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About James8133

  • Birthday 04/07/1996

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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. Good morning, I understand that Flightbeam recently changed their forums. So I created a new account and it says "Looks like you don't have access. This category is only available to select members." I have an issue with one of their products and I can't seem to get an answer. I've tried to contact them several days ago and I haven't heard back. Has anyone else encountered this issue where you can't access their new forums?
  2. Hello pilots, I BOUGHT ASN from it's ORIGINAL website back in April of 2015. For awhile, everything was working great! But lately, I've been having some issues with it. It has been giving me this error message saying; "Error! ASN cannot control ambient weather parameters correctly, thus it cannot function properly at this point and will shut down. Please make sure you have proper rights/ownership of the Program Files (x86) folder and have trusted/excluded ASN from your security software, as well as the simulator's as_srv folder and included .dll modules." What can I do to fix this problem? Sincerely, James
  3. Aloha Captains! I'm currently flying over the Pacific from Honolulu to Anchorage and I accidentally pushed the Run PF button instead of the Approach Brief button. Will that mess up my landing at all or will I be okay? Hopefully I'll be okay! Mahalo for your help James Stump
  4. I'm on my mobile device so I didn't see the whole thread. Geez bro, calm the heck down. Sorry...
  5. Thank you so much. So basically, let me get this straight, SweetFX will fix the grayish problems that I have with my Add on scenery?
  6. Hello, I have a question about DX-10. So recently, I have gotten some new airport sceneries for my Flight Simulator. At first, things were really looking great. I tested my planes out at the airports to see if things really worked. I noticed that something wasn't right at all. For an example; whenever I would load my plane at the gate, the whole jetway wouldn't have it's colors. The AES vehicles would be grayish too as you could see in the image below. So I rested my FSX and it was still doing it. I then came back to my computer the next day to give it a try. This time, I flew from Seattle to Anchorage. I had no problems landing but when I got to the gate the same thing happened. I went into my settings and turned off DX-10. For awhile that fixed the problem. I took off from Seattle yesterday and as I was approaching Anchorage, my FSX crashed. What are some ways where I can fix the grayish jetways? Should I have DX-10 turned on or off? Thanks, James8133 https://www.dropbox.com/s/y5e6a2tslxpgm6h/2015-3-1_19-54-40-889.jpg?dl=0
  7. Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to have the FS2 Crew for the 737 NGX and the 777 installed at the same time? When I purchased the PMDG 777 as well as the FS2Crew 777, I uninstalled the PMDG 737 NGX and the crew for the NGX as well. I kinda want to go back to the 737 but I don't know if that would cause problems if I have both of them installed on my FSX? James8133
  8. Thank you SO MUCH Bryan! Thank you for all of your hard work that you do for all of us! You're the best! Have a great day man! Sincerely, James8133
  9. Is there an extended download service for the FS2Crew?
  10. I could not find the sound fourm Bryan...
  11. Yes, that's what I meant to say. I didn't know how else to put it.
  12. Hello, I just updated the lasted update version of the FS2Crew for the PMDG 777. I had my plane sitting at London Heathrow getting ready to turn the Crew on and it allowed me to open everything up, but when I pressed "Play Config" nothing happened. I made sure that all the volumes were turned on INCLUDING the ones that were on FS2Crew. Is there ANY suggestions on HOW to fix this issue? Sincerely, James8133!
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