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Posts posted by aquila40

  1. FGBT stock airport in FSX-SE is completely wrong, perched atop  mountains along the Equatorial Guinea coast ...but the actual elevation is 13 ft. with nothing but flat land in all directions.  I downloaded addon scenery which flattened the mountains and created a reasonable airport.  AI aircraft approaching rwy 21 land successfully but on approach to rwy 03, the heading is 010 rather than 028 and the plane lands on to the east as if approaching rwy 01.  What could be the cause?  In ADE, I've examined all the data for the airport and the runways but can't find anything with a heading of 010.  I presume that AI land on an installed runway. 

    (Does Prepar3D handle African terrain better than FSX where rivers and lakes are elevated like aqueducts?)


  2. Well, a bit more digging and I found the answer by Doug Linn at http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrSbgrMwx9aMo8AfUZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyZzAyMXM3BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjQ5ODJfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1512059981/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2freturn.mistymoorings.com%2ffaq%2ffiles%2fAI%20Boat%20Traffic%20for%20Dummies.pdf/RK=2/RS=8.uyOOvdplEyFaIHIh7g6Njvb18-

    It's a very concise and complete guide to creating ship routes.  The actual path can be created using Google Earth and quickly compiled.  I'm now riding along on the helo deck of a Coast Guard out of San Diego headed for San Clemente Island!  It took me less than an hour to find the guide, pull together the boat, the plan, and the route.  AI flight and ship routes really add a lot to FSX!

  3. I've enjoyed using AIFP to create many flight plans serving military airfields as well as adding mil_combat and mil_cargo parking using ADE.  I also enjoy having boat traffic, both commercial and naval, leaving my plane at the airport and launching my boat.  I'd like to create boat traffic and installed AI Boat Controller; however, the software is confusing (compared to the ease of AIFP) since it seems that a floatplan needs to be created from scratch using a text editor to add every detail. It doesn't seem possible to open an existing plan to see what one looks like (the samples included are informative) but having no template to follow and facing the task of listing every detail in every line of the file is daunting and discouraging (for me, FORTRAN and other coding).  I'm spoiled by the ease of AIFP and wondering if there are any ways to simplify the creation of boat traffic using AIBTC.

  4. I've enjoyed the WofAI, following various flights and interacting as much as possible (providing military airports with mil_combat or _cargo parking spaces, etc.)..  I've found that some AI aircraft are too high on approach and continue to go around or that they crash into the ground trying to get to the approach alltitude.  In the first case, I've tried tweaking the .cfg autopilot setting for vertical speed but to no avail.  In the second case, the aircraft was at FL320 20nm from the airport.  Is there any way to correct erroneous flight situations in free flight?  AI Controller seems to only relate to specific airports and approaches.

  5. Hi! I've just flown the Nile from where FSX decides to switch from a stripe on the terrain to a navigable body of water (north of Kako Keji, South Sudan) to where the 1800' elevation descends to the the 1500' of the surrounding terrain (just north of Juba).  The river actually flows downhill! I was able to stay on the surface in my amphibian and the elevation changed from 1800 to 1500 ... fantasic!  I can't understand why then didn't do it sooner since the ground elevation to that point was around 1500!  I think I have a new project ... navigating the Nile to find the breakpoints where the elevation changes.

    I guess I've become a bush pilot ... bored with regular airline routes (after years of VAs, I went with air-source.us which posts real world routes but have grown bored with that ... so, I've gone to AI and started with the military routes, modifying the airports with military activity using ADE so that the planes can land and taxi (they poof if there's no mil_combat or mil_cargo parking space or if there's no link from the runway to the taxiways).  I love flying in bad weather and mountainous terrain - Norway is super on both counts and, of course, South America and the Andes not to mention Alaska.  Europe in the winter is great for zero/zero conditions.

    I'm not ready to spend the cost of FTX Global or Vector but will keep looking.  In the meantime, I'll be trekking the Sub-Sahara! lol

    Thanks for the response!

  6. I've been exploring Africa by installing all the WoAI packages I can find (preferably obscure or extinct airlines) and following the various flights. A recent flight from HSSS to HSSJ (Juba, South Sudan) revealed the Nile to be flowing in an "aqueduct" 3000' above the surrounding terrain.  I had installed FreeMesh Africa and decided to try a different mesh scenery - AfricaSRT at simaviation- with the same result.  I can't imagine the difficulty and intensity the labor involved might be, but it occurred to me that MS may have made rivers and lakes resistant to change by the current mesh methods since they are usually flat and level, unlike the surrounding terrain.

