ATC PTT Network Kit - Utilities - X-Plane.Org Forum (x-plane.org) I have explained to someone in detail how to set it up It is using the older version, but the principle is exactly the same. Let me know if this helps. Cheers,
  4. Hi Steve, Sorry, it seems that the original link is now dead. I was really careful to upload it with the same name so it would survive but it killed it. Frustrating, because I can't edit my original post because it's so old now. Hopefully people will look this far down to where there's a new link! Try this: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvW6QMOWtCLXghWSrnWAAQF4VcO1?e=oGUPPW 🙂 Cheers, Mark.
  5. Hi all, Just to let you know, the link in my original post will now let you download version 2 of this utility. Change log: Updated the GUIs Added the ability to map up to 8 buttons on 8 controllers Changed network protocol from TCP to UDP to increase response times Optimised code to increase responsiveness of the applications Cheers,
  6. Hi @Kennair, Snap! Got my Honeycomb last week as well. Found exactly them same issue, I'd put a quick fix in place to get it working, I'll look at making it more user friendly this afternoon then I'll release an update. Watch this space, probably be a couple of hours. Cheers, Mark. P.s. The update is now available on X-Plane.Org.
  7. This can be downloaded from the X-Plane.org forum now as a utility. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/54843-pilot2atc-ptt-network-kit/ Thanks, Mark.
  8. Hi @joelpacheco, Great, glad it worked OK for you and thanks for the feedback. As it happens, I've also had a requirement to add some more 'non-standard' keys, as I use my laptop for flight planning as well, and whatever character you enable as the hot key in P2A then stops working in other apps as P2A is obviously listening for it. So based on my need and now yours, I've updated the PTT Receiver to present a much more comprehensive choice of keys, including function and other 'special' keys to keep it out the way of the standard alphanumeric keys. See how you get on with 1.3, same link in original post. Cheers, Mark. Version History --------------- V1.3 - 16/09/2019 * Added a more comprehensive list of keyboard keys to select from in PTT receiver V1.2 - 14/09/2019 * Fixed bug where pressing set for controller 2 highlighted wrong button box V1.1 - 13/09/2019 * Added controller names in drop down menu rather than generic names * Added the ability to assign the PTT and 'Say it' buttons to different controllers * Added menu strip with about and exit menus V1.0 Initial Release - 11/09/2019
  9. Can't edit my original comment now, but I've already made some changes, that'll probably be it unless anyone has any requests. It became obvious yesterday that I really needed to be able to assign the PTT and 'Say it' buttons to different controllers. I also wanted the proper name of the controllers to appear in the drop down menus. Now you can and now it does. Welcome to 1.1 🙂 Please use original link. Version History --------------- V1.1 - 13/09/2019 * Added controller names in drop down menu rather than generic names * Added the ability to assign the PTT and 'Say it' buttons to different controllers * Added menu strip with about and exit menus V1.0 Initial Release - 11/09/2019 Cheers, Mark.
  10. OK great, I've just tested it across a Windows 7 / Window 10 setup and it worked perfectly. Good luck, Mark.
  11. Hi all, Created a new post with the previously mentioned applications here. Cheers, Mark.
  12. Hi all, I'm new to Pilot2ATC but I could see an instant need to be able to send joystick commands from my Sim machine to my Laptop where P2A reside. I'm an X-Plane user. I wasn't really up for paying for anymore software so I've written a couple of programs that basically run on each computer and then allow the transmission of a PTT and SayIt button over to the client machine running P2A. You can download a copy here. It's very basic, not very pretty, but it's only a quick fix to solve a personal problem, but judging by the size of the pinned P2A networking thread, I'm not the only one so I thought I'd share!! 🙂 All instructions are contained within the readme, I've only done minimal testing, but it works perfectly on my rig. Any feedback or bugs can be reported back to me here. You'll need to make sure you have .NET 4.7.2 installed as well. @Dave-Pilot2ATC, I take it it's OK for me to share .EXEs on here? Any questions, let me know. Cheers, Mark. P.s. Only tested on Windows 10
  13. Hi all, I'm on day 5 of testing P2A now. It's so awesome. I've got mine networked too, with X-Plane. I wanted to use my Saitek Yoke PTT button so I wrote a couple of small programs, one for the remote PC and one for the Sim PC, that lets me transfer button presses from my yoke to P2A over the network, so I can press PTT just like it's local. I'd imagine this will work with any combination of sims/controllers though as it's simply just transferring button presses and actually has nothing to do with X-Plane, P2A or Saitek. When I've finished testing tomorrow I'll share them with you all. I'm now already thinking, maybe I should have allowed a "Say it" button press as well, why do these things come to me when I've finished!!!! It's pretty basic, and not very glamourous, but it does what it says on the tin!! 🙂 So anyone else on the verge of buying additional software, hold fire, this may be of some use to you. Cheers, Mark.
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