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  1. OK, so this happens with my brand new CS 767 and also on trying to run the 4.6 upgrade for my CS 757 (which was already installed, I removed it to fault-find and it now won't install back in at all). Essentially, I run the installer and it goes through the activation point to the point where you can select the directory and can press "install." Except, the install button is gray, non-clickable and if I try and change the directory it still remains gray.I have reinstalled FSX with Acceleration. I have run the free FSX registry tool from Flight1. I have used CCleaner to clean out any reference of captainsim to try and allow a fresh install to occur. Stumped, I then searched Google and found nothing on this issue except a thread at sim-outhouse that stated that someone over at the REX forums had found a fix. FUrther research showed that REX changed forum software since then and the thread is at the bottom of the internet ocean. So, moving towards asking CS for help, I then searched Captainsim's knowledgebase to make sure I wasn't burdening them unnecessarily and I found a vague article that tells me I must not have enough HDD space to install, or to try a complete FSX reinstall. Having over 300GB of free space, I knew it wasn't that so I did a reinstall. So after doing everything it says to do and with the issue still occurring, I open a support ticket with CS and they reply after 2 days with a cookie cutter answer to go and check the knowledgebase article I'd already found (and had stated in the ticket that I had followed it already and the issue still occurred). Now they essentially refuse to help, but of course they gladly took my money. I could get a refund, but what's the point in that? I want this aircraft that I've paid for to work like the PMDG, IRIS, Aerosoft, ORBX, and many other addons I have paid good money for. So if anyone knows what might be the cause, or can remember the fix on the REX forum, I certainly appreciate any help you have to offer.
  2. The pmdg 737 ngx installer wont let me install because it says that there is a newer version installed that needs to be unistalled before I can install the older version. Help please
  3. Hello, All captain sirs I have serious problem when I tried to install the VOXATC on my p3d v2.4 system. I can’t proceed VOXATC due to Net framework trouble (Just in time, refer to image link while installing. Please help me…. Thank you sir [My summarized system] 1. OS : Windows 7 64bit (SP1) Korean version Added English language pack Changed system locale form Korean to English (US) 2. Flight Sim : Prepar3D 2.4 3. Add on : PMDG 777 / FS2crew / REX OD / Ezdok Ps ) I had tried to change the Net Framework from 4.5 (Korean) to 4.5 (English) & 4.0 (English). But result is same. Sorry, I hard to upload the image to use Avsim website editor. (I'd know why the image did't see image even though I tired to insert URL image.) So, I'd like to link the address of failure image directly like below. please click it. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_BCJU2Wk8SONG5DdnR0dUhOd3c/edit?usp=docslist_api on the detail is See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'com.intworkings.voxatc.FSUIPCInt' threw an exception. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at com.intworkings.voxatc.FSUIPCInt.SetSimulatorToUse() at com.intworkings.voxatc.FSUIPCInt..cctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at com.intworkings.voxatc.FSUIPCInt.GetFSFolderName() at VoxATCIndexer.VoxATCIndexer.VoxATCIndexer_Activated(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnActivated(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Form.set_Active(Boolean value) at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmActivate(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) ************** Loaded Assemblies ************** mscorlib Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL ---------------------------------------- VoxATCIndexer Assembly Version: 1.0.5536.29229 Win32 Version: 1.0.5536.29229 ---------------------------------------- System.Windows.Forms Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL ---------------------------------------- System.Drawing Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL ---------------------------------------- System Assembly Version: Win32 Version: 4.0.30319.17929 built by: FX45RTMREL ---------------------------------------- BGLAFD3 Assembly Version: 1.0.5536.29222 Win32 Version: 1.0.5536.29222 ---------------------------------------- VoxATC Assembly Version: 1.0.5536.29226 Win32 Version: 1.0.5536.29226 ---------------------------------------- ************** JIT Debugging ************** To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this application or computer (machine.config) must have the jitDebugging value set in the system.windows.forms section. The application must also be compiled with debugging enabled. For example: <configuration> <system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" /> </configuration> When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box.
