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  1. Im using Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit with FSX and the 'hot fix' by PMDG.After loading the plane everything is in place in the 3D cockpit but only after a few minutes or changing viewpoints to outside & coming back in the virtual cockpit some elements have disappeared ! They don't show up anymore during the flight so I have to use the 2D cockpit for all functionalities.I already reinstalled Visual C++ 2008 with no success, updated to the latest NVIDIA driver for my NVIA GT130 card, installed SP2 for FSX and have a daily updated Win7 system...Any suggestions why this happens & what could help it ???
  2. american airlines.miami air please regards feer..
  3. The pmdg 737 ngx installer wont let me install because it says that there is a newer version installed that needs to be unistalled before I can install the older version. Help please
  4. Hello Avsim-Community, I am new to the forums and actually quite new to flight siming aswell. I have some questions regarding scenery addons and two specific addon planes. I guess you get those kind of questions a lot but I wanted to hear specific answers on my questions, because all the research I did confuses me, because there are many many oppinions of course - in the end it'll still be up to me though I know So a few months back I installed my FSX again after probably 3 years and really started to get interested into flight siming. I got the PMDG 737NGX for my birthday and quite liked the depth of it. I did both tutorials, but I am struggling to really learn more about the plane. That biggest hinderance for me is the flight planning, it seams to me that you have to get PFPX and Topcat to really plan your flights properly, those tools are expensive though, and I don't know if it's worth it. Aren't there other ways to plan your flight for free. I know of "rfinder" but that doesn't tell you certain things like takeoff data and so on. To summarize my first "topic" so to say: - How did you learn how to fly the PMDG 737NGX? - How do you plan your flights properly? I also realized that I'd enjoy some GA aircrafts aswell (VFR flying), such as the A2A products: Cessna 172 or the new Cherokee 180. I really like there walk arround and "taking care" system. So the first question is: - Would you get the Cessna or the Cherokee from A2A? Coming to my last question. I thought, I'd like a nice scenery to fly a GA aircraft in. I am thinking of a ORBX scenery. I just wanted to here your oppinion about the different regions they offer and which one you'd recommend the most for GA flying. I had an eye on the PNW scenery, but the Australian, New Zealand and also the Northern California scenery are looking very great! My only concern was that ORBX offers payware airports in those regions, so you'd have to spend even more money, or are the airports in the scenery packs modeled better non the less? Okey enough text for now. I hope I posted that in the right section of the forum. Thank you for your help in advance. Greetings, Tim (Voxelfox)
  5. Hello all, I am upgrading my flight simulaor with two computers that will be connected with a crossover cat 5 ethernet to run all the software and hardware controls as best as possible. here is my new beast computer: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz LGA 1150 Boxed Processor – overclock 4.4- 5.0 ghz ASUS Sabertooth Z97 MARK 1 LGA1150 ATX Intel Motherboard Thermaltake Water 3.0 Performer Cooling System 16GB DDR3 2133 PC3-17000 (2x8GB, 1.5V) 3GB Asus GTX 780 Ti, GDDR5, PCIe Thermaltake 750W 80+ Active PFC Power Supply Samsung 840 EVO MZ-7TE1T0BW 1TB MLC SSD – 2ND DRIVE Crucial M550 512GB MLC SATA - MAIN DRIVE 24X DVD Burner Zalman Z1 case Windows 8.1 Professional x64 Old computer: i7-2000k GTX 560 graphics card Win 7 64 bit New computer has two SSD – 512GB and 1 TB NEW COMPUTER – 4 monitors - and where to install the software Main SSD 512 GB – all in x86 folder - FSX, GSX ground, Accumsim 172, other