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Posts posted by UncleBob

  1. Hi. Could I ask if anyone knows where the sound.xml file is located? It does not reside in the sound folder where the "MSCarenado_D18S.PC.pck" file is located as it is in every other planes sound folder in msfs I have ever seen. In the "E:\msfs\Official\Steam\microsoft-aircraft-d18s\SimObjects\Airplanes\MSCarenado_D18S\sound"

    I can see that it is the same for one other plane I have that is called microsoft-aircraft. All the other planes in official folder are asobo-aircraft and they have all the xml file along with the pck sound package file in their sound folder.

    It seems this absence of the xml file where the pck sound package is located is only for "microsoft-aircraft" folders. Can the beech 18 load sounds without a xml folder?

    The reason for me looking for the xml is to change wwise=true to wwise=false in some of the engine sounds to play or at least try to have it play custom sounds. I made this work with other planes and I feel the carenado beech 18 has some good sounds but some that needs to be done better.


    Thanks for any help.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Fiorentoni said:

    FPS hit depends on the amount of planes loaded at the same time, so will be worse for bigger airports. You can however limit traffic to some percentage from 0 to 100 in the Traffic Controller tool. This will cover any case.
    For me FPS hit is between -2 and -7 FPS with the A32NX and everything on ultra (average CPU and GPU), that is with 100% traffic.

    That is fps hit I could live with and then it shouldnt relate to the ammount of airlines I install but rather  the percentage slider you mention. Thanks a lot, then I will go ahead and DL them all ))

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  3. This moderator should resign or be kicked off. What a rude little insulting person you are. The op question is valid and helped me cause I see in several youtube videos that the option for cold and dark are there in their controlpanel. In my controlpanel there are no option for it under the flight config tab. I have the q400 for p3dv4.

  4. 23 hours ago, ark said:


    I have the FSW MU-2 and L35. They are by far my favorite turboprop and jet a/c. These days I mainly fly the L35 with a single GTN-750. I also have the PMDG 737NGX, but don't fly it anymore. I much prefer the L35 - GTN750 combination over the FMC in the PMDG 737NGX since the GTN 750 allows for more hands on flying such as meeting airspeed and altitude requirements during SIDs and STARS. Admittedly the PMDG 737NGX is a superb simulation and the graphics are superior to the MU-2 and L35 graphics, but the hands on flying is more important to me. I am looking forward to the FSW Falcon 50 which will also use the GTN-750.

    As they say, "To each his own".


    Can I ask you if you are using any modifications to the MU and L35? Are there any mods of some sort to them? Im trying to figure out if it is possible to remove the glass effect on the cockpit windows, the side windows to be spesific. Maybe some soundmod for the mu like I feel its much to quite on the ground, landing and taxeing. I might be able to find something I can use in here. Anyways, thx for the reply.

  5. There is something about this. I almost bought it on an impuls and was afraid i was going to get burned. I like this bird very much. I think there is something with the flight dynamics that feels authentic. Im not a real life pilot so i couldnt say much about that, but it gave me an imersive feeling ive been missing out on with other developers planes that i have. Ive been looking to get a learjet 35 and wanted to ask someone here if you feel the one made by flysimware is a good one, or maybe even top of the list? If I have to chose from very good textures vs good flightdynamics I would chose the latter in a heartbeat. Thats why I like the mu-2b so much. I am only using VR in the sim so flightdynamics/systems are more important than textures, and the mu-2b is looking good in vr.

  6. On 10.3.2015 at 11:38 PM, caraguia said:

    Hello pmanhart,


    Carenado Gran Caravan HD series is fully compatible with P3D.



    I think you are mistaken there. The c208 ex hd is p3dv4 ready. The first version c208 fsx/p3d hd series is not. I used it in p3d v2.5 but it has transparent panel in v4. I figure it is from a business perspective they ditch the first version so they can sell more of the ex hd version. They upgraded the c337 skymaster to p3dv4 that was released around the same time as the first version of c208 fsx/p3d hd. But then again they only ever had 1 version of the skymaster. So this means if I want to use their grand caravan in v4 I have to buy the same plane, or at least the same type twice. There are some avionic differences between the 2 versions (maybe more) but still, buying the same plane twice isnt very good. Reminds me of captain sim business model.

  7. On 25.9.2017 at 9:56 PM, Taver said:

    I am wondering if it is going to get updated. Odd that two of my favorite Carenado planes have not been upgraded to P3DV4. The C208HD and the B200. From the best I can tell all the other Carenado planes have been upgraded. 

    Thinking twice about it I doubt they will update the fsx/p3d hd series to p3dv4 since they made a new version "ex hd"  that they have updated. They figure people will buy the same plane twice, so why update it. guessing lot of customer have bought it twice, but I am on the fence. I am not pleased with this, but who cares? Carenado? 

  8. Hello.

    I bought some years ago the c208 hd series fsx/p3d and the cessna skymaster fsx/p3d at the same time. The skymaster has been updated to p3dv4 and it works fine. The c208 hd series fsx/p3d has not been updated to p3dv4 and has transparent panel in v4. Any reason for that or will it be updated to v4 as the skymaster?



  9. If Alaska/Canada that I paid for are implemented in the full release and I buy that at full price I will have paid for Alaska/Canada twice. If you dont see this then it is a defensive point of view and certainly not within the policy "customer is king". When they release parts of a Whole Product early it is the Natural flow of Things to Upgrade from the part(s) you have already bought. Missing out on a special discount is quite ok, but removing all possibilities of building further towards a full released Product after they have released that full Products in part(s) is really not "customer is king".

  10. that is right, I transferred the Licenses to update vector, I had to do that to have my Products supported With updates. I had no idea my open lc NA Alaska/Canada would be lost.


    Now my dl link from flightsimstore is gone.


    I wasnt asked to buy it twice but that is what I have to do to get it back. Dont you see? Alaska/Canada that was released early is part of the full release lc NA. So if I buy full released LC NA technically I have bought that region twice.


    Having a 30 day special discount for early buyers is just fine and makes totally sense. You cant have a discount open for ever. But Close Down Peoples purchase in 30 days after full release is crazy.

    The normal thing to do here is to subtract the part I payed, Alaska/Canada from full price. How can this not be common sense and a decent approach to customers?


    Ok, if they refuse to honor my purchase towards a full released Product, then for Gods sake dont steal away the Product I actually payed for. It is gone, for now at least.


    My headline for the post that got me banned was a question. "orbx getting bigger, behavior getting worse?"  I just cant shake that question off. I used to love orbx Products but this has just destroyed my trust in them.

  11. Does anyone know If my open lc NA Alaska/Canada is lost for good?


    I bought Alaska/Canada back in march 2016 and missed out on the 30 day "discount" after full release.


    I complained about this in orbx forums and questioned the moral and legal reasoning for me having to buy Alaska/Canada twice. I said I was not looking for a discount but rather not be forced to buy Alaska/Canada twice wich is what I have to do to get the full release or even the Product I bought since there is no way for me to download just Alaska/Canada. The link in flightsim store are gone. There is also no way for me to download the Product i bought, Alaska/Canada, from ftx Central v3.


    I got banned from their forum trying to speak to other users in general discoussion.


    Is this really wrong of me, beeing upset about them taking my Money and denie me the Product i bought? And if I want to get the full release I have to buy Alaska/Canada twice really.


    They advertise that their policy is "customer is king", I mean, hello, heellooo, what is this?


    I am very dissapointed in having my rights as customer taken away and my Money i spent is gone. I can not get the Product I bought from ftx Central v3 or from flightsimstore.



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