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  1. Hello, first of all I want to say thank you to PMDG for this wonderful addon ;). Just a little thing that I've just seen on a flight. The BELOW-operator on the LEGS-page in the FMC doesn't seem to have an effect. The FMC's descent planning ignores the constraint: If I only type 120 instead of 120B it works: It would be nice if you could consider this for the next update. Thanks :).
  2. Hi, I am having a couple of issues on arriving at the TOD. I run the Descent Briefing then wait for the TOD. On arriving at the TOD I change the altitude in the MCP for the descent, then: 1) As I am reducing the altitude in the MCP (say for a descent into Newcastle, EGNT) to 2500ft. I get to around 3000ft on the adjustment and the FO says "1000 to go" then the FO makes an announcement saying "Cabin Crew prepare for landing". After we have been descending for a few minutes the FO says something about "10000" cant remember exactly what it is but FS2Crew has '10k Descent' in the procedure/checklist window. Even if I am still at FL250. 2) On actually passing 10000ft, the FO says "1000 to go". 3) Altitude callouts seem to be out of sequence for where I actually am, even though Altimeter settings are correct. Everything else checklist wise seems to work OK. I hope you can help as, although it doesn't really mess with my landings too much, it is quite annoying. Thanks in advance, Michael Barber PS. When changing the altitude at the TOD, I have also tried changing it up to 5 minutes prior to reaching TOD and also by asking the FO to adjust it. This brings about the same result.
  3. When I am reaching the top of descent point during crs altitude, I choose my approach for the destination. Then I click execute once I choose an approach, but the approach plan doesnt connect to the flight plan? It is just a blank space in between both plans. Wierd eh? Don't I need a transition point in between so it can all connect? When i go to the legs page, in between my normal flight plan and the approach plan, there is a line that says "flight plan discontinued". What do i type in so it can connect together? Can someone please explain this to me. Can someone tell me where I can find the ILS frequency's for runways I want to land? Is there a page on the internet or something? LASTLY, (sorry for so many questions), how do I know what my glideslope should be during descent? And lastly lastly, is there an ILS descent and approach checklist for this plan anywhere? Thank you guys so much:) Andrej
  4. When I am reaching the top of descent point during crs altitude, I choose my approach for the destination. Then I click execute once I choose an approach, but the approach plan doesnt connect to the flight plan? It is just a blank space in between both plans. Wierd eh? Don't I need a transition point in between so it can all connect? When i go to the legs page, in between my normal flight plan and the approach plan, there is a line that says "flight plan discontinued". What do i type in so it can connect together? Can someone please explain this to me. Can someone tell me where I can find the ILS frequency's for runways I want to land? Is there a page on the internet or something? LASTLY, (sorry for so many questions), how do I know what my glideslope should be during descent? And lastly lastly, is there an ILS descent and approach checklist for this plan anywhere? Thank you guys so much:) Andrej
  5. When I am reaching the top of descent point during crs altitude, I choose my approach for the destination. Then I click execute once I choose an approach, but the approach plan doesnt connect to the flight plan? It is just a blank space in between both plans. Wierd eh? Don't I need a transition point in between so it can all connect? When i go to the legs page, in between my normal flight plan and the approach plan, there is a line that says "flight plan discontinued". What do i type in so it can connect together? Can someone please explain this to me. Can someone tell me where I can find the ILS frequency's for runways I want to land? Is there a page on the internet or something? LASTLY, (sorry for so many questions), how do I know what my glideslope should be during descent? And lastly lastly, is there an ILS descent and approach checklist for this plan anywhere? Thank you guys so much:) Andrej
  6. When I am reaching the top of descent point during crs altitude, I choose my approach for the destination. Then I click execute once I choose an approach, but the approach plan doesnt connect to the flight plan? It is just a blank space in between both plans. Wierd eh? Don't I need a transition point in between so it can all connect? When i go to the legs page, in between my normal flight plan and the approach plan, there is a line that says "flight plan discontinued". What do i type in so it can connect together? Can someone please explain this to me. Can someone tell me where I can find the ILS frequency's for runways I want to land? Is there a page on the internet or something? LASTLY, (sorry for so many questions), how do I know what my glideslope should be during descent? Thank you guys so much:) Andrej
  7. Hi, Do the T/C and T/D can be seen elsewhere than on the ND? My interest would be to get the estimated time of T/C and T/D that are not displayed on the ND.
  8. Name: SYSK - Forecasting Descents Category: FS Instructional Videos Date Added: 07 October 2014 - 02:23 PM Submitter: scandinavian13 Short Description: None Provided Stuff You Should Know: How to forecast VNAV descents by finding and choosing the best data. Additionally, why this data matters. View Video
  9. Name: SYSK - Understanding Descents Category: FS Instructional Videos Date Added: 07 October 2014 - 02:22 PM Submitter: scandinavian13 Short Description: None Provided Stuff You Should Know: How to understand VNAV descents and the limitations of automation in understanding STARs. NY Airspace Application: http://tfmlearning.fly.faa.gov/NY_Airspace/NY_Airspace_Pkg/NY_Airspace.swf View Video
  10. Hi, on my latest flights I´ve been experiencing something weird. At the very beginig of the descent, just after reaching the TOD, I get a "drag required" message, even if I am going a bit slow and high on the VNAV Path. Then, fmc speed drops to 0. I disengage the A/P, handfly it a little bit, reset the F/Ds, and then, after a couple of times doing this process, i leave the A/P on, but i control myself the vnav speed, pressing the speed knob. Finally, when I reach FL200, approximately, everything goes back to normal and works as expected. I know it isn´t a pilot error, because before the SP1, I did the same things and procedures, but this didnt happen. Thanks in advance for your help!