aircraft, missions, FSUIPC, WIDEFS, REX overdrive in separate folder on main drive 2nd SSD 1 TB – MegaSceneryEarth files included HI Res cities & airports, night environment CA - only load in areas of flying only most hardware to connect to main computer - PFC yoke, Saitek rudder pedals, GoFlight modules - EFIS, MCP-PRO, various GoFlight modules, custom 172 R master switch panel, brake switch, fuel switch OLD COMPUTER – 2 monitors In X86 folder GA Panel software - run on 24" lcd monitor Active SKY GPS software - to run on GNS 530 by Emuteq ( 2nd monitor ) Were should I install PMDG 737NG? becasue I have a 24" LCD screen on my 2nd computer to run gauges for all GA aircraft. My worry is PMDG on Win 8.1as well. Is this possible to run the PMDG gauge screens on my 24" lcd from the 2nd computer to link with FSX? Any other suggestions on my upgrade over build would be appreciated, thank you. Richard
  6. PMDG 737 NGX doesn't work properly with GoFlight MCPPRO and TQ6-ADV or TrackIR I recently purchased the PMDG 737 NGX for FSX and I am having a difficult time getting it to work with some of my controllers. I have the GoFlight MCPPRO Advanced Autopilot and the GoFlight TQ-6-ADV Throttle System Module. I also have the TrackIR v5 head tracking system. I downloaded the GoFlight PMDG Interface software and installed it. I launch the software only after FSX is running with the flight started. Here are some of the problems I am having with each of the following devices: GoFlight MCPPRO Advanced Autopilot - Autopilot knobs do perform a function in the virtual cockpit, but the display on the MCPPRO only displays zeros. The MCPPRO works fine in the default 737. The GF Config2 software is set to the Compatible Add-On mode and is version 2.21. GoFlight TQ-6-ADV Throttle System Module - Throttles work, but the flaps, spoiler handles and thrust reversers have no effect. They all work fine in the default 737. TrackIR v5 - Tracks head movement, but the reset eyepoint does not work when pressing F12. This device also works fine in other aircraft.
  7. G'day, I've been using FSX since the the begining and have been flying all sort of aircraft and now I have purchased the PMDG 737NGX. It is a wonderful aircaft in every aspect. I love flying it however I do not have the time to go through the complex FMC setup before every flight and I also like to hand fly the plane which give me satisfaction I undrestand and admire the FMC and the procedures but I do not just want to press computer buttons and watch the plane fly itself I want to be part of the action. So what I would like to do is: Handle take off myself completely following ATC instructions then once reached cruising altitude hand over control to FMC and again take back control once started descent. Is this possible and if so how? It would be an absolute joy if someone could provide an answer to this. Cheers
  8. Hello fellow simmers! So, I really need to learn how to land. But I love flying my PMDG and don't want to just hand fly in circles for quick line ups to land. Is there a way to save the flight sim and PMDG 737 NGX on final approach so I can just keep reloading it and landing again? I tried just saving but when I reload, it just crashes FSX.
  9. Here is the livery link- http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/1946-pmdg-737ngx-800wl-oj1/
  10. Hi,I have a couple of questions related to AS 2012 & PMDG 737 NGX.1) I plan a flight, for example, from EETN to LKPR (CRZ ALT F400). When I need to know what the CRZ TAS is going to be, I have to know the OAT in that level -- then I calculate speed mach 1 (in kts) according to that OAT and multiply it by the mach number which is going to be my CRZ (ECON from FMC); the speed that is economical for me in F400 is mach 0.782 … that's why I need accurate OAT -- BUT here I see the problem: For filling T/C OAT in FMC, I always find any airport that is located near by the T/C point (seen from NavDisplay), then I write this ARPT (ICAO) to the Active Sky (Wx Report) to see the TEMP at the required FL (under the symbols of weather, there are wind and temperature information for certain altitudes -- 3K, 6K, 9K, … 49K) -- so from that I can read that e.g. in 39K feet the OAT is –57.4 °C etc. According to that temps, I calculate the OAT for 40,000 ft (which is sometimes higher than in lower FLs -- possible?) -> I put that temp. to this http://www.csgnetwor...achonecalc.html and just calculate the mach 1 speed according to that temp, and then multply it by e.g. 0.782 -> I find out that my CRZ speed (that I also fill in the FPL) is going to be +- 447 KTAS. … well, as soon as I reached F400, I saw in FMC that the OAT was much lower, approximately –77 °C, so my airspeed then was a bit lower, e.g. just 425 KTAS and not 447 as I had been expecting… But if I check the weather at AS (locked to nearest ARPT), I can see there's just written something like 39K & –55.8, 44K & –57.4 --- so how is it possible that I have so much lower OAT than everywhere is issued? -- now I mean also this: http://jeppesen.com/...ion-weather.jsp -- also showing the TEMP if you open the wind forecast -- e.g. FL390 & showing –55 °C, but in FMC I can see OAT –77 °C…So, I'd like to know if the AS (and then aslo the JEPP. weather) shows the OAT correctly (-> then there must be any problem with FSX/PMDG), or if the OAT that shows FMC is correct. (But I suppose there shouldn't be any incorrect entry in the JEPP. weather maps.) :)And why do I need to know it?Well, just because I don't like when something is not working as it should / is not accurate, then also to fill the CORRECT CRZ airspeed to the FPL, and finally, when I calculate the EETs to FIRs, then it's not accurate (according to the planned TAS & actual TAS -- even if the wind is calm).P.S. I'm not using FSInn, but Squawkbox with Weather settings OFF.And the second, last, not so long question: :)2) Is it very important to have very quick internet connection to get the actual METARs on time (with minimum delay)? Because I have Wifi connection and sometimes it's delayed up to 20 min. -- it's 10:20 Z and I still have valid METAR from 09:30 Z (instead of 10:00 Z). And just one more note: In AS 2012 settings, I have set Automatic Downloads (+ VATSIM Online Weather) to every 5 min., but if I look on Wx Report, I can see “Last Updated: 00:15” and now it's 00:43 -> so “Last Updated” should now be showing +- 00:40 (update every 5 mins.); am I correct? (if yes, why is it not?)Thank you very much in advance!Adam
  11. Hi I've just been wondering if PMDG 737 NGX will work on my computer because I don't want to waste my money. My Computer specs are: i3-3220 processor (3 GHz, 3 MB cache) 8 GB DDR3 (1333 MHz) 1 TB hard drive, SATA II (7200 rpm) Intel HD Integrated graphics
  12. Hi, for those of you who have XPAX from HiFi Tech Inc, does it work well with PMDG 737 NGX? Thinking of buying XPAX to make it more immersive :rolleyes: Cheers
  13. hey guys, im kinda new to pmdg 737 ngx so in order for me to use my autopilot i normally turn off realistic ap engagement which i access from the CDU on the plane but ever since i upgraded my 737 NGX to sp1c that option is no longer in the CDU. i think they have moved it to sumwhere else. do any of you guys know where? if so please me tell. Thank You, chad
  14. Apologies if this topic has been discussed earlier but I am a newby into the flight simulation world so I am a bit confused about how to handle the problems I am facing since I have started using Windows 7 64 bit. Everything was running fine until I upgraded my system to a quad core and installed Windows 7 64 bit. - First of all the cockpit sound wasn't working. So I read some discussion here and reinstalled NGX and Direct X. Fortunately it did work and the cockpit sounds were back. - But now I can't see any trim value displayed. As a newby it's really hard for me to assume the trim value just looking at the wheel or the dial. Any help to get the display back would be much appreciated as it's spoiling my simulation experience. Thanks in advance for your help! Ronnie.
  15. Virgin Australia's Flight from Sydney, Australia to Nadi, Fiji. Taxiing to the active: Cruising at 37,000 feet: Flying over Fiji with the shoreline in sight: FSX's Effect to drop all the trees a few feet before the runway: Touching down on Runway 2/20: Using PMDG 737NGX and FSX Default Scenery :(
  16. Hi Everyone, This has probably been posted already but I cant find it. I was bought a boxed PMDG 737 NGX for Fathers day but I am having alot of problems getting it to work. I have read lots of topics and been through the PMDG Pdf info etc but need some help please. My system Specs are: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9400 @ 2.66Ghz - 4Gb Ram - Nvidia Geforce GTS 240 I downloaded Sp1 from PMDG website but it said I already had the most up to date version installed. I have also been on the "*******" website and used their suggested file. My FSX settings are roughly "medium" and I don't normally run out of memory when playing online at HHG. I fly all day and never have a problem. Senario: I select freeflight > PMDG 737NGX House > Try to do the first tutorial flight EGKK to EHAM > Fair weather no wind > Time: 09:00 - Aircraft loads onto runway and "settings" load > After a few moments I see long spikey verticals in the scenery and then I get an error message "Your system is out of memory - reload Fsx" or words to that effect > Fsx crashes to desktop. Hope someone can help. Many thanks Ian
  17. I just did a clean install of FSX and patched it up to SP2, no Acceleration and now every time I exit a flight for the main menu, the menu appears all the way on the far right monitor in the lower corner, the graphics are messed up and the menu options missing. When I mouse over the place where the menu items are the reappear. When I can finally hit ESC to get out of the menu it crashes FSX with a Fatal Error and then restarts FSX. The menu is restored to the center monitor as if nothing happened. The Event Viewer is showing the the FSUI.DLL file is causing the Fatal Error. It ONLY happens if I get into the 737 NGX and then leave back to the main FSX menu. All other planes perform as normal. I don't understand what went wrong. Why is it doing this? Is there a fix? UIautomation.DLL does not fix this issue.
  18. hello pmdg team.737 ngx is a very realistic addon but for the new sp i would like to talk to you about what i would like to be updated. 1.sound at take off the sound chanses a bit from ground to air watch this at landing after touchdown whatch it all 2. i would like a very realistic cabin (not cocpit) so i can move into the plane with ezdoc 3.the cocpit door to open
  19. hello pmdg team.737 ngx is a very realistic addon but for the new sp i would like to talk to you about what i would like to be updated. 1.sound at take off the sound chanses a bit from ground to air watch this at landing after touchdown whatch it all 2. i would like a very realistic cabin (not cocpit) so i can move into the plane with ezdoc 3.the cocpit door to open
  20. Hi all, I am new to the forum and I hope someone can help me due to me running out of ideas on how to fix this issue. Here is the situation: 2 days ago I bought me the PMDG 737 base pack for my new P3D v3 simulatior after changing from FSX. I accessed the precisionmanuals from my work laptop and also payed the addon via my work laptop. The problem i am now having is that my Gaming Laptop will not let me access the "precisionmanuals shop" area inorder to Download the addon. It is not even loading the website i am getting a blank white screen with the following error message: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) It also says that the Website is not secure .. I have tried next to everything i could find on google regarding this problem.. Has anybody have an idea how to fix this? Thanks in advance Andi This page is not secure.
  21. Hi all.. again.. The cockpit panel on my PMDG 737 ngx is not working. There is no way I can initialise the panels and everything is dark with the engines running, start levers are active. I cannot push any button.. any ideas.. Thanks again in advance guys.. Andili
  22. Hi everyone. First I have to say sorry for my bad english. When I fly on pmdg 737ngx, all displays go black. They are black like when battery is off and I can't fix it by switching battery off and on or anything like this. Autopilot continues flight on VNAV and LNAV, following the route and VNAV path normally, but all 6 displays are black. Only FMCs and secondary pfd are okay. Sometimes it happens to me on pmdg 777. I have pmdg 737ngx and 777 both SP1D and FSX acceleration. Any solution? Many thanks
  23. Hello avsim-users, Today I was flying a flight from Brussels To Ibiza in the pmdg 737 ngx of Jetairfly. I watched the progress page: flight time 2h00, then I watched jetairfly.com: flight time 2h45. How can I get a real flight time? Regards, Jetairfly737
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