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  1. Hello everyone! I know the career mode in the new FS2024 is fun, but don't you miss the interaction with other users? With this in mind, about 3 months ago, Pilops appeared: A free addon to create much more than a "career mode". Here’s what Pilops already offers: A complex cargo and passenger logistics system. Manage your own fleet, hangars and aircrafts. Handle fuel and weight management. Cargo and passenger demand based on airport size, distance and players around the world. Why should you at least know about Pilops? The main goal is: All players have a direct influence on everything the system offers: If you start flying in a specific region, it will expand and you will have more and more options and payments. You'll be able to trade used (and cheaper) planes from other users and develop the market (coming soon). You will have the main data of your flights saved and you can consult them whenever you want (images below). Your passengers will demand a clean and safe flight (risky maneuvers can make them sick and you definitely don't want that). You can create your own company or join other real pilots in companies already created. (coming soon) And much much more. How to join: To start flying with Pilops, just sign up on the website (it’s 100% free): https://pilops.com/ Hope to see u there! Lets fly together. Here is some pictures:
  2. Hello everyone, I know people get tired of hearing the questions and before going back and forth between the two slims. I have been trying for the last year to choose a proper flight sim that has what I want. I went with xplane last fall as it promised vast improvements with the x64 version, and improved autogen. I only have North America and still have to buy the rest of the world. The updates were completed a bit later than expected and performance increase did come with the updates to x64; however it still dives off a cliff if I add any types of shadows, or too much autogen. A year later with xplane I have one plane bought (x64), the same old pay ware scenery the inside passage and the Rockies. A ton of freeware that ranges from decent to odd building placement; however simheaven and some plugins have added much needed detail to the world. Calgary is a flat waste land of a few buildings, not the city of 1.2 million that I live in today. Its missing tons of features such as nose hill (a giant national park in the heart of the north west of the city), major roads such as the deer foot/2A (Queen Elizabeth) are in shambles. The airports in Calgary and Vancouver are in better detail thanks to the pay ware, however the cities such as Vancouver has tons of autogen buildings in the water (it drives me nuts). Beyond that it’s a mess all the airports are either a building or two, or nothing at all in Canada. The rest of North American can get better depending on how much you dig through the freeware. Now I keep hearing about FSX, no matter what circle I am in I hear about FSX. I see the amazing detail Twin Otter from Aero soft (to me that thing is years ahead most pay ware for xplane outside of CJR). I see all the wonderful pay ware from FTX Orbx. I already have a few pay wares such as the amazing REX, and NA Orbx from early last year. If we ever see anything close to REX running in xplane is still a remaining question, as it has too many performance issues as it stands. Back to the add-ons, in the year since I went xplane Orbx has not stopped but increased the release of such amazing content. I can barely keep my credit card away from ordering that add-on, and this weekend I saw all those amazing screenshots of Orbx global. I don’t care what people say the osm data from simheaven for xplane will not compared to the detail of that Orbx product. I also enjoy the flight model in FSX a lot more, I like the community, freeware, and everything it has. I was able to get FSX up and running with the limited pay ware that I have, and running with the DirectX ten fixes. It sure looks decent, got most of the config file setup correctly however here are my concerns: Stability in FSX is still an issue, I have added the menu fix but it still crashes when accessing menus Vsync does not work in full screen It may be fixed since I switched to the usepools=1, however before that it was crashing after less than 20 minutes of flight time from Vancouver Cost of add-ons, I know you don’t need them all however to get closer to what xplane has and more it does cost Windows 8 explorer crashes when not even using FSX, since it’s installing and REX my explorer crashes all the time and having a very difficult time determining the fix. I understand that pay ware/freeware add-ons are not everything. I have seen the plus of xplane as it still being worked on, however it may never be fixed as there is so much work to be done. FSX is a dead product if I invest money into this product anymore, is it really worth the money/time? Are developers leaving FSX by the hordes? What happens if I spend all this money and the mythical P3D 2.0 comes out next month and changes the entire playing field? Should I just stick with my broken down xplane and enjoy the areas that I have, and hope one day I can enjoy the features that FSX has now, as FSX will never improve beyond what it is today without add-ons?
