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  1. Hello fellow aviators, first of all I'd like to chime in in thanking the author for this magnificent piece of work! I have used the previous version a long time and visited several ships on many many occasions. This add-on is one of the most important I have - right after AI-traffic (in the air) and weather. The new version is even better - more ships = more fun flying near or over water. There is one small issue I have though: when loading a flight (P3Dv4.5 HF2) I can see all the AI ships in the vicinity (using littlenavmap). So for instance I load EDDH in a F22, take-off and head out to the North Sea. After a while (few minutes) the sim loads the ships that still are beyond visual range for me but show up on the map. When these newly loaded ships are "injected" into the sim, I get a mean freeze. It is about 5 to 7 seconds long. After that I can continue flying until I have covered enough ground to make the sim load the new ships. The issue of objects being created in the running sim causing short freezes is not unknown. But that did not happen before. I tested a bit around and found (so far) that leaving the AI-Ship-Traffic out of the sim makes the freezes go away. I am not sure how or why that is the case. Certainly... the traffic density has increased around Hamburg but still... this is kind of weird. Maybe someone has a similar issue or even knows a solution. The freezes don't seem to kill the sim (ctd-wise), so there is that. But a freeze close to my destination airport after a 10-hour long haul is seriously thwarting my efforts to keep my blood-pressure low 😄 Cheers from Norther Germany! Peter
  2. Hi Ray and Doug, first let me thank you again for the great support! I've sent the e-mail as requested. Cheers, Peter
  3. Good Morning Ray! That's actually the weird thing. When JD says it's been processed, I am sure that he's correct. Still nothing here. I had the SPAM Filter in suspicion right from the start but I checked the settings and content three times over now. Also nothing changed. I verified that it is still the same mailadress (it is) and I even checked if I had my name spelled correctly. The germans have the funny "u" with dots on it (ü) which is sometimes not recognized. But to make sure this wouldn't be a problem I spelled my last name the international way when I bought RC4.3 (Mueller instead of Müller). In the past I did everything the same way I did now... except... coming to think of it: the first time (this round of reinstalling my Sim) I used the wrong Mailadress (the wrong standard addy set in outlook). I then sent the request with the right Mailaddy again. Is THAT the problem? I read the FAQ and it said there, that you would have to do a lot more to change your registration credentials. Should I be sending an e-mail containing all the infos Ronzie wrote in his reply to set things straight? Thanks again! Peter
  4. Hi and thank you for the swift reply. Maybe I did express myself wrongly. Nothing has changed since I bought RC4.3. The activation procedure, that usally worked very well, does not seem to produce the required answer with the key. I have sent several mails using the interface, also I contacted the developer via the Mail you provided and read the pinned topic a few hours ago. It's been a few days now but no reply. Usually I'd get a reply within a few minutes. I manually wrote the e-mail now... I'll wait and see what happens. I will report back. Cheers, Peter
  5. Good evening! I am too in a - sort of - desperate need of a reactivation. I've tried every other way - so far no luck. I finally "stumbled" about this thread and would like to ask if there's a chance to apply for a reactivation here? Of course I can send all the required credentials to verify that my RC version is genuine and legit. Regards, Peter
  6. Well... right now I'm downloading with about 40 kb/s. Plus it's not the first time, that the D/L with PMDG is slow. But yes, maybe you are right... maybe it's simply bad luck and along the way the data-highway has there's a snail-lane for my data-packages... I will hone my patience-skills... just over 6 hours left. I guess I will stay grounded for now
  7. Hi fellow virtual aviators! Is it normal, that the DL from PMDG is so dead slow?! It says I need 8 more hours for the PMDG 737NGX Base Pack!? I checked my line... it's all smooth and well. Has anyone a similiar experience? It's really driving me nuts. I had to re-buy the P3D version as I just quit FSX... now it will take the better part of the night to download that stuff. I'd expect a bit more bandwidth for paying customers... *sigh* Peter
  8. Hello fellow aviators! Glad to see I'm not the only one having trouble with the S550. The FMS addon took AGES updating the database (new AIRAC). I also found that I would have to reduce the range on the nav display to 1 in order to achieve a usable framerate. The cluttering on is quite massive with no option to reduce it. Takes a massive hit on my frames too. I guess we'll have to wait for the first service pack. I am certain, that the guys over at Carenado will get the bugs ironed out. Happy landings!
  9. Hi Erich, no news on my end. I am still in touch with the PMDG support and I have yet to try another solution they offered but haven't had the time yet. The ultima ratio would be setting up Win7 again... but I am not there yet. I'll keep you posted, should a solution arise. Best of luck till then! Cheers, Pete
  10. Just in case anyone coming across the same problem, I'd like to report what I've found out sofar. The problem still exists: when lauching FSX with EZDok, TrackIR, ASN, RC4, FS2CREW Voice Edition and the X52 Saitek Flightstick, the condition levers won't move, the throttle is not animated and the displays remain dark. After testing, un- and reinstalling stuff, filing a ticket with PMDG the problem is still there. I can only get the J41 to work when I stop the ezcam module from loading. If THAT isn't load, EVERYTHING works. This is... pardon my french... driving me batshit crazy, coz I don't understand the how and why. As far as I recall it worked before... but - starting to question my sanity - I am not sure any more. The EZCam add-on is not critical... still it makes the "workplace-simulation" of a cockpit more realistic. Should anybody have another idea - HOLLER! I'm down trying ANYTHING (except for black magic, voodoo and beef jerky... I hate that stuff!) Cheers, Pete
  11. Roger... will do. I'll report back here, if they can present a solution, so others will profit from it too. Thanks so much for your help!
  12. Yep... the PMDG 737NGX, MD-11 and B777 are working w/o problems. Usually I am using EZDok, FS2CREW, Active Sky Next, Radar Contact 4, FS Passengers and FSACARS for online flying. These things are all offline or uninstalled right now.
  13. Unplugged the X52, deleted the throttle axis and deactivated FSUIPC (Version 4.858; unregistered) - situation is unchanged - but I appreciate the idea! Keep em coming Ah... and one thing I should have mentioned before... the yellow caution light is flashing and the aural warning is audible, I also can depress the button to cut-out the warning, but it won't cease pinging and flashing. This is all very strange... Could it be something with the license? I didn't buy the A/C via PMDG but from a company called "aerosoft" - a seller in germany. They are licensed and so all should be fine... still this reminds me of a licensing issue I had with the PMDG 777... lights out in midair because the mobo-timer was erratic (or something like that).
  14. Hi vonmar and thanks for the swift reply. I am using the Saitek X52... all axes are unprocessed by fsuipc. My default flight is the standard cessna on an airfield of my choice. Until now (doing this stuff for some years now) I simply loaded the free flight menu, entered the desired parameters (DEP, Time, A/C etc.) and startet the flight. For my current problem I tried the J41 tutorial flight as well (the one starting at KHPN), but no luck so far. Peter
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