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About g-liner

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  1. I found with gb landmarks n c and s, anywhere there’s photogrammetry the landmarks were significantly worse than the photogrammetry so I removed them. Hopefully an update will improve this as most of these landmarks are fairly basic models.
  2. Hi everyone, Has anyone tested any or all the orbx dlc and the U.K. update? I’ve got orbx U.K. mesh dublin london uk south central and north? all from marketplace. I was going to delete them all and then do the WU and see how it all is without them, it looks like loads of the new WU POIs were in the orbx U.K. VFR packs so there might be conflict ? Same with the mesh and city packs etc,
  3. There was a few issues I saw with it Ibut one was it wouldn’t engage when level and the speed window then didn’t open when it should.
  4. Have you used it in real life on many Boeings and if so which types?
  5. That’s a bit hyperbolic. It’s far from being “exactly” like the real aircraft. Perhaps if you understood how the real Boeing AFDS operates you’d realise this. I don’t expect it to be exactly the same at all, but a bit more realistic, might make it more useful for real pilots to use. This is like the 737 lnav debates where you and other fans kept going on and on about how good it was and even now PMDG admit it needed updating and have improved it a bit on the 777 but there’s still a way to go.
  6. I’m glad other Boeing pilots have noticed this! Forums/discord/Reddit etc all seem full of people saying how great it is now. The LNAV definitely definitely isn’t correct although it’s far better than the 737s I don’t think the FLCH works correctly either especially with the A/T but I got bored on the forum etc and gave up on giving feedback.
  7. PLEASE can we get these (Falklands and Orkney Shetland) on marketplace particularly for Xbox as they can’t get flightsim.to? it opens your work upto a huge audience and many devs have done this now with a minimum charge, if that’s the issue.
  8. Thanks that’s good news. Did you fly it in lnav and vnav and then reset missed the mcp altitude from minimas to missed approach alt (300ft below missed approach alt) and it didn’t capture, ie on approach logic worked?
  9. IRL though it’s not usually an either or situations like it is in sim world though? I like having BOTH the integrated efb and my iPad then you can have approach charts in the iPad and the star and then the moving map ground charts on the integrated efb for landing etc. Perhaps in the sim both aren’t possible due to memory issues or something but not having the integrated efb is a shame imho.
  10. Has anyone given the LNAV 2 a good investigation? How are things like RNP ar approaches using lnav and vnav and also on approach logic?
  11. Has anyone had a go in it yet or seen if the LNAV V2 is there and what it’s like?
  12. Shows how great the sim is that people are actually upset the live weather (and particularly ice or snow cover) isn’t exactly accurate in their local airport or water by the airport or on the road leading to the airport. I’m sure it’s frustrating if you live or fly there all the time but it seems a bit unrealistic to expect it to be 100 all the time imho. especially in local areas with micro climates etc, Weather is extraordinarily difficult to predict or recreate even with reports etc and it’s obviously still WIP and likely will be for years to come. Apologies if I’m missing the issue here though!
  13. Getting Working title on board was one of the best (if not the best) moves in fs2020 by Jorg and co, It’s not just GA though their improvements have been felt, their work on the 78 is phenomenal and far wider reaching than many realise, especially in their LNAV, I’ve been hugely impressed by their attention to detail and effort. Plus they’re a fantastic group of people with great engagement on their discord and forums. If WT are guilty of anything it’s underselling their work. It’s easy sometimes to read the claims from other devs about their work and get seduced by their self promotion but WT are quietly getting on with it, with little self fanfare and announcements or announcements about announcements or other self congratulatory nonsense.
  14. Love this city update, Monaco and Stockholm are really great new additions, think the others (Barcelona Madrid Nice etc) are just updates and slight expansions? The Sweden bush trip was so disappointing when you took off from Arlanda and arrived into Stockholm from the north and it was all green and autogen, now it looks fantastic. Agreed that the new photogrammetry looks much better from the beginning with better water masking and showing marinas and boats etc whereas previously it got maybe fixed later or you had to download a mod for it. Still hoping for that missing Hawaii photogrammetry Jorg mentioned a while ago and maybe some more in bigger European cities that don’t have it yet like Dublin or edinburgh and Glasgow or famous scenic areas like sorento and Amalfi coast or Sicily around Taormina etc etc etc Obviously huge areas of the world aren’t in photogrammetry yet or covered in world updates but it think the dev livestreams have talked a lot about the difficulties and limitations MS/asobo etc have with their present system for getting better scenery in the sim in many countries. I think the WU and CU are some of my favourite things in the sim, it’s been great seeing how many there are and MS/asobos continued commitment to the sim and improving what it all looks like!
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