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Posts posted by HenningL

  1. The update we are talking about, I guess, is the large 1803 spring update.

    Here FS9 runs just as fine as it did before the update. It is fast and springy. No lags or spinning circles. In fact no problems at all.

    However I do have issues with the update not flight sim related. I had to reinstall the anti virus software, and now I have to manually enable the software firewall on each boot. And sometimes I cannot access my NAS from Windows and need to reboot windows to make it accessible. Very annoying.


  2. 3 hours ago, Bill A said:

    Hi does anyone know if REX Soft Clouds for fs9 is still available somewhere? I would love this add-on but having a hard time locating it since fs9 is dated. 



    Not available in stores anymore unfortunately.

    Recently I wanted to reinstall it, but the installer failed as REX has removed Soft Clouds from their servers. I own the online installer version. I contacted their support about it and after some mails back and forth with proof of purchase they sent me the full version.


  3. 39 minutes ago, Ted Striker said:

    You've got to be careful logging into the simmarket site. If I just do a search for simmarket with internet explorer it links me to the less secure http: site not the more secure https: site. I need to be remember to change the URL to https: before logging in.


    Thanks for telling. I just realised I've always been using the unsecure site. I was fooled by the "secure" in secure.simmarked.com.

    I now changed the link to https.


  4. Did you try installing the DirectX redistributeable package?

    If not its worth a try. Do a google search for the file directx_Jun2010_redist.exe.

    When you run it, it unpacks itself to a folder of your choice. From this folder you must execute DXSETUP.exe.


  5. Which is why I totally disabled their Updates. With Windows 10, it seems no matter what program you choose to open say an image, or a browser, Microsoft insists on wanting to change the association back to what they shipped with 10


    I struggled with this also for a long time after a Win 10 update back in december. I finally found the cause for this. It was Winzips File Association Helper that boots with Windows. I disabled this from booting with Windows. Problem fixed.

  6. The only times i've experienced a drop to 2-4 fps were when the vmem (videocard memory) got filled up so there was no memory left for extra textures. I resolved the issue by reducing texture resolution for the addon airports that had many high res textures. I used a videocard with 512mb memory at the time and that was not enough for some addons.


    How much vmem does your videocard have?



  7. I'm about to reinstall my FS9 on Win 7. I do not own any Flight1 products and wonder if the Ultimate Terrain series would be worth it. They are old by now and expensive. I own 100+ addon airports, mostly payware, and I wonder if there would be compatibility issues with UT.


    I also do not own any mesh products and no ground texture replacements either.


    Are there any other similar addons that I should consider?




  8. Hi,


    I'm using the Dreamfleet B58 and A36 with Reality XP gauges on Win 7 64 bit and they work fine.


    The Reality XP GPS however doesn't work. You probably know this is because the Garmin Trainer is 16 bit software and that won't work on 64 bit Windows. But you can easily fit some other GPS in or use the default GPS. I've made two different setups, one that use the GPS from Friendly Panels and one that use the default GPS.


    In the setup that uses the default GPS I have modified the panel.cfg to replace the Reality XP GPS with a coverplate and I then use the default GPS as a pop-up just as when flying a default aircraft.


    In the setup that uses the Friendly Panels GPS I modified the panel.cfg to replace the Reality XP GPS with the one from Friendly Panels (GNS430 for the A36 and GNS530 for the B58).


    When installing the Dreamfleet aircraft when the installer prompts you to install the Garmin Trainer you can click the skip button. This prevents the Trainer from being installed, but the rest of the aircraft and the Reality XP gauges install just fine.


    The Friendly Panels GPS I use come from this pack:



    The coverplate comes from this pack:



    The Simflyer pack also includes a GNS430 and a GNS530 that can be used in the Dreamfleet aircraft but I prefer the ones from Friendly Panels.


    If you want a copy of my modified panel.cfg files I can mail them to you.


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