  3. Hey Everyone, I just wanted to personally Invite every one of you to check out my Youtube channel, i have some great new video showing off the brand new, Fs Dreamteam Vancouver airport along with gsx and some nice tunes along the way, I think you will like it more to come!! and have an awsome day simming:) Blair E http://www.youtube.com/user/Beetitan/featured
  4. Hello fellow AvSimmers, I've looked far and wide, and apparently I'm missing something. For all the FSX add-ons representing the various Van's RVs, I have yet to find a single attempt at any of the Sonex variants. Without starting a debate about which homebuilt is better, is there a Sonex add-on available, and if so, where could I find it? Alternatively, are there any "confirmed rumors" that a developer has something in the works? FWIW, I set up a website that, among other things, includes reviews of flight sim add-ons, and because I like the story of the real Sonex line so much, I thought I could do a great write-up on whatever FSX version is (or could be soon) available. Thanks! Jon K. [email protected]
  5. Hi! A couple of months ago when i was about to take a flight with the C337 from Carenado i noticed that my FPS dropped dramatically if i looked down in the VC, and it only happened if i was taxiing over some crossing taxilines. It also happens if i am on the runway with a addon scenery as ground texture. The problem with taxiways occurs in addon sceneries and in default. What i have tried Rebuilt fsx.cfg Checked that FSX is running as admin Taken the settings down Restored default REX config Disabled ENB Series Used a default scenery.cfg New driver from Nvidia. Rolled back after that. Using 267.60. That's the one that followed with my Gainward GTX570 "Goes like hell" Could a possibility have been to restore a default terrain.cfg? I am running NickN's 8xSQ Nvidia Inspector settings. My computer should be able to run that. Any inputs? Here is an example of a taxiway crossing http://www.blade-edge.com/misc/taxi%20pathing.jpg Where the two lines meet, my FPS would have been at 15.
  6. I got FSX several months ago but due lack of time and out of money, I cannot continue to play and "invest money" into it. Now I've just bought a new SSD to install my win7 into it and put the 250GB totally for FS9 and FSX. I have only installed Fs9 first and then FSX. Adding addons into Fs9. I currently have no addons for FSX. Since I don't know where to start with. Searching Word Not Allowed and Nick's guide for FSX tweak. Hope it helps. In Fs9, I installed FSGlobal2010 first, and then Ultimate Terrain for USA and Europe ( I fly mainly in USA). How about in FSX, which scenery addons should I install for start ? Mainly USA. Thanks all! Ah,BTW, if I'm correct my FSGlobal2010 also can install for FSX. So does FSX need it? Or are there any better one for mesh?
  7. Ok so I've been running Flight Simulator X (FSX) for a while now but after loading up Prepar3d (P3D) I decided I liked the changes and decided to take the plunge. <Content removed by Administrator SpiritFlyer as it breaches the AVSIM ToS>
  8. I'm looking for an addon that will put "game" into the FSX -- specifically something that allows for a career mode. Any suggestions? It seems like FsPassengers was (maybe still is?) the king of the hill for a while. I tried out the demo version, and it does indeed look pretty cool & very robust, but it also seems to lack an automatic flight planning feature ... I think. I also purchase Ideal Flight 10 kind of as an impulse-buy and in part because it seems like it would wraps a lot of different things into one addon: it auto-generates flight plans, randomizes weather, will let you park a plane and pickup where you left off, adds passengers & cargo, etc. I like it in general, but the "career" aspect of the program is a little light, especially compared to FsPassengers. Ah, if only I could combine the two! (Perhaps it's possible?) I missing any other good ones out there? Maybe I just need to use FsPassegers in conjunction with another planing tool? Maybe I just haven't played around with it enough yet? (Fyi, I fly mostly GA aircraft in case that a difference. Kinda feels like FsPassengers is gear more toward airliner careers.)
  9. New fsx and p3d2 weather addon FSX Weather 3.5 http://fsw.acefly.com.ua/ Program FSX Weather is designed to control meteorological data in the game Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Iincludes technology xHead . The program allows to analyze real-time weather information, simulation of air flow and additional weather atmosphere. The program has the opportunity to obtain filtered meteorological data in decrypted form. FSX Weather allows you to download weather with servers providing METAR, analyzes it for text errors and complements it with additional weather extensions that are present in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Not compatible with some aircraft PMDG. Requires FSX SP2 FSX xHead FSX xHead designed to control the internal chamber in Microsoft Flight Simulator X . The program allows to simulate the inertia of the virtual view as the user moves the camera through the three axes ( X , Y , Z ), store up to five different camera positions. The program simulates the visual and sound effects, arising from the landing gear, flaps, spoilers and spoilers. Management of the program to some extent duplicate control cameras, taken in FSX default. Screens: http://fsw.acefly.com.ua/gallery
  10. I have an issue with the default A321 cockpit. Whenever I download an Airbus addon which already has the default a321 cockpit installed, the 'roll bar' of the flight director never works. The 'pitch bar' always works fine but the roll bar is never active in any mode. Anybody know of any fixes for this?