  4. Hi, I recently noticed my livery manager wasn't working well so I decided to do reinstall. After uninstalling, I realised that it did not delete the livery manager so I deleted it myself. I freshly downloaded a new copy from the PMDG website after the Operations Center informed me of a new update. When I reinstalled, it did not restore Livery manager. I have tried reinstalling more than 3 times now with no success. Someone please help!!?? I need my PMDG!! Thanks, Aaron. Flight Sim: FSX Acceleration Operating System: Windows 8.1 Aircraft: PMDG 737NGX for FSX/FSX-SE
  5. Hi, First attempt to install P3D on a PC with I7-4790K, Windows 7 64b with Directx11 (P3D 2.5 version). Message indicating d3dcompiler_43.dll missing. Some concensus on the net not to download free D3DCOMPILER_43.dl from dll sites. Seen some posts recommending to install dxwebsetup.exe or directx_jun2010_redist.exe. Would certainly appreciate input from more experiences simmer that I am. Thanks, Bertrand M
  6. <S!>All, Been avid PMDG fan since FS9 NG series. Recently decided to get out of the NGX for a bit and try the turbo J41. Cannot get it to install and load, dies at the loading bar for the situation that comes with it after a click sound. I have completely removed FSX twice and cleared with Fixit Utility. So FSX SP2 Clean and new install of J41 twice. I was running PMDG NGX, GEX, UTX, RAAS, FS2Crew with no issues. Strange issue is I got the activation for the J41 only once on the initial install, where as FSX was every install? The redistributables for C++ were installed. I have down loaded the J41 install twice also in case of a corrupt file. Any ideas welcome.... Gary Anderson Hilo, Hawaii Windows 7/64
  7. Hey everyone, I am a frequent fsx flyer but very new to this forum. I have flown hours and hours on windows 7 and vista and now the time has come for me to install fsx on windows 8.1 :mellow: :blush: I know lots will say that 8.1 has problems regarding fsx, but I have no real choice as except for fsx, 8.1 does everything better for me. I have the fsx gold pack, GEX europe, REX + OD 2 and PMDG 737, 747 and Carenado B1900D aircrafts to install. Right now, I have done the following. 1) Run standard fsx disk 1 and 2 (deluxe) setup. (installed on secondary HDD) 2) Flown a free flight for 10 mins 3) Installed SP1 4) Flown a free flight for 10 mins 5) Installed acceleration pack. I have only found this video for 8.1 and I have followed it. I was really looking if anyone knows of a guide ( or could quickly summarise for me ) the cfg tweaks and tweaks in fsx that I should do to get the best out of fsx in windows 8.1 for my hardware. I have capable hardware to run max settings (I think) ; I have an AMD FX-6300 @ 3.5 GHz, XFX 7970 DD OC and 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz RAM. I would also appreciate if anyone has any tips to give for installing the add ons that I listed above. I apologise, if I am posting in the wrong place or if this topic has come up several times before, as I said, I am very new to this forum, but not fsx. Thanks for all the help, in advance!
  8. just purchased 737NGX installing on -i7-3.5GHz-16GB Ram-win7x64-1TB SSD-21.5MBs download-in C:/FSX not x86-no other apps running-virus off App installed quickly then started "Download DirectX" - Now 3-1/2 Hours and slider only 75% - no issues with download connection on my end - slowly moves thru SDK updates from 2007 thru 2010 and repeats. Is this normal???
  9. just purchased 737NGX installing on -i7-3.5GHz-16GB Ram-win7x64-1TB SSD-21.5MBs download-in C:/FSX not x86-no other apps running-virus off App installed quickly then started "Download DirectX" - Now 3-1/2 Hours and slider only 75% - no issues with download connection on my end - slowly moves thru SDK updates from 2007 thru 2010 and repeats. Is this normal???
  10. just purchased 737NGX installing on -i7-3.5GHz-16GB Ram-win7x64-1TB SSD-21.5MBs download-in C:/FSX not x86-no other apps running-virus off App installed quickly then started "Download DirectX" - Now 3-1/2 Hours and slider only 75% - no issues with download connection on my end - slowly moves thru SDK updates from 2007 thru 2010 and repeats. Is this normal???
  11. just purchased 737NGX installing on -i7-3.5GHz-16GB Ram-win7x64-1TB SSD-21.5MBs download-in C:/FSX not x86-no other apps running-virus off App installed quickly then started "Download DirectX" - Now 3-1/2 Hours and slider only 75% - no issues with download connection on my end - slowly moves thru SDK updates from 2007 thru 2010 and repeats. Is this normal???
  12. New product - new install 737ngx. i7-3.5GHz-16GB Ram-Win7x64-1TB SSD-21.5MBs download-virus scan off-no other apps running-FSX in C:/fsx not x86-FSX with Acceleratorpack Now past 3-hours and still "Installing Direct-X" going back to 2007 and forward to 2010 and repeat - slider is progressing to about 75% but L O N G time. Seems as though application installed quickly but this install of DirectX seems ridiculously slow. This was of course initiated by the v1.0 installer as purchased. Is this normal??
