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About VeryBumpy

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  1. This program works a treat! Best $7 utility ever! Don't believe the frame rate snobs, this program helps greatly when frame rates are even in the teens. If you previously tolerated very low frame rates like I did, the largely improved smoothness is much more advantageous and pleasant than the program's induced negatives of ghosting and input lag combined.
  2. Interesting to know, seems longevity of the engines was paramount back then. Good info. I can say I've already tried several DC-6 wet takeoffs with high supercharger netting the takeoffs quicker and faster in all cases. I have yet to notice any additional plane wear and tear but the maintenance panel is not exactly highly defined (nor probably very accurate) with only basic dot color changes.
  3. Say you are taking off on a hot day from Flagstaff, AZ (7014 ft, 2138 m), is it not wise to use High supercharger setting on takeoff in steam gauge planes such as the Constellation or DC-6? Please give reason(s), thank you.
  4. Late to this party, interesting tech. What happens if you try to use this with low frame rates? Say 13fps, will it raise it to 26fps?
  5. Do GSX support vehicles still clip through planes, airport ground objects, vehicles and the like?
  6. This on mobile will probably sell well, on PC it will die.
  7. Yeah, Q3 is just not quite good enough. Seems the Pimax Crystal is the only one that is sharp in center and near very sharp at the outer edges.
  8. The lack of VR integration seems like a fairly large downside. Being able to scale fonts or windows so they are legible in VR is important.
  9. The upgrade from a Q2 is a no brainer large jump in quality. What we really need is a lay-mans Q3 vs G2 comparison of our sims various.
  10. Curious if the OP got something different? HP is going out of Reverb business. Lots of new, good HMD to sim with nowadays; especially if you don't care much about controllers and hand tracking.
  11. For those that tire of videos, he says... first thing is the most comfortable VR headset ever made number two has to be the OLED number three the black levels of the screen number four no screen door number five Beyond microphone number 6 the lack of inertia when dog fighting or Sim racing or even just moving around here
  12. Yes, thank you, looking for list of items per my main questions.
  13. Compared to an enthusiast sim user install of FSX (with addons), is there a list of what FS2020 still lacks or is addon unavailable? From searching I can gather a few things: seasons, multiple window viewports and replay. Just comprehensively trying to figure out, with 3 years of maturity, what's FS2020's status vs the old standbys (FSX/P3D). Thanks.
  14. Where there are little to no money constraints, amazing things can be done.
  15. I'm a big fan of the Aerosoft PBY-6 Catalina. Beautiful plane with many land and water options.
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