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  1. I've been looking for a decent 737 check-list for sometime, but couldn't find anything that resembles the layout of those used on the line. I wanted something neat, in the two column format, so I decided to create my own. Am allowed to share it? It's my own creation, but I've used actual challenge and response items from various online documents and airline videos that I have. It's a mash-up between Ryanair, Go and Inter European. Obviously I don't want to infringe on any kind of copyright! Kind Regards, Martin Neep
  2. Hi everyone, I'm searching checklist for 737NGX. And I found 2 things: 1) A Topic in AVSIM: http://forum.avsim.n...list-available/ 2) And I'm wondering is someone do a checklist like in the attachment for 737NGX. Best Regards
  3. Hi Everyone, I was just wondering if the PMDG 777X would have a computerized checklist?
  4. Bonjour à tous et à toutes! Après avoir publié un fichier kml (google earth) de tous les aéroports de fs9 sur avsim et développé un site qui situait ces même aéroports sur google maps (n'est plus en ligne) voici mon dernier bébé. Je n'étais pas un grand utilisateur de checklist mais après l'acquisition du magnifique JetStream 4100 de PMDG l'utilisation d'une checklist était incontournable avec la complexité de démarrage de cet avion. Étant informaticien, j'ai créé une checklist HTML pour cet avion et je me suis dit pourquoi pas pour tous les autres. J'ai alors développé un site web qui comprend maintenant une bonne douzaine de checklist pour de gros et petits porteurs et même pour des hélicos ! Alors, bon vol et si vous avez des suggestions, commentaires ou des checklist que vous aimeriez y trouver. N'hésitez pas à m'en fart part. Merci d'avance Pierre http://www.checkplane.com/
  5. Starting from the usefull tutorial created by Kurt Kalbfleisch and official Carenado C90B checklist, I've created my own "one-page-two-side" checklist for my flights. I hope you can find it usefull Note: bold items should be performed only during first flight of the day Luca
  6. Hi, Have been flying the JS4100 for a couple of months now, absolutely fantastic! I've developed my own checklist for all stages of flight, which is attached for anyone who is interested. It's not the full detail as per the operating manual, but it's enough for a full flight without blowing up the engines. It covers four sides of A4, I have mine on two double-sided laminated sheets. It also covers a few things that crop up from time to time in the forum, including air starts and T/O distances. The latter is based on my own calculations and several trial flights; I'd be interested in any feedback. Just a couple of comments for PMDG: 1. It took me a long time to sort out the flashing-polygons problem and the disappearing-textures problem. When you know the answer it's easy, but it took me a lot of time to find the answers. As these are known problems, why not just put a few lines of addendum in the manual that comes with the product ? This could save new buyers a lot of grief. 2. There are lots of posts on the cockpit noises being too loud. I don't find the noises too loud, but I do find the tone and volume change massively when I turn my virtual head just a fraction - surely that can't be realistic ? Other than those two minor gripes, it's a brilliant product, thank you. Hope some of you find the checklist useful.
  7. I don't know about you guys, but I wish that aircraft creators would give an option where you might actually find something wrong during the checklist. Call it an Easter Egg hunt. It gets very boring running through checklists over and over, always knowing that everything is the same way. Keep us on our toes!
  8. Hello, I was wondering if systems emergencies are modeled on PMDG 737NG (electrical, hydraulic, pressurization etc.). It would be nice to know before I buy.
