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Captain Moe

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About Captain Moe

  • Birthday 02/08/1986

Flight Sim Profile

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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. Problem SOLVED! After experimenting a bit with the location/language settings in the control panel, I was finally able to get FSX to use dot as decimal marker. From that point, everything ran smooth and without any problems. I wouldn't have thought the problem would be located their in a hundred years! I'm really happy bout that and want to thank everyone who's part of this great community for helping me out with this problem, your help is much appreciated. Really looking forward to my future flights, see you out there
  2. Oh and I checked Bert's link, the user who created this thread seemed to have very similiar problems. I also had the issue when clicking on the map with the wrong decimeter seperation marks. However I couldn't fix it by changing the language settings. It seems like I'm getting ready for a complete hard reset today, would be about time anyway.
  3. I found out something odd, the problem with loading a free flight does only occur when trying to use the flight planner. So it would be unlikely if it was a problem with the savegame directory itself, do you agree with me on this one? If I start from a certain airport without flight plan/IFR I can load the savegames. Still they are bugged and have my plan crashing somewhere. I will try the program you mentioned and also Bert's advice. Many thanks for your numerous and helpful replies!
  4. Nevermind about the write protection stuff Storm, didn't read correctly, the folder is NOT write protected. I did some experimenting and started off different airports with different flight plans, the only issue left is the load game thing, other than that I would be perfectly happy edit: And thanks of course to the other posters. Indeed my system is set to german, but then again I am also using the german version of FSX, I'll check the link you provided anyway! Good tip about the ATC thing, I'll try that as well the next time it happens.
  5. Thanks for your replies, I checked my registry before the last uninstall/reinstall and couldn't find any more entries (did it after a tutorial, however I can't remember the url right now). Storm, I experienced a bit with the graphics settings and it seems the bouncing plane bug doesn't occur anymore, thanks for that one. The folder is not duplicated, but it is write protected indeed. However I can't figure out how to change that, if I uncheck the write protection boss and confirm, it automatically turns it on again, when I check it next time. For the ATC thing, I have no more options after I confirm my IFR clearance. Normally the ATC would tell me my read back was correct and the ATC menu would give me the option to automatically tune in to the desired frequency. But if this happens, I just get the notification "no messages to transmit to tower" or something similiar. If I tune in manually to the frequency, the program doesn't recognize that and the ATC screen just stays the same.
  6. Hi there guys, I am desperately looking for help to get my FSX running. First of all I'm using Windows 7 64 bit with FSX Gold. I'm experiencing the following problems: - If I start a free flight, my plane is stuck and bouncing at the gate/runway, like 90% of the time. It is of course impossible to do anythig then. - Sometimes if I'm lucky and the above doesn't happen, ATC won't reply once I repeated my IFR clearance. - To add to this awesomeness, I can't save freeflights. Well, actually I can save them, but not load them. If I try to save a free flight, I can also see my previously saved flights, but when chosing to load a flight (whether from a free flight or the free flight menu), I just see an empty list. - When ending a free flight, I also get the "gps not loaded bla" error, if that is from further importance I already tried several clean reinstalls (disabled UAC in win 7, installed in C:\ directory, executed setup.exe as admin, rebooted between installs, defragmented my hdd after installation), all this did not change anything. I also tried to google this issue but didn't come out with anything useful, any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm a patient person, but after trying to fix those issues for several days to no result, this really starts to annoy me :( Thanks in advance to all of you!
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