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Everything posted by marcori

  1. It would be nice to have a livery without tail number so that the one the one input in the game menu will be applied (not only in the dashboard label)
  2. Hi, would like to know if the removal from the command bar the button to toggle keeping the user plane centered in the map which I found very usefull) was a choice or a bug, because the possibility still exist on the map menu, with the same icon that in the command bar is esed for showing the user plane. Another issue is that the button in the command line to show the plane track, when pressed show or cancel the track of previous flight together with the one of the new flight. If you want to show only the new flight you have to close and restart the program before the flight. Previously you could keep the program open and deleting the track before starting a new flight. I realize those are minor issues, but for a very old user of Little Navmap are changes that I would have avoided. Thanks for this program that is my companion in all my flights.
  3. Hi, would like to know if the removal from the command bar the button to toggle keeping the user plane centered in the map which I found very usefull) was a  choice or a bug, because the possibility still exist on the map menu, with the same icon that in the command bar is esed for showing the user plane.

    Another issue is that the button in the command line to show the plane track, when pressed show or cancel the track of previous flight together with the one of the new flight. If you want to show only the new flight you have to close and restart the program before the flight. Previously you could keep the program open and deleting the track before starting a new flight.

    I realize those are minor issues, but for a very old user of Little Navmap are changes that I would have avoided.

    Thanks for this program that is my companion in all my flights.

    1. marcori


      Sorry mate, my post was not for you

  4.  in previous release there was an option to remove the track of the previuos flight, With this beta release there is a button that toggle the track on or off. The problem is that cancel the track of the previous flight but disabilitate the one of the new flight. If you recall the last one, the map shows the old and the new track. The only way is to exit the program and restart it.

  5. is it possible to change the colour of your own aircraft in the map and make it more visible (bright red or black instead of yellow). In alternative, changing the track from black dotted line to continuous coloured ? I have litlle Navmap on a second monitor and when I look at it to check my plane position, I find difficult to see it at a glance
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