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About mddc12

  • Birthday 03/09/1953

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  1. I have just bought this package with 2 dvd and I read that it is necessary to activate the game trough the internet. I have bought a new pc capable of playing this game and it that will be delivered next week. This evening, upon registrering in this forum, I have read an article that Microsoft has ended support for fsx from September 18th. So, the question is: Is it still possible to activate fsx via internet next week or not?? I was going to buy a good joytick and pedals but I am wondering if it will be lost money if I can not activate fsx. I have tried to find in Microsoft sites any indications on this issue but could not find any clear reply. If activation by microsoft is no longer available, are any other alternatives??? In the dvd box I have the original codes for the dvd's but in the manual it says that internet or phone activation is necessary. By the way, I am living in Europe and not in the USA/Canada. Would appreciate all help on this matter. I have been saving money to be able to buy a new,fast pc in order to play fsx and now this surprise...... thanks in advance for replies
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