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  1. Hello again fellow simmers! I've seen some videos of the PMDG 737 ngx where people had different custom cabins and seats etc... and windows looking realistic (dirty)...... Could anyone please advise on how to get that? all my cabins with different liveries look the same.... Thank you!!!
  2. James, thanks for the links, they helped A LOT. I've downloaded the pdf with tweaks and used those cfg settings and tubed them a little bit and then tweaked with venetube again and then tuned again It was very usefull to start this discussion here for me and I would like to thank all contributing fellow flight simers!
  3. James, you pics look great!!! Will give it a try too.
  4. What about the temperatures? Everybody in the forums is warning me not to overclock.....but there would not be an option like that if it would be that dangerous I think.... Do you have extra cooling? Thanks.
  5. Thank you Jordan! I'll try to go with your Nvidia settings. Regarding the smartassembly - I've found in the forums here that the latesr FSUCIP update 4.90 fixes the problem, and apparently it did for me too....fingers crossed. Also, I am thinking of changing my HDD to a SSD for FSX purposes. Currently I have an OS SSD 128GB (not enough space for fsx) and a HDD 750 GB....but the HD is slow as hell..... I think running the fsx from a SSD will get it flyin smoothly.... Thank you!
  6. Jordan. thanks man! I will try your settings....the only difference between our settings is that I have C1E and BD PROCHOT checked and you don't . Anyway, I got a raise in fps more or less to a level where it is nice to fly except for the 3D cockpit where the fps range from 10 to 20 having 13-15 on average. So, I'll get there. The only huge problem now is the SMARTASSEMBLY ERROR that still keeps on killing me. Could any of you guys send me a link to a working (fsx) version of the UIAutomationCore.dll file? I would very much appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
  7. Well, I used Throttle Stop, looked a little better at first but not a lot, not at all. Temperatures got as high as 90C..... that's not quite dangerous is it?
  8. No, no such option I bios, only the OC option, I got confused. Will try ThruttleStop, looking at tutorials on youtube. Also a strange thing happened, after finishing a flight and trying to close FSX a fatal error occurs now..... this FSX software just never gets tired of bringing fun into your life does it? I've been finetuning in for the last week!!!! I mean, a whole week!
  9. I live in Moscow, and its still hot outside now during the summer but not as hot as in Jamaica obviously. So, do you suggest I do throttle stop via BIOS if it supports it or better via Throttle Stop utility? thx!
  10. Jordan, so you are saying that FSX runs fine on your laptop? Therefore I don't see a reason why I cant do the same. And you don't have throttle stop I guess.....does your cpu overheat? Thanx.
  11. As a matter of fact I do have an OC option in my Alienware bios
  12. Not an option, just recently got my Alienware...cant give up that easily, will fight to get FSX to work! Everything else besides fsx runs great
  13. Thanks guys! I see in Alienware forums that I'm not the only one having this problem on certain games. Will look into these things and post my results...
  14. Thanks for the replies. Yes, I downloaded the UIAutomationcore.dll couple of days ago and it helped preventing crashes from the menu of the game. Anyway, I deleted GEX Europe and only left UTX and ORBX Europe England (I think orbx besides England also affects the rest of Europe) and was able to finish the flight okay. Perhaps the problem was the conflict between GEX and Orbx because the crashes occurred right when I was leaving England and therefore the smartassembly errors. OC will be my last option of course. I will do some research before I do it and will try to get the fps up without it. And again, thanks for the help! :smile:
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