    I've flown a floatplane and landed at various points near HSSJ and the elevation is 1800 or so ... Google Earth suggests it's 1500 or so ... the elevation of the airport,  Given how flat the terrain is in that area of Africa, it baffles me why the river should be 3000' above the terrain ...

    Anyway, any suggestions for African mesh, other than the high-priced FTX Global and those mentioned above? (does it address all of Africa?).


  7. I've been flying MSFS since the 80s and have never been able to perceive a difference a special mesh file makes in the flying experience. I'm currently using FSX-SE (Win10, Geforce1080) and have been flying routes in the Andes and Madagascar and airports are either sunken deep into a hillside or atop a plateau several hundred feet about the surrounding terrain.  The same for rivers and lakes.  I've installed numerous scenery files claiming to flatten and render realistic the anomalies.  I've used ADE to solve some problems but others defy the well intention efforts of scenery designers.  I love VFR flying, especially in mountainous areas, and it seems that both FSX and designers are unable to render terrain more forgiving .... trying to land in a chasm 2k feet deep is challenging but not the kind I prefer (poor visibility, rain, snow, gusty winds make FS enjoyable).

    What can I expect from a mesh file in terms of airports?  I run mesh complexity at 100 and resolution at 1m ... are there any other tweaks that will resolve the matter?

  8. I just installed FSX-SE and wonder if any of the addons FSX I've accumulated through the years are permitted with the Steam edition.  I particularly like to replace the minipanel with one that's more functional and can be found on avsim.  Can we edit any of the .cfg files? add Active Sky, Flight Sim Commander, etc.?

    not to mention addon scenery and aircraft ...


    What can I look forward to without spending many times the purchase price of the basic edition?

  9. I reinstalled Win7 and tried to install FSX but had many problems (it worked quite well before the Win reinstall). So, I installed FS9 and have enjoyed using FS Navigator again. I decided to connect to VATSIM after a number of years and installed FSInn; however, it still has the problem of connecting 2 aircraft in flight (or,a ghost of another a/c).  I tried installing vPilot but have been unable to connect to a server (tried all of them and checked firewall and vPilot is OK).  Just now, another vPilot problem arose:  failed to detect simconnect.dll.  (I won't complain about being unable to install FSX on a new computer due to MS policy but that's another story.)


    So, any suggestions re: vPilot connecting with a server?  (I can't find simconnect.dll) in FS9 (root folder or modules??).  Active Sky works well and mYAAS flight recorder from air-source.us which I believe require simconnect.dll.  FSUIPC4 installed and working.


    Perplexed and looking for some answers.



  10. "loading" = copied to the installer folder. I have to copy/paste them to the aircraft directory although I didn't select "manual" installation.

    regarding FSX, it would install but in flight would freeze.  I installed it on my laptop but couldn't activate it because, apparently, I can't install it on a different computer even though it was uninstalled from the original computer. I'm going to try to activate it by phone but I don't understand why FSX can only be activitated on the computer where it was originally installed.


    Thanks, so much, for you help!

  11. I just discovered that the traffic files are being loaded into a world/scenery folder on my desktop. i can copy/paste them to the correct folder but am puzzled as to why the Installer is sending them to a scenery folder on my desktop.

  12. Preamble: reinstalled Win7; had tons of AI traffic in FSX before; FSX wouldn't work in new Win7 install; decided to install FS9 and want to have the AI traffic: launched WOI Installer, got a bunch of packages, aircraft all there but where are the flightplans?


    I have the WOI Installer and AIFP. Where are the flightplans? were they downloaded along with the aircraft? does the WOI package include the flightplans? It's been a while since I did it all in FSX where I had no problems. do I have to go to avsim/flightsim.com and download flightplans from there?




    Any help appreciated!



  13. I've finally gotten SDK installed and started creating a mission. I can't figure out how to launch the mission compass and guide the pilot to a particular waypoint. I want to direct a pilot to an airstrip and descend to cross the strip rather than land on it (to check if the runway is clear of planes, bears, deer, etc.). I wonder if the Area Definition box is the way to go ... I'd like to have the dialog action occur a couple of NM from the strip.


    Thanks! This forum has been very helpful (thanks, Jim Robinson) in getting me into creating a mission!


  14. Hi! Well, thanks to your help, I've been able to begin creating a mission, complete with audio. I'm now trying to figure out how to direct the pilot to a particular way point with a dialog action suggesting a descent to view an airstrip and have the compass in the upper left corner appear.  The Area Definition is the only thing I've found that can trigger an aircraft's presence at a certain point.


    Anyway, I'll continue to plumb the depths of the forum in search of answers. Yours helped and encouraged me to try different things.


    Thanks, again!

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