  9. First off I'd like to say on the Aerosoft Airbus X Extended the checklist feature is superb. I love the fact that there are voices that tell you what to do and as wells as do it for you, I discovered this feature while I was in flight, and the callouts and stuff are absolutely great. however when ATC asked me to descend (IFR) I forgot to run the checklist and started my decent. Upon realising this, I went to the second FMC and started the pre decent checklist (because I forgot, ) after completion, it said to start decent, but I had already started decent and it did not correct it. How do I correct the checklist? it kept telling me to start decent even after I finished landing, so it did not do any of the further checklists. is there a way to fix this? Now moving on the PMDG. I want to install this to PMDG 737NGX. Is there a way to install this type of programe to the NGX? Including the callouts and checklist? (Also the automatic checklist) Thanks, Commandhat17/AJ
  10. When I am reaching the top of descent point during crs altitude, I choose my approach for the destination. Then I click execute once I choose an approach, but the approach plan doesnt connect to the flight plan? It is just a blank space in between both plans. Wierd eh? Don't I need a transition point in between so it can all connect? When i go to the legs page, in between my normal flight plan and the approach plan, there is a line that says "flight plan discontinued". What do i type in so it can connect together? Can someone please explain this to me. Can someone tell me where I can find the ILS frequency's for runways I want to land? Is there a page on the internet or something? LASTLY, (sorry for so many questions), how do I know what my glideslope should be during descent? And lastly lastly, is there an ILS descent and approach checklist for this plan anywhere? Thank you guys so much:) Andrej
  11. When I am reaching the top of descent point during crs altitude, I choose my approach for the destination. Then I click execute once I choose an approach, but the approach plan doesnt connect to the flight plan? It is just a blank space in between both plans. Wierd eh? Don't I need a transition point in between so it can all connect? When i go to the legs page, in between my normal flight plan and the approach plan, there is a line that says "flight plan discontinued". What do i type in so it can connect together? Can someone please explain this to me. Can someone tell me where I can find the ILS frequency's for runways I want to land? Is there a page on the internet or something? LASTLY, (sorry for so many questions), how do I know what my glideslope should be during descent? And lastly lastly, is there an ILS descent and approach checklist for this plan anywhere? Thank you guys so much:) Andrej
  12. When I am reaching the top of descent point during crs altitude, I choose my approach for the destination. Then I click execute once I choose an approach, but the approach plan doesnt connect to the flight plan? It is just a blank space in between both plans. Wierd eh? Don't I need a transition point in between so it can all connect? When i go to the legs page, in between my normal flight plan and the approach plan, there is a line that says "flight plan discontinued". What do i type in so it can connect together? Can someone please explain this to me. Can someone tell me where I can find the ILS frequency's for runways I want to land? Is there a page on the internet or something? LASTLY, (sorry for so many questions), how do I know what my glideslope should be during descent? And lastly lastly, is there an ILS descent and approach checklist for this plan anywhere? Thank you guys so much:) Andrej
  13. I have created the normal procedures checklist for FS2Crew's Airbus A320. It has the standard format of a real life checklist and even the airline logo. Please contact me if you want me to add another airline. Below is the URL with all the airlines I have created until now. If you wish, download the Microsoft Publisher file and add a logo of your own but please give me credits. Click here to download A320 Checklist
  14. hello, you will find an application at address below for Android allowing to show a full checklist and a google map for C172 Trainer. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.makemedroid.key641546ce
  15. The Piper Mailibu Jetprop comes with its own set of checklists which is nice, but there are two problems here: Carenado products seem to always omit the instructional of where to find a particular switch or instrument on the cockpit, in particular its hotspots. Gross omission. The checklists are complete and nice but I need the checklist that contains the items that are ACTUALLY SIMULATED, not those found in the real plane that are not simulated. In such case IF the real ones are going to be included for the sake of completion (I think that is better) then put them in grey tones so that the reader can realize that particular item is NOT simulated.
  16. This is the checklist that I created for the Airbus A320. This is a free file, do not sell it to anyone. I created it to help anyone that wants it. Contact me if you wish for me to create the same one but with another airline logo, or if I have made a mistake. Download it here:
  17. Hello, I have come very accustomed to flying with my copilot. I have one problem though which I would like to suggest for a future update: Can the fuel pumps be included in the appropriate checklist prior to departure? (Personally, I would even favor a short checklist when reaching cruise altitude - just to remind the PF to check if all systems are working correctly - I write this knowing that Aerosoft has not included any faults in this simulation). My problem is: I work so closely with my artificial colleague that I often forget to do things he does not tell me to. The problem here is that Aerosoft has not modelled the fuel pumps to cause a malfunction when switched off. That means: If you do not switch on your fuel pumps, the aircraft flies without consuming any fuel. While this would be a brilliant invention in real life - in virtual life it means that my MLW is way too high when I land. Since I fly for a virtual airline, I get (massive) penalty points for that. If you could include a short check of the fuel pumps, I would be very grateful indeed. Thanks a million, Dennis
  18. To help me use the correct voice commands and calls I produced my own consolidated voice command aide-mémoire and checklist. I would like to share it with other users. I have the 4 A4 pages laminated back-to-back (2 sheets) and always have them to hand. All the checklists are on one side and all the inflight instructions (ie. autopilot, speed, heading, height, etc) are on another. The pilot (that's you) needs to speak the red text.
  19. Fairly new to FSX. going through checklists & there is no indication in reference as to how to action things. The checklist tells me to check that the avionics switch is on...bt can I find it ??? Make sure the Beacon light switch is on...but can I find it??? Help please
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