  11. Hello. I'm an owner of the Leonardo MD 80. I've noticed that when I program routes into the FMS, the top of descent is placed incredibly close to my destination. This causes my descents to be in excess of 2000ft per minute. This also causes my speed to be very difficult to control. Has anyone else had this issue? How did you deal with it? Thanks, Stephen Hobson
  12. Hi, I'm new to the NGX so I'm still in the process of making mistakes and learning by trial and error. Here's a situation I ran into. Not sure what's related to what but it was in the situation. I'm flying fix to fix...no airways. I have a perfect flight as I reach TC. There are a couple of fixes that are out of the way on up ahead and I'm my own ATC so I go into LEGS and remove them by line selecting a later fix and replacing the first of the two fixes with that one. Looks good. I execute it. About 30 seconds later I get an error message on the FMC that says "No descent path after X" which was the fix before the modification. (What does that error mean?) Ok, so I keep flying. I'm getting close to TD so I dial in 13000 feet, select DES and hit DESCEND NOW. I need to be at 13,000 when I cross a fix up ahead. The restriction is in the FMC. I start descent and the airplane crosses the fix right at 13,000. Perfect. Then it gets weird. My next restriction is a simple at or above 3400 at the IAF. It's a ways off but I'm thinking to get started down early. The fix that had the error is between where I am and the IAF. I turn the dial to 3400 and click ALT INV. No effect. I'm hanging at 13,000. I click it again. Nothing. I click ALT HOLD. The airplane starts climbing...climbing fast. My airspeed is falling (I'm at idle)...220 down, down to 150...falling. (I hate computers.) I put my thumb on my yoke and push it to nose it over. I press V/S and dial -2000 into the window. I take my thumb off but I'm still hanging between 17,000-18,000. I'm about to shut off the autopilot and just fly it but I reach over and press Speed and dial in 200. Finally!...it starts down. After I'm sure things are okay I look back down at my LEGS and recheck...no altitude restrictions except the IAF, IF, and FAF...all perfect. I sit back, looking at the screen. There's no way I'm going to make it down so I just shut the sim down. Time to ask some questions. I'm hoping someone can shed some light on what happened here. One other question: If you depart flying by hand with the autothrottle engaged, does the autothrottle respect the 250 KIAS restriction below 10,000 or do you have to manage the throttle yourself? Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi. Almost every time I start my descent as programmed/calculated by the vnav, I end up way too high and/or too fast for my approach and I have to circle several times to set up for a stable approach and landing. I always have to use a lot of speedbrakes also. I know somebody will reply that I should input winds to the fmc as it matters if I have tailwind but the problem seems to be every time. And its not every time I have tailwind, sometimes headwind etc. Is the vertical flight path calculation realistic on the ngx? Any suggestions? My autothrottle seems to idle on the descent (it says "arm" and end up about 40% N1), that should be correct? Thank u!
  14. Hello all, I haven't posted in a long time so please excuse me if my post is in the wrong area or rather lengthy. So lets get started! I have the Blackbox Airbus Prologue at the moment, but usually only fly the A320 model. For any other Blackbox A320 users out there, is there anyway to get the Airbus to descend at a faster speed, say, 300 KTS? I have talked to various Airbus pilots about the A320 aircraft in general (descent speeds, types of descents, and descent rates) and have learned a lot about the bus, and know that it can and usually will descend anywhere from 280 up to 300+ Knots depending on weather, weight, cost index, etc. The blackbox A320's MCDU however has a set managed descent speed of 250 Knots. You can change the cost index, which will affect the cruise and climb speeds, but the descent speed is always set to 250 for me :huh: . Is there anyway to get the aircraft to descent faster? Sometimes I find myself preparing to fly a STAR with a constraint of 280 Knots, and the descent speed still set at 250. I have inputted selected mode speeds in the MCDU before descent of 280+ but it doesnt seem to change the T/D point, and still descends very poorly causing an early level off. Questions: -Can I get the A320 to descend at a faster speed and fly the vertical profile to meet all constraints? If so, how? Thanks for taking the time to read this! Blue skies & Tailwinds! :t4013: -Chris
  15. Hello, So I fly on VATSIM, love it. Usually when I am planning decent in the approach brief, I put in the final approach fix and minimums for the runway I am landing on. I do the brief before top of descent, as I should, but sometimes the winds change or I get assigned to a different runway, and I had already briefed in the air on the runway I was planning on. Is there a way to change this when descending? Hope you understand. Thanks, Brennan
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