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Everything posted by cfischaleck

  1. I had to unmark this thread as solved, because I was told by PMDG that the MD-11 doesn't use FNPLicencingService.exe. However, I got it re installed (no charge for the download, by the way ) and now it works again. But I have no idea what went wrong, actually.
  2. I downloaded it from the PMDG Site itself, and I think I've read it somewhere on their page. However, english is not my native language, so there's a fair chance I simply misunderstood something. Since you say there is no charge, I take back everything I said about my frustration with PMDG and them charging for re-downloading and appologize if anyone felt insulted. You were right, I just checked it and FNPLicencingService.exe is not showing up on the list. I've already submitted a new ticket. Thank you for your help, I really appreaciate it!
  3. I don't hold PMDG responsible for this problem. It's the fact (if it's true) that a re download of purchased software isn't free that irritates me. But that's an other story.. Is it my mistake? May I have accidently removed a programm from my computer that caused this? I really don't know, that's why I'm asking. Thanks for your help Rick, by the way. I think the licensing issue sounds likely. Where do I have to check the Services? If you're talking about the installed programms list on windows, then there's no FNPLicensing showing up.
  4. Hello everyone! This is my first post here, unfortunately a little bit frustrated one. I`ve bought the download version of the MD-11 for FSX some time ago, installed it and it worked perfectly fine. Didn't get to fly it much because of some time wasting months at University. However, I'm done with exams for a while and so I wanted to fly the MD-11 again, and after I loaded it, the 2D Panel is all grey, no textures, no Instruments, no whatsoever. The virtual cockpit screens are all black, there's at least the panel itself textured. I thought about reinstalling it, however I do not have the installer on my hard drive any more. I tried to find the download link, but it's not working any more. The only thing I found was an information that I have to buy another download ticket. Well, first: 1. Is there anyone out there who knows how I could get the panel back to life without reinstalling it ? 2. Well, this sounds like a joke to me. After spending like 60€ on the plane that stopped working for no appearent reason, do I really have to pay again just so I can download it again ? I really love the work these guys put into the planes, I had the 737 years back and because of my great experience with it, I bought the MD-11. But paying for it again? No, thanks. Any help is appreaciated, thank you Christoph
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