  11. Hello! First of all, I am sorry for the spam of the same topic yesterday. I DID NOT mean to do that. When ever I would click post topic, it would say it didnt go through....when it really did. So I have an NGX 737 by PMDG and I love it, but I HATE the stock texture of boeing on it. How do I add a different skin to it such as british, emirates, american, etc. Thats all i want to know. Thanks in advance! Mirakledba
  12. Having had a gamepad with only vibration effects, I found that fsx doesnt allow you to set the force feedback levels. The driver that came along with the gamepad also didnt support any level setting. This was unplayable as it kept vibrating at max rate all the time. I have created a somconnect addon that creates the vibration effect based on the following : (developed for Airbus A321 , should also do well with Boeing's ) {Not sure fsx looks into these states for ff calculation } 1. Indicated airspeed 2. Engine rpm 3. Acceleration around 3 axes 4. GroundSpeed ( if on ground ) Other factors with vibration 1. Flaps increment decrement ( step wise ) 2. Spoiler toggle ( fully extended/fully retracted ) 3. Landing gear up/down 4. Stalling 5. Overspeed 6. Landing force Those who only have vibration effects in their gamepads, do try it out.. How to install ? 1. As usual with all addons, download the dll to a path and if on Vista or above and modify dll.xml at C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\ as follows: {For XP, this file is in a different folder, need to figure it out.} Add the following section towards the end of the dll.xml just before </SimBase.Document> <Launch.Addon> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <ManualLoad>True</ManualLoad> <Name>ForceEffects.dll</Name> <Path>D:\Path\ForceEffects.dll</Path> </Launch.Addon> 2. This will ask permission to load the dll when you start fsx. Click 'ok' or 'yes' wherever needed. 3. Also, remember to DISABLE forcefeedback from fsx settings and do not connect more than one ff enabled controllers while trying this out. Dll information on AVSIM Library: UploadID: 317632 Name: ForceEffects Size: 8 kb MD5 sum: aa5cf40064a859269c6a8f2142bb97f8
  13. I am looking for basically three things to run as addons with my FSX installation: Realistic Terrain (mountains, valleys, rivers, streets, buildings, etc.) Realistic weather (clouds, skies, sun, day/night, weather,etc.) Realistic crew (flight attendant custom announcements) I've seen ORBX but not sure which one to get...seems to be too many options... just need one that will handle all the terrain. I've seen REX but also Active SKy - which performs better (san francisco fog appearance) I've seen FS Cabin Crew and FSPassengers... are these outdated? are there better ones?
  14. Name: FSX Film | Faster than a dream Category: MS FS Videos Date Added: 26 February 2014 - 01:27 PM Submitter: FlySteveX Short Description: None Provided View Video
  15. I've noticed that the FSX AI system is completely unable to push back from gates or parking spots. Instead, the planes just turn around in place and taxi out - and it looks very, very stupid and unrealistic. Are there any addons that fix this annoying behaviour? Running FSX SP2 w/ Acceleration. Also, sorry if this is in the wrong place. Feel free to move. ~CK
  16. I do not want to open a long discussion on what ATC is better. Each has its pros and cons. But one thing that is still unsurpassed in ATC default FS2004/FSX, in my opinion, is the quality of the voices and the realism. Now, since it is going to be released P3D 2.0, and then the ATC source code is available for LM developers, do you think could be finally developed a good default ATC with SID / STARs and AIRAC upgradeable, and with a voice quality equal or superior to that which we know? I can not fly always online, rather are less the times I can do it, so I think it is essential to have a complete ATC environment, with a good and realistic sound quality. That could handle properly AI traffic on ground, enroute and during approach and final phase of flight, could save the situation, could handle SID and STARs and is aligned with AIRAC. Yes, you'll think, that's allready exist, but the quality of audio? None ATC addons I know have the same audio realism of FS2004/FSX default or not? A rock solid default ATC saves you from having to run third-party programs that often block or otherwise crash your sim or causes various problems. What do you think about?
  17. I am having an usual problem and I haven't found a forum topic covering this. The problem lies within the GPS of the addon feelthere Phenom 100 and Eaglesoft S/II . After ~1min after powering the panel on, both GPS die/shutoff. In the Phenom the rest of the G1000 MFD still works (ie engine instrumentation) but the GPS display is dark and inoperative. On the S/II I have resorted to replacing their GPS with the FS default one (on both the 2D and VC panels) and it still shuts off. All default FS aircraft work and so does my JustFlight Duchess.Adding the RealityXP GPS on the S/II doesn't fix it either, it shuts off with the other GPS.It isn't a RealityXP problem, as I don't have it installed on the Phenom.I own all aircraft, they are not pirated copies.Thanks!
