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About josemartinic

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  • Birthday 10/10/1980

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  1. SLSU from Latin VFR awesome and really one of the 10 most dangerous airports try it or search on youtube
  2. thanks for your clarification, got i all mixed up.
  3. whta do you think about this product compared with FSBUILD and AS2012, would this replace these 2 programs, one for routing and other for weather? better to have one instead of two? forgot also TOPCAT
  4. Thanks!!! is it posible to see the route in a map also? or only shows you like a chart? Regards Jose Martinic
  5. How do you identify when a VOR is High, low range?
  6. can any check if it covers south american routes, star sids? interested on SLCB, SLVR, SABE thanks
  7. I think is to see the impact of the add-on on the scenery, I will like to see also SLSU and SLLP, can someone post those?
  8. How would you rate this product comparing with the Captain Sim 737?
  9. Hi there, I normally use RouteFinder from flightsimaviation but some times the routes sugested dont exist on FMC or there are some routes that dont find any suggestions, I normally flight in South america, which will be the best considering database, easy to use, graphic view like a google plan, VOR database, etc I hear some about FSBUILD but would it be wright for south america? thanks
  10. I have GEX, do I have to uninstall it? is it better?
  11. Hi, does any body knows missions to download and let the user flight them on the PMDG 737 NGX??
  12. Yes, I fly the NGX with that setup. It works perfectly. PMDG doesn't recommend using FSUIPC to calibrate, that's all. FSUIPC is otherwise great for assigning buttons and axes. The HOTAS is self calibrating anyway. yes I was Able to calibrate the reverse thrust only using TARGET works great and no need to FSPUIC yet thanks for your help
  13. Thanks!!! First I will try with TARGET software. Do you flight PMDG planes with that config? I red PMDG doenst recommend to use FSPUIC
  14. Hi, I know there is a post related to this but it explains how to config HOTAS using FSUIPC to config the reverse thrust but PMDG recommends to not use FSUIPC to do this, I was wonder has any have a PMDG FSX profile? has any have configured the reverse thrust using TARGET? or LINDA? Thanks
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