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  1. Can you please provide a link? I logged into the AIG forums (the one I'm aware of) and it was "dead".
  2. Anyone else click "Update" for SimObjects and Models in AI Manager but after what appears to be "progress" and completion the Update button is still red? This never happens with Flightplan updates, only Models/SimObjects.
  3. Looks fantastic! If you need any beta testers....😉
  4. There's an entire topic about this at the top of this forum......
  5. Really looking forward this. I think back to previous iterations of Flight Simulator (e.g. FS98, FS2004, FSX) and more "remote" areas like the the Shetlands or the Falklands were rather ignored and lacking in any sort of detail. You're providing such an incredible upgrade for those of us who've been waiting many years to explore these places.
  6. I'd love to know if there's a way to remove the ORBX city scenery that came with ESSB and try the new one that came with the update.
  7. Agreed. Unfortunately, the ORBX ESSB scenery, at least for me, is a frame rate destroyer. I can't seem to find the settings sweet spot for this airport to give me anything decent when flying the Asobo ATR.
  8. LatinVFR's TJSJ: Similar ground issues and terribly inaccurate parking spot placements.
  9. Would LOVE to see a decent upgraded KGMU...fantastic GA airport with a nice restaurant.
  10. IIRC VNAV will disengage and go into Pitch Mode if the IAS approaches the top of the barber pole (i.e. max speed) in an effort to not overspeed. Were you ~240 IAS+?
  11. I have Fly2High Kagoshima (RJFK). The scenery itself looks great but the AFCAD is a complete disaster and the ILS no longer works. They've done nothing to fix these issues despite numerous requests from purchasers.
  12. Does anyone know if an updated parking fix exists for the LatinVFR TJSJ scenery? I'd love for Cape Air, Silver, Air Cargo Carriers, and Tradewind to park at least relatively close to the real-world parking spots and LATINVFR has them scattered all over. Have looked everywhere for a fix/file (LVFR forum was no help). I used to edit parking in FS9 & FSX all the time using AFCAD and ADE but I'm a bit lost with MSFS. Is this possible using GSX or does this program not modify AI parking assignments? Appreciate any advice. Thanks!
  13. The major things missing, for me at least, in the Falklands are simple windsocks and physical edge markers for the runways. You can see the locations for the various white edge markers and sometimes cones in the ground scenery when outside the aircraft. Taxiing without the 3D markers is an adventure. That and maybe a Land/Range Rover model here and there to meet the FIGAS plane...love the ones you used at Stanley. I'm actually fairly impressed with the job Asobo did placing buildings around the various settlements. The gorse is a whole other deal. At least Asobo seemed to use smaller trees that turn yellow so it doesn't look too bad from the air.
  14. This is fantastic news! I love your sceneries...especially the Shetland and Orkney islands. Appreciate the work you do!
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