  18. hey guys do u know any alaska or canada freeware mesh?? found one but i dont know how to manually add the bgl file manually to add it in fs9
  19. Flight is based on downloadable packs (DLCs) of aircraft, missions and scenery packages, released by MGS. So their (MS) business model is based on people buying this stuff, to make their $$$.But all previous versions of MSFS (and others like X-plane) have been attractive, because there are thousands of add-ons available. MS even released SDKs to encourage add-ons to be made.That is arguably what keeps interest in FS for such long periods of time after they are released. Just look at the Avsim front page to see that developers are still churning out content for FSX many years after release. MS knows this and to make its new sim totally closed would be shooting themselves in the foot.It seems to me that the fact that Flight has been released with very little content is an open invitation for 3rd party developers to create content for it. My question is: How will MS allow these developers to proceed, without creating unwanted competition for themselves?There are a couple of ways MS could proceed:Worst case: MS keeps the sim locked down and allows content to be distributed through the MS App Store (an integrated feature of Windows 8). This would require the approval by theirs truly for each and every add-on - be it free, or payware. This seems Draconion and would require a lot of resources on their part. It would also stymie the otherwise flourishing interest in many addons that previous FS versions have created around themselves.Best case: MS just allows Flight to be totally open. But as mentioned, this could would impact on their business model of selling DLC (remember the base product is free). There is no default terain, aircraft, or ATC to develop a custom layer on top of. So add-on makers are given a clean skeleton to build the meat of the sim on. This method would also result in quality control issues that may have caused headaches with previous versions add-ons.Most likely: MS releases SDKs and developer tools to create add-ons. Some of these tools may require payment, depending what level of add-on you are developing. E.g They release an aircraft making tool. It's free if you want to make freeware, but you can pay for a 'Pro' version. Garmin do similar for map making tools (granted: the difference with Garmin is that they make $$$ from selling the hardware).This kind of thing not only lets the keen kids design their own plane - it also lets proffesional devlopers make great add-ons. The plus for MS is that it keeps quality control over the final product and they still get $$$ from 3rd party add-ons.This new sim - as it stands- is at the 'game' end of the simming spectrum. Regardless of how MS choose to approve add-ons, there seems to be technically much scope for any level of add-on to be developed.The direction that MS chooses to proceed will determine if there is any financial scope for very hard-core addons to be developed. I really don't think anyone is going to be dissapointed though.
  20. OK, here's my newest dilemma. I have the Guzman Concorde. Now the 3D panel allows me to see my nose visor lower and raise, however my 3D, and outside views show no change whatsoever. Any ideas please?
  21. Hello guys, I have an i7 2600K overclocked and I have problems with the smoothness in FSX.I receive in every situations 30 FPS with addon sceneries and payware aircrafts ( par example the NGX from PMDG ), butit is laggy and not smooth enough. I used the external fps limiter set to 30, I have 30 fps but in a kind of tearing way. It really sucks. I have done so many tweaks, but I can't get it smoother. I set vsync to 1 (on) in my fsx. cfg file. What else can I do to fix it. Any constructive solutions? Look at his vid, that is smooth with 30 FPS! But I receive hickups a lot of tearing and it is not smooth like in his videos. mine at 30 fps is a dia show experience. :-( Have a look at it: http://youtu.be/e_MqRV2gHnk My pc specs: I7 2600K, overclocked to 5 GHZ16GB Ram CL9 1600MHZColorful GTX 580 1536 MB1 HDD Samsung 7200 rpm Thanks to all. Kind regards, Tommy
  22. Could someone tell me how to load the 737 NGX in cold and dark? I made a save of it in this state and made it default but the "initialising" green bar thing starts up the plane anyway. I found out that you can load the plane through the "addons" tab however I have never had this tab and cannot seem to make it appear. Any help much apprieciated!!!
  23. Hello, Good day. I would like to learn how to convert a static baggagetug vehicle object , into an AI aircraft for use in FS2004 as a ground traffic. I would like to know how to create: air file, and the MDL model file.A tutorial if available would be very appreciated. Thank you for your help.
  24. Hi there! It was my birthday today, and I've come into a bit of money. I have the opportunity to purchase a new FSX addon. My choices are: CaptainSim 767, QualityWings 757, or the Wilco Airbus Evolution Volume 2. What would you buy? Which will be better for my money? I'm looking more towards the QualityWings 757 at the moment because I've heard it's better than the CaptainSim 757, but that's a possibility also. Please give me some insight on what you would choose. Thanks a lot!! Paul
  25. I have recently installed the Quality Wings 757 onto my laptop, and it is registered and seems to work fine except for the FMC. The FMC seems to be having a problem displaying certain text. The IDENT Page shows everything correctly as well as my up to date AIRAC Cycle of 1509. However when I proceed to the next page, the REF Airport section is blank and does not let me type anything on that page. The SID's and STAR's also don't appear. But if I click randomly on the SID/STAR Page, they do appear on the RTE, so its like the text is there but invisible. I am wondering if this could be a problem with a certain gauge file that is missing, but really can't seem to find the problem! Any help is appreciated. I am running Windows 10. Thank you! Regards, Chris P.S. If you are interested in seeing what the FMC looks like, reply asking for a picture. Thanks!
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