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  1. Hi everyone, Im working on photoreal scenery.There is a river near the runway.How can I add river water to my photoreals cenery? I wanna use sbuilderx or ade.For information,water color is green.. Regards..
  2. Hello everyone, Im working on photoreal scenery.There is a river near the runway.How can I add river water to my photoreal scenery? River water color is green, I wanna use Sbuilderx or ADE..Can anyone help me? Regards..
  3. Yes Ralph, Im always confirming.. I guess I found the problem.Im am using FSPax, I disabled FSPax weight and fuel..Maybe releated trim settings or I dont know what, but I have tried 3 flight and no problem for now. Thank you..
  4. Yes I solved the problem tonight..You are right, its about UTX.. I deactivated UTX Waterclass from the utx configuration tool.Because I am using REX&UTX together.. Now, REX textures active, UTX textures deactive on water areas.. Thanks for your answer Florian.. REgards..
  5. I checked FMC / pmdg's A/T settings.. but already A/T Override = NEVER Selected. I confused, I quess my problem is not releated with this setting.. Any idea? Regard..
  6. Hi everyone, My problem is wrong placed textures. I see land textures over aegean sea :S You can see this problem on my profile picture. For information, I am using FSX acc pack, gex and utx. its maybe related with the gex? Best regards..
  7. Hi everyone, My problem is wrong placed textures. I see land textures over aegean sea :S You can see this problem on my profile picture. For information, I am using FSX acc pack, gex and utx. its maybe related with the gex? Best regards..
  8. I understand.. I will change A/T settings tonight.. Thank you very much for all answers.. Regards.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tolqa Ayshan - PMDG 737 NGX
  9. Thank you very much for all answers. Always I am using checklist , I mean Im sure auto throotle armed every takeoff.. When this situation,(after toga problem), I am trying thrrotle full but my engines working %103 and with red monitions.. For information, I am using logitech 3d pro joystick and Im using joystick's thrrotle.. maybe releated with joystick? Regards. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tolqa Ayshan - PMDG 737 NGX
  10. Hi everyone, I am using PMDG 737 NGX. My problem is ; When takeoff, I am pressing to ToGA button (After N1 %40 and stable), but aircraft not accelerating (I see max %45-50N1). I hear click sound when I press to toga and I see toga is active on LCD.. It works sometimes and not others. I always starting cold & dark and with correct FMC settings (T/O speeds,trim etc.) i can't understand how sometimes the TOGA works and sometimes it doesn't? Can anyone help me, what is problem??? Regards..
  11. Hi everyone.. I need to help about sbuilderx bgl comp. I want to change default land textures to water textures.I am using sbuilderx default hydro poly. After this ,I do Select/All Polygons and going to make bgl button..But not selectable any box in bgl comp window. I guess I cant select any polygons :S I am trying again, select/all polygons, make bgl but same.. Any idea?
  12. Hello again, Thank you very much your fast answers. Yes ,I understand..You're right, its maybe about my joystick..I will try your solutions tonight I mean I will deactivate my joystick after A/P engagement.. Thanks again..
  13. I am using Logitech Pro 3d joystick and yes I have calibrated..and I set small null zones for each axis. I havent got any error messages on FMS or PFD when LNAV disengaged.. But I remember, when I enter to runway for takeoff, I saw recall lamps is on :S (I mean warning lamp) After, I checked FMS,PFD and recall ..But nothing..No error messages and warnings. I am wondering, what is the relation with FMS and joystick? Can you explain please? For information, Im sure my FMS setup is correct (SID,Performance,Route etc.) Thanks..
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