  13. Forgive me if this seems like a bit of a stupid question. I've searched the internet and nowhere seems to be giving me a straight answer! Basically, I have 2 hard drives, 500GB and a 160GB. The 500gb is 7200rpm 6gb/s. The 160 is 5400rpm 3gb/s. My windows 7 64bit is installed on the 500. I want to install fsx on the smaller hard drive so that it doesn't interfere with any of the other files, but in order to do this, do I need to have windows installed on it? At the moment the smaller hard drive has no OS, so I'm wondering if FSX will still run. If not, can I just create a partition from the larger hard drive and use that? Thanks
  14. Hi, I have recently built a new PC, installed Windows 8 and then tried to install Microsoft Flight. After downloading the full 1.8Gb package and starting the install it gave me an error message and terminated - very frustrating. Has anyone else had this experience and found a solution, or if not could you offer me any advice that could help me get it installed. I loved MS Flight when I tried it recently so i'm really keen to get a solution. I really appreciate your input. Regards Peter
  15. Well, this is nothing new, but figured I'd share my ENB series settings. It took me hours to get it to this point; so maybe for someone out there it will be a freebie. I spent a few nights experimenting with and researching all the ENB series file settings and have got it to a point where it seems, at least to my eyes, to be very real, with a touch of atmospheric bloom, and working in all conditions (desert, night, day etc.). I found this handy download that installs ENB into your fsx directly. It's been tweaked by the maker, but I find it to be quite conservative and not using the enb potential to the fullest Imho. Thanks for making the installer though! : http://www.fs2000.org/downloads/doc_details/32424 USE AT OWN RISK! From what I've read, you need a decent graphics card. This setting is specific to a high end card. (gtx 560ti at the time of this posting) Just open up fsx and look for the enbseries.ini Open it in word pad and play (if you can call it that). By the way, if you open fsx in windowed mode and make your wordpad adjustments in another,...all you have to do is change the size of the fsx window and it will reload the textures and graphics settings so you can see the changes you made without reloading fsx. Just save enb each time you make a change, then grab and change the fsx window in some way. Tada. I think this is pretty decent. I personally like a bit of shmalzy bloom. If you don't, just lower the value of Bloompower day or night. After all is said and done, the main ones you want to play with in the ENB settings are: [bloom] Bloompower day (Produces the atmospheric haze around light objects. High values looks like cheap porn from the 70's....but there is a sweetspot where it feels like light and space. ]bloom] Bloompower night, (I like bloom at night at airports...really brings your landing lights to life and all the lighting. [bloom] Bloomfadetime....(basically how fast in milliseconds the 'eye' would adjust from moving from dark to light) Darkening effect. Basically the level of contrast intensity. Higher values = darker darks and lighter lights. I sat in my car on a bright day and approximated the contrast difference facing the sun. These alone will give you lots to fiddle with. Here are my complete FSX settings: EnvBumpAmount=100 EnvBumpOffset=100 ReflectionFlip=0 [bLOOM] BloomPowerDay=45 BloomFadeTime=1000000 BloomConstantDay=1 BloomQuality=0 BloomScreenLevelDay=1 BloomCurveDay=7 BloomPowerNight=30 BloomConstantNight=5 BloomCurveNight=9 BloomScreenLevelNight=12 BloomAdaptationScreenLevel=80 BloomAdaptationMultiplier=45 BloomAllowOversaturation=1 BloomMaxLimit=57 [sSAO] UseFilter=1 OcclusionQuality=2 FilterQuality=1 DarkeningLevel=10l BrighteningLevel=100 IlluminationLevel=100 AdditiveIlluminationLevel=18 UseAmbientOcclusion=1 UseIndirectLighting=1 FadeDistance=50 UseForAlphaTest=0 UseForAlphaBlend=0 [colorCORRECTION] DarkeningAmountDay=35 ScreenLevelDay=8 ScreenLevelNight=14 DarkeningAmountNight=-20 GammaCurveDay=-2p GammaCurveNight=6 ColorSaturationDay=1p ColorSaturationNight=-1 UsePaletteTexture=0 [WATER] UseWaterDeep=0 WaterDeepness=20 WaterQuality=0 [sHADOW] ShadowFadeStart=40 ShadowFadeEnd=80 ShadowAmountDay=50 ShadowAmountNight=40 ShadowScreenLevelDay=40 ShadowScreenLevelNight=30 ShadowQuality=1 UseShadowFilter=0 FilterQuality=2 ShadowBlurRange=30 [ENGINE] ForceAnisotropicFiltering=1 MaxAnisotropy=16 ForceDisplayRefreshRate=0 DisplayRefreshRateHz=60 [MOTIonblur] MotionblurQuality=0 MotionblurVelocity=0 MotionblurRotation=0 [PERPIXELLIGHTING] SpecularColorMin=0 SpecularColorMax=100 SpecularColorMultiplier=100 SpecularGlossinessMin=0 SpecularGlossinessMax=100 SpecularGlossinessMultiplier=100 [DEPTHOFFIELD] DOFQuality=2 DOFNumberOfPasses=1 DOFFocusRange=50 DOFBlurinessRange=10 If you use REX, I tweaked this ENB series using "tropical new" sky texture. I find with ENB, sky textures that have little to no blend work better as the dynamic range washes out the sky. Any sky in REX that has a single Blue to it as apposed to a blend looks more realistic and less washed out.
  16. Hi all. I've just got a new computer and hopefully it can handle FSX at acceptable framerates so I think I'm ready to get FSX. I have had a look at Microsoft website and saw FSX has 2 versions, Standard and Deluxe. Do both of these versions compatible with all FSX addons? I remember there also Service Packs (1 or 2?) and Acceleration Pack (or something like that). So which one should I get and what is the right way to install FSX with the latest updates? I've tried to search google but my English is not so good so I don't came up with the information I needed. Thanks!
  17. Hi All, Just wanted to share a few hours of pain with you I had when installing Alaska. Actually it wasn't too bad in the end thanks to some helpful internet folks, and I think the tips I've picked up proved very useful so I've started this topic so the faithful can refer to should future DLC's cause any concerns. Just wanted to say I've had no issues at all with installations in Flight up until the Alaska pack, maybe I was unlucky with this, there isn't too much in the forums so hopefully these events are pretty rare - but downloading large files always has the potential to cause issues. Microsoft Flight has detected a corrupted installation and will now exit :shok: Yeah, so some of you may have seen this, if you haven't you don't know what your missing! Of course this means the Flight install has been corrupted. This happened during the install of the Alaskan Wilderness Pack for me. After much tinkering I decided to remove Flight altogether, but that meant at the time downloading Flight again, the title update and all DLC... YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO THIS - so a few simple steps now could save you hours later on. How to fix a corrupted installation: :dance: Reinstall the main Flight package. Install the latest title update. Remove recently added DLC using the Games for Windows Client. Check Flight install (playing the game for 5 minutes usually is enough to verify if the install is ok). Download DLC again. If you still have issues it means one of the DLC components (there are 7 with Alaska) has been corrupted. In this case what I had to do was delete using the Games for Windows Client the latest DLC downloads and then install each one again but checking the Flight install each time. As it happens with me it seemed the Alaska Share Resources was corrupted so when downloading this again it fixed the Flight installation. Another thing which may have caused me issues was the initial download Alaska Wilderness Pack the first time round didn't install first, because when going back to Flight before this had finished it asked me to download the others files and one of them finished before the download for the Alaska Wilderness Pack. I can't say if that caused any issues but it probably wasn't a good thing. Preparing for a corruption Removing Flight base package Ok removing the base package does absolutely nothing with the DLC so it's completely safe. You profile is taken online so you lose none of your achievements. Perform the following to remove the Flight application - thanks Bill! (n4gix). Uninstall Microsoft Flight from the Add/Remove Programs screen Delete the following directories (if they exist). Navigate to them by pasting the paths given below in the address bar of Windows Explorer: %UserProfile%\My Documents\Flight %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Flight %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\XLive\DLC\4d5308d2 %AppData%\Microsoft\Flight Installing Flight base package To make the reinstall steps above easier to follow you can capture the main Flight download from the Games for Windows Downloads folder prior to clicking on the install. The other DLC packs install automatically but the main package needs a prompt. Copy something like the file shown below before picking install to another folder and unpack. The GfW Client Settings page will show you where your downloads are if you've forgotten. The archived download will look something like 97FBC10CAA35C555C40DEA648CE345228FAA543C_05E79A5A-59BF-472C-B563-1A4BBD1ACD35_1 For the title update do a search for the msi package however if you don't do this straight away when installing the title update, the file will eventually be deleted - as this is smaller though re-downloading is less of an issue... dir TitleUpdate.msi /s Copy parent folder for 'Content' containing the TitleUpdate banary to a safe location. i.e. as below this would be 4d5308d2. ..\4d5308d2\Content\TitleUpdate.ms After installation you will be prompted to redownload your online profile so make sure you are logged into Windows Live. That’s about it, you can now continue to redownload the DLC and hopefully a second time it will be ok... Still no luck with the install... :help: If the install still doesn't work. The Game for Windows Client writes out a log file at the following location - but also check the Windows Event Viewer as well. C:\Users\Ultimate\AppData\Local\Microsoft\GFWLive\Install\Logs Issues with updates can sometimes also occur when Flight has crashed or is still running. Make sure Flight is shutdown before reinstalling the main package, title updates and even DLC. I.e. use GfW client. If you still can't get any DLC working, then it may be another issue with your computer or even the DLC itself. If it gets this far then it can't be a bad idea to look online or post something within this topic and I'm sure the technical wizards on here will be happy to assist. Good luck and enjoy Alaska! :yahoo: Cheers, Dave.
  18. Hi, In AFX, is there a way to install moving jetways? I was making a new airport but the jetways do not move. I have the jetways inside the green gate area and I also have advanced animations checked but they still don't move. I also tried using the instant scenery jetways but that did not work either. Jetways at other airports work by my addon ones do not. Thanks to anyone who can help.
  19. kinda a newb question but.. how to i get the aircraft to install with the auto loader :/ ? i tried to put it in the fs9 aircraft folder but it didnt work right, and it didnt come with a read me file :/ any help would be apreciated thanks
  20. Hi all, I am posting with an issue that has frustrated me for the last 4 hours. FSX Gold will not install properly. I inserted disc 1 and 2 they did there thing, then it checks computer memory and after that all windows close, I get no accept terms window or product key window. What should I do???
  21. There are quite a few programs that cannot find my FSX.exe since I installed it onto a different place than the standard C:/Program Files (x86)/Flight Simulator X When I launch a program to install (such as PMDG 777 installer), it asks me to manually navigate the installer. How do I manually navigate an installer? Very thankful for any answers
  22. Hey, So I finally got my new computer (ill post about that soon) and I am ready to install FSX but have a quick question: I have 2 HDD's on my computer, a 500GB HD and a 2TB HD. currently I have Windows 7 Ultimate and all my other non simulation software on the 500GB HD. I dont have anything on the 2TB one except some documents and stuff. So, should I install FSX and all the addons I have (over 15 aircraft addons, a lot of scenery) and I have alot of other software on my wishlist for FSX on the 2TB HD by itself, or the 500GB HD with all the other software. ~Remy
  23. So as I clicked the purchase button, I knew I should really be waiting a while, until more inital reports came in, but I got caught in the moment! ........ still, I just had this nagging feeling, things weren't going to go well... ..... I never thought they'd screw up THIS early though !!! Bought and downloaded P3D 2.0..... Ran the installer, it proceeded to about 98% on the progress bar within 5 minutes............ and has now sat at that 98% point, uncompleted for the last 40 minutes :- ........ How long to I sit here and leave it for? Has anyone else had this problem? I've never had this with any sim, since FS5. I mean, I've had a ton of tech problems, but never just a failure to even install. I have browsed to the location where P3D is suppsed to be installing on my HD and I can see some files; so maybe it's installed, but I'm scared to quit the installer in case it screws up licences, simconnect, etc. Something is still running because process and CPU-wise, my PC is on it's knees.... pages taking ages to turn over etc, even creating the above screenshot took 10 minutes to render in Paint.NET! Did anyone else have to quit the installer because it just did not complete? :( Seriously, what a start.... :rolleyes:
  24. Hello, I can't install the 777 because the installer tells me "unable to locate fsx.exe. Unable to install." I fixed the registry entry (both using tools and thereafter manually), reinstalled FSX, opening the installer in admin-mode. Since the 777 doesn't work with Prepar3d (without any notice on the product page!) and I had to "downgrade" to FSX to use the bird, I'm getting quiet annoyed that it still doesn't work. Any ideas? Thanks for help in advance!
  25. Okay I have the following add ons for FSX: 1) REX Essential Plus Overdrive 2) GEX 3) UTX 4) Active Sky 2012/OpusFSX 5) FS2Crew PMDG 747 Voice Commander Edition 6) FSpassengers 7) Ground Services X (GSX) 8) Various airplanes from Carenado, Aerosoft, PMDG 9) Various scenery from Orbx, UK2000, Aerosoft, FSdreamteam, etc 10) ENBseries 11) Accu-Feel 12) SW 3D Lights Redux 13) UT2 (Ultimate Traffic 2) I will be doing a fresh install since I am building an entire new pc just for FSX. I will be using Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. Now before I start the installation, I'd like to know if there's a prefer order to install all these addons? I want to get everything right from the beginning so that I don't run into any problems later on with the game. Another thing I read about is DX10 mode for FSX. I'm assuming when you install FSX for the first time it will default to DX9? Do you all recommend I enable DX10 mode. I'm not sure if its as simple as hitting a switch or will I have to dig deeper in order to get DX10 mode to work with FSX? I am coming from a Mac using X-Plane and want to give FSX a try out. I appreciate the help from the community.
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