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  1. That would have pushed it to a immediate purchase for me, now more of an "I'll think about it" as I've got the QT to fly and probably the 777f coming out at around the same time. Still did love the RJ70 in FSX/P3D and the 146 is great, even if it lacks a ND .. .. G
  2. Not sure with that, as I've never had it happen - could just be a bug in the aircraft or a limitation of MSFS in how it handles arrivals & NavData... G
  3. To get FMS in white you need to set it whilst parked, if you are lined up with the runway it will go active (sometimes even on a taxiway), that is assuming you are flying a SID .. .. .. Generally in the bizjets I have TOGA and AT before I hit the runway, along with any other mode I want armed, as it does nothing until the throttle is advanced all the way anyway. Obviously I don't do the same in the 737 !!! G
  4. SI uses AI but that seems to be about it, and you've got a large ongoing cost to pay for the AI. Fortunately there will be a free trial of P2ATC3 so anyone will be able to try for themselves. G
  5. I've never had that happen to me, although don't have the CRJ. Probably the longest I have left it is 30 minutes or so... G
  6. I just hit Escape to bring up the menu and leave it there until I want to resume it..... G
  7. That's just a work around though, if you have to do that you may as well just ignore ATC and do your own thing. Which is what I tend to end up doing on descent anyway using BATC. G
  8. They've already said it isn't. From the way they said it, there's not much chance of it being a bizjet. G
  9. Lol you are 100% right, was meant for the OP.... G
  10. To be fair the displays are so blurry it's hard to make out, If you can reproduce it may be helpful to redo with it zoomed in to the displays so things can be read. It does look like it goes into TOGA as the flightplan disappears, but can't be 100%..... G
  11. Glad I saw this, early finish from work - so guess it's a flight in a different sim this morning !!! G
  12. Pmsl, love how you add in a dev that has zero products in there. Clearly they have the means, although since their existing customer base seems to be asking for their existing product lines in MSFS, it would be daft to ignore it. @eslader have to admit I always preferred their Lear over the Falcon aanyway. More flights in that than anything else in P3D, in MSFS we've definitely got a bigger choice of bizjets so doesn't get to monopolise my time quite so much. G
  13. I mean one look at the cockpit says a very definate "NO" .. .. Wait for FFX... G
  14. Hi, do you know how to display the terrain on the Navigation Display in the PMDG 737-600?
    Also, do real life pilots tap the brakes before bringing up the gear after take-off (it's what's done in GA aircraft)?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matt Sdeel

      Matt Sdeel

      Thank you.

      Do you know how to turn on the cockpit lights (not just for an instrument but for the entire cockpit --on GA planes it's on the ceiling of the cockpit)? Does the 737 have one?

      Also, I'm using a simple joystick (Logitech Extreme). I've bound the reverse thrust to a joystick button but to use the reverser after touchdown I have to press and hold the F2 button momentarily before the bound button for the reverser on the joystick will work. Might it have to do with a setting in Options in the FMC?

    3. Gazzareth


      There's a dome light on the overhead (at the back), then rotary dials on overhead, pedestal and each pilots panel to control lighting. 

      Not sure about the reverser, think mine is set to Reduce Throttle but that's a guess and could easily be another sim tbh...

    4. Matt Sdeel

      Matt Sdeel

      Found the switch and got the dome light working. Thank you for the tip!

      The throttle reverser is in MSFS' Control Options page (not PMDG):
      Power Management, Throttle, Toggle Throttle Reverser Thrust .

      Maybe this is the problem. I should set the throttle reverser option somewhere in PMDG, but I can't locate the option for it in the aircraft's FMC. 😞


  15. I'd definitely recommend the PMDG 736, absolute steal